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Everything posted by BillsFan4

  1. Poyer has definitely been a very pleasant surprise so far. I just hope his play continues at this level or better. He could be a very high impact free agent signing for very little money, and we have him for 3 more years aft this, too. Those are the type of savvy free agent signings that successful teams tend to make.
  2. Dude, you're breaking your own rules! The regular season started 2 weeks ago. lol sorry I couldn't resist after our conversation the other day.
  3. My cousin actually got a letter in the mail from her ISP warning them to stop downloading movies etc. and they weren't hosting. I don't remember the exact wording of the letter or what they said the consequences were. Maybe it was just a threat and no action would have been taken. But it definitely would have freaked me out if it happened to me.
  4. Question for you - why does it matter exactly if you or I or any other fan is done with Tyrod? Do we choose the starter? If McDermott and the Bills are not done with him (and guess what, they're not, McDermott said Tyrod is his starter week 3) then what does it matter? I will continue to support whoever the starting QB is for the Bills. But I agree, he struggled yesterday. Pretty much the entire offense did. Even play calling was suspect at times. I believe I read that in yesterday's game Tyrod was under the most pressure he has faced in his 2+ years here. The O line struggled with pass protection and run blocking. They simply weren't winning their matchups. Shady had a rough game too. The execution by the entire offense just wasn't up to par. They all need to do better.
  5. Not sure if this was posted here already, but here's what the Bills players had to say from the locker room about this play. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-1/What-theyre-saying-Bills-react-to-a-close-loss-in-Carolina/0010bf2c-d25d-4fb6-b2fc-a1e1d16bbbac they all seem to think it was a mistake Zay made.
  6. Why do so many people assume the Bills will be trading up? This looks like it could be a deep draft (for QB and in general from what I've read). We may have a high pick of our own and be able to draft a QB without moving up. You don't need to be top 3 to get your QB anyway. The Bills have a LOT of holes to fill in besides just QB. I assume that they plan to use most of those picks on players, not a trade up for a QB who won't be a guarantee anyway. We should get a starting caliber player with KC's pick. If we get another Tre Shite caliber player I will be happy. If we end up with Tre White, Zay Jones (I believed we used KC's 3rd to trade up for him?) and another starter from the 2018 pick I'll be happy with that trade down. Plus, if you look back at trades for QBs into the top 5-10 of the draft, it has almost never worked out for the team trading up. Mike Vick is the only one I can think of. It's still TBD on all the trade up's the last couple years, wmaybe one of them will work out better. But as of now the list looks terrible for the team trading up. So the Bills made a calculated move to help fill their depth.
  7. I couldn't disagree with this thread any more than I do. McDermott was not even on my list of alarming things about this game. He has this defense playing very well already, and he doesn't have all that much talent at some key positions. I have been very encouraged by McDermott so far. The offense was by far the most alarming thing today. Good,post. Agree for the most part.
  8. Exactly. Jones was wide open. Even decent placement on that throw and it might win the game. I'll have to watch the game again, and the all 22, but as of now I can not even begin to defend Tyrod's performance in that game. To be fair, everyone on offense struggled though. The O line had a rough day. Shady had a rough day. But Tyrod was right at the top of the list of guys who had a bad day...
  9. I disagree. I rewound and watched that play about 3 times. That was a bad throw. Jones did everything he could to teach and grab it. He just couldn't dive far enough to get his hands firmly on the ball.
  10. A bit better throw and that was a TD... Man, that left a bitter taste in my mouth. Offense was absolutely freaking horrible today.
  11. Perfect way to end this inept half. McCoy tripping over John Miller... lol
  12. This is hard to watch. Offense looks beyond terrible. Truly pathetic so far. Tyrod may not even last until the bye week as the starter if this keeps up.
  13. Well hey, at least the offense ate up 30 seconds of clock...
  14. Man, If Cam Newton is eating this zone defense alive, just think about what Brady and some of the lather top QBs are going to do to it...
  15. This offense looks terrible today. They are taking the fun away comp,Evelyn so far and I think Tyrod ha s only attempted 1 pass of more than 5 yards. There is no possible way to win the way this offense is playing right now. This is just depressing.
  16. Wow, a whole 6 plays instead if just 3. Great job offense... (puke)
  17. Come on Tyrod. Quit checking it down and move the !@#$ing ball.
  18. 2 sacks in a row! And damn it... starting in the 3 yard line. Come on offense. They need to complete some passes. Carolina is so good against the run. They absolutely can Not go 3 and out again here.
  19. Come on now offense! Gotta get something gong and give the D a rest here.
  20. Right?! They look like they've never played against one at this point.
  21. The announcer just said he left with a sprained ankle/foot
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