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Everything posted by BillsFan4

  1. Cam is finding holes in the zone all day long here. Brady is going to eat us alive...
  2. We look out-matched so far. Not all that surprising. This Carolina team is Much better than they showed last year. They had a lot of key injuries. Hopefully the Bills are able to elevate their play as the game goes on.
  3. Poyer looks like a great signing so far. I guess we now know why McDermott gave him starting S money... His 4 year deal could end up a bargain if this continues
  4. I expect some upgrades to be drafted in 2018. Until then, I think they will try to upgrade (off the scrap heap) any chance they get, like they did with Jelani Jenkins last week.
  5. Welcome! It's a great message board IMO. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
  6. I voted B on both. They made some mistakes but have done a lot of positive stuff too. I'm a big hockey fan and I am very excited about the Sabres future. They have some elite young talent and if that team is developed properly, they can be a competitor IMO. I really think Pegula got it right with Botterill. He's really impressed me with the moves he's made so far, and initial feedback IMO is that Botterill may have got it right with Housley. I love what I've seen from him so far and think his system is going to fit this team very well. It should be exciting to watch. We will hopefully know for sure in a couple years whether they got it right or not. As for the Bills, hiring Rex was a mistake. But it came after their coach surprised them and quit, and they kind of scrambled to do a coaching search they hadn't planned on having to do. I don't know that they were all that prepared for it. Plus, Rex is quite the personality. A lot of people love that guy and buy his act. Maybe the Pegula's fell for it, but they also quickly realized their mistake. Its also worth mentioning that the Bills had ran a version of Rex's D with Pettine just a season prior. Most didn't expect it to go so badly on defense. I am cautiously optimistic that the Pegula's got it right with McDermott as well. I've been a fan of his since the 2012+2013 panthers defense. 2015 was really an amazing run on both sides of the ball. That defense was just as much a part of that almost undefeated Super Bowl season as the offense was. And Beane has been regarded as a well respected up and comer for a while now. I remember hearing good things about him going all the way back to when he was named interim GM at a very young age (I think he was 34?). Him and McDermott seem to be in lock step and ot looks like Beane did a great job putting together his front office and scouting staff. The guy seems like a good team builder type and I'm exca ted to see what he can do. Plus, you have to look at how much money they've spent on both teams and the city of Buffalo, and they continue to invest money. They just recently bought AdPro sports and plan to create Moreno jobs in Buffalo. These owners are truly committed to making Buffalo a better place and it's very impressive. I feel very lucky to have them as owners!
  7. It's on again today from 4:30 to 5pm for those who missed it last night (like me). Thanks for the reminder thread 26! I totally forgot this was on.
  8. Anyone hear anything about people having trouble with the new update (17.1 or whatever it is) for kodi? I heard people were getting letters in the mail from their internet service providers and it was only happening with the new updated version and they'd have to use a VPN to be able to continue using it.
  9. I agree, it's way too early to read too much into it. But I still found it a bit surprising. He was the only guy from last year's blue line that I seen so far down the depth chart like that. All the other vets were higher in the lineup, so I don't think it had anything to do with seasoned guys seeing less time. Also, IMO I'd think that Housley would want the guys he sees as his starters getting as much time practicing this new system as possible. Usually, from what I've seen in the past, those guys on the 4th defensive pair are usually the guys that don't have much chance of making the lineup. They usually out the long shots down there. I honk it's way too early to say that about Gorges, but it's worth paying attention to IMO. Here was group B's defensive pairs - 6 Marco Scandella - 47 Zach Bogosian 41 Justin Falk - 93 Victor Antipin 82 Nathan Beaulieu - 5 Matt Tennyson 79 Vojtech Budik - 54 Brycen Martin
  10. Thanks for sharing. I really like Jordan Matthews so far. You can see why all his Philly teammates were so upset to lose him.
  11. I believe it that the Bills are top 10 in most hated teams. I have no clue why though. But you kind of see it in the comments sections of websites when they post Bills and Sabres articles. There is usually all sorts of hate toward Buffalo, and I even notice on some sites Buffalo has their own (very) dedicated trolls.
  12. https://www.nhl.com/sabres/news/phil-housley-jake-mccabe-sabres-defense/c-291072254 45 Brendan Guhle - 55 Rasmus Ristolainen 19 Jake McCabe - 27 Taylor Fedun 53 Devante Stephens - 8 Casey Nelson 4 Josh Gorges/58 Austin Osmanski - 38 Cody Goloubef I know it's just the very first practice, with split groups, but I found it interesting none the less that Josh Gorges was rotating in with Austin Osmanski on the 4th pairing with Cody Goloubef (who is here on a professional tryout). It's looking like Gorges could be fighting for a spot in this team. I wonder if there's going to be any way to watch any of those first 3 preseason games. I'm hoping to be able to find a stream somewhere but sometimes they don't broadcast the games at all.
  13. Lol. 15 for 24, 125 yards passing, with an average of 5.2 yards per pass and 0 TD's is dazzling? They love hyping these rookie QB's...
  14. I have no idea if it was an option. I've never heard that it was. Supposedly (from what was said) Whaley and Dorsey had that trade in the works for a week before the draft. So maybe they never bothered calling around when they were on the clock. Or maybe Houston wasn't willing to add the extra 3rd. Just watching Houston play though, it made me wish we had their 1st instead of KCs. I don't know what's going on with them right now but they don't look very good, where as KC look great. Houston's defense is much better than what they're showing though. I assume they will improve as the season goes on. Sometimes it just takes teams a bit to get going.
  15. I definitely wanted him re-signed... and I still want him here.
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