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Everything posted by BillsFan4

  1. Look up corporate welfare before you go getting mad about people not paying taxes. Bet you also don't care Trump hasn't paid taxes in years. He said it himself, that he used a $918M loss in 1995 to avoid paying federal taxes for years (up to 18yrs he can use it, but he wouldn't say how long it's been and he won't release his tax returns, so...) The rich get far far more tax breaks than the middle class and poor. There are some massive corporations that don't pay any taxes! Here's a list of corporations in the US that did and didn't didn't pay federal taxes. 18 of the largest corporations in the US didn't pay any federal taxes from 2008-2015. Rhere were 100 that didn't pay any federal taxes in a single year between that time period. You are talking Billions of dollars of federal tax revenue lost from just 1 corporation alone, let alone what's lost from all of them combined over this 8 year period. https://itep.org/the-35-percent-corporate-tax-myth/#.WMGvmBIrLUZ Oh, and welfare + food stamps only cost the average tax payer around $40 dollars per year. Where as the most conservative estimate I could find on what corporate subsidies cost the average tax payer shows a cost of $2436 per average taxpayer, per year. http://thefederalist.com/2013/09/30/calculating-the-real-cost-of-corporate-welfare/
  2. It wasn't just about profiling though. There was more to it than just that. I only quoted one small paragraph from 2 separate 160+ page reports. You get mad at CNN for twisting facts yet you do it to fit things into your agenda. Why was it clearly an agenda by the DOJ? and how did a president distort data by stops and arrests made by the police department themselves? Where do you think the DOJ data came from? Were the police in on it too? What about the judges? The president told them all to pull over, search, arrest and sentence people to fit his agenda? Show me even a scrap of proof from a valid source that shows what you claim. Otherwise your just completely making things up. These are valid reports. Not fake news.
  3. Same here. Depending on the 3rd and short situation there are actually times I'd prefer Tolbert in (like when you can't afford to lose yardage (not getting knocked out of field goal range or needing to pound it in there for 2 yds), as Shady at times has that tendency to run backwards and that can be dangerous when you're on the edge of a kicker's FG range. But when running the ball on 3rd and long, I'd rather have shady. He has a (much) better chance at getting the yardage.
  4. I posted this in another thread here, but here's a couple links to investigations done by thr US Department of Justice on the Baltimore and Chicago police depts. - https://www.justice.gov/opa/file/925846/download https://www.justice.gov/crt/file/883296/download "We find reasonable cause to believe that BPD engages in a pattern or practice of discriminatory policing against African Americans. Statistical evidence shows that the Department intrudes disproportionately upon the lives of African Americans at every stage of its enforcement activities. BPD officers disproportionately stop African Americans; search them more frequently during these stops; and arrest them at rates that significantly exceed relevant benchmarks for criminal activity. African Americans are likewise subjected more often to false arrests. Indeed, for each misdemeanor street offense that we examined, local prosecutors and booking officials dismissed a higher proportion of African-American arrests upon initial review compared to arrests of people from other racial backgrounds. BPD officers also disproportionately use force—including constitutionally excessive force—against African-American subjects. Nearly 90 percent of the excessive force incidents identified by the Justice Department review involve force used against African Americans."
  5. Huge win today guys! I am pumped. This defense looks legit for real and the offense was much better today.
  6. Agree with the announcers about that being too conservative a series by the offense. But at least we put up points this time. Should have on that last interception, too.
  7. You can say that again! I was just swearing so much I scared my dog. lol
  8. I don't know. I don't think so but damn has he sucked this year.
  9. Man we had sooo much momentum and Incognito killed it all. And now Tyrod gets sacked. Such a stupid stupid penalty by Richie.
  10. Looks like they were missing Dareus in the run game on that series.
  11. Damn, we are just gifting them yards right now Your welcome for the 6 points Denver.
  12. I hope so. This O line is most likely really going to struggle with pass protection today (not that they haven't the first 2 weeks...). I'm not sure if Tyrod is capable of getting the ball out quick enough though.
  13. Damn. I thought you were just joking about wanting a player injured. Yikes dude.
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