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Everything posted by BillsFan4

  1. I like you! lol I think that's one of the biggest mistakes the media ever made was treating trump as a serious candidate. They had Trump stories on 24/7. It was his whole campaign strategy - say something controversial and get days worth of free publicity. They still have Trump on 24/7 on these 24 hour news channels. It's why I took them right out of my channel lineup. My TV automatically skips all of those 24 hour news channels now. I do my very best to ignore anything trump related. But it's kind of hard not to get sucked into this crap on occasion.
  2. I completely disagree. I think those things I listed clearly show his racial prejudice. You still ever explained why those statements are not racist. You just keep saying they aren't. But why? Why is saying there won't be another black president for decades not racist? He equates all black people as the same. Or saying a Hispanic judge can't rule fairly on his case because he is "Mexican" How do you explain away not renting to black people and getting sued twice by the government for racial discrimination? That's not racist??? Get real man. Or getting fined $200,000 at his casino for having black card dealer removed? Or the reports of employees saying they were forced into a back room when Trump came to visit? Or the report of him asking a golf buddy if he ever "F***** n-words" The are lots of stories like this about him... Or him referring to minorities as "THE blacks" "THE Mexicans/hispanics" "THE muslims" Or wanting to ban All Muslims from entering the US. That's an entire religion that makes up almost half the worlds popluarion, and trump talks about them like they are a race. I honestly don't understand how people can't see this guy is racist...
  3. Omg are you serious? Wow. Fox News is actually one of the, if not the worst, offender But they are a conservative news channel you you identify with them and be,ieve what they say because it fits your beliefs.
  4. I laugh when I think about some of the things the right got mad at Obama over. Like saluting with a cup of coffee in his hand. Or putting his feet on his desk. Or the White Houses Christmas tree decorations. Or how often he golfed (but now it's fine that trump golfs all the time and is on pace to spend more on travel in his first year than Obama did in 8 years). Can you even imagine if he had said or did 1/4 of the crap Trump has? OMG it would have been the most epic melt down of all melt downs...
  5. Totally agree. They need to pick a different way to protest than kneeling during the anthem. Kneeling plays right into Trump's hand. It also immediately turns off a segment of the population to the message thry are trying to deliver. Those people won't even attempt to listen to the message because they are so angered about kneeling during the anthem.
  6. Study by the US dept of Justice on the Baltimore Police. Spoiler - they found racial prejudice. https://www.justice.gov/crt/file/883296/download "We find reasonable cause to believe that BPD engages in a pattern or practice of discriminatory policing against African Americans. Statistical evidence shows that the Department intrudes disproportionately upon the lives of African Americans at every stage of its enforcement activities. BPD officers disproportionately stop African Americans; search them more frequently during these stops; and arrest them at rates that significantly exceed relevant benchmarks for criminal activity. African Americans are likewise subjected more often to false arrests. Indeed, for each misdemeanor street offense that we examined, local prosecutors and booking officials dismissed a higher proportion of African-American arrests upon initial review compared to arrests of people from other racial backgrounds. BPD officers also disproportionately use forceincluding constitutionally excessive forceagainst African-American subjects. Nearly 90 percent of the excessive force incidents identified by the Justice Department review involve force used against African Americans." "There is overwhelming statistical evidence of racial disparities in BPDs stops, searches, and arrests. This evidence demonstrates a discriminatory impact on African Americans under Title VI and the Safe Streets Act."
  7. They are not just protesting police shootings. They are protesting police discrimination. It does exist. Here's a couple of investigations by the US department of Justice if you're interested - https://www.justice.gov/opa/file/925846/download https://www.justice.gov/crt/file/883296/download I am not going to argue any more as to the validity of their protests. But they have that right in this country. Why is a song more important to you than the actual constitution of the United States? That song doesn't give us any of the freedoms we love. But the constitution does. As far as his POW comments, it sure sounded like he was referring to more than just John McCain. Trump said "he's a war hero because he wa captured. I like people who weren't captured". And what in the world does that gold star family and soldier being of the Muslim religion have to do with anything? Trump attacks the family of a soldier who gave his life for the United States. Your showing your true colors with that Muslim comment... Of course Trump's attacks on true soldiers wouldn't bother you. But someone kneeling in protest of racial discrimination would, that is in no way attacking our soldiers or country. They are protesting specific issues, not the flag or military. But trump attacks military heroes and you have zero issue with that.
  8. Wow. Very well said. I wish I could have said it as eloquently as you... "snowflakes"... lol. (I hate that stupid word) But I have no idea why anyone would take offense to what the Pegula's said. I didn't find anything they said offensive in any way.
  9. Are you mad at trump for making these divisive comments that are causing all this backlash? Or is that fine because you agree with his point of view? Question, were you this mad at Trump for his comments disrespecting POW's and that gold star family? Those comments actually were direct insult to our veterans. But my guess is that those comments probably didn't bother you nearly as much as thinking about someone not standing for the anthem. Why is their opinion automatically wrong, BTW? Also, are you saying that that most everyone stands for the national anthem watching the game at home? I have never once done that or been around anyone who has, and I have watched a ton of Bills/Sabres games with tons of different people. They usually don't even show the anthem during Bills games. Now next time they play the anthem on tv I am going to picture you at home, standing with your hand on your heart, forcing everyone else there to do the same. Haha
  10. That was actually pretty damn funny. Thanks for sharing. But you forgot the part where after a few random tweets at canada he can't get them to pay for the stadium (which most everyone, including trump himself, knew would be the case), so he tries to pass the cost along to the taxpayers with promise that Canada will someday pay it back. My guess as to what would happen next... the taxpayers (and/or NYS) refuse to pay for "Trump-dome", a record breaking $14B stadium with a roof made of solid gold, he takes his team and goes home (home being wherever he could move the team that would be the most profitable for him).
  11. Why can't you just ignore it? You think the players should be able to ignore it and the comments were aimed directly at them, their fellow teammates and their place of employment. While none of this stuff has anything to do with you and you are still taking issue with it. You can't just ignore it yet you expect the players to do so. I know you will say "well it's their job" and I agree their job is to play football. But they are not prohibited at their job from expressing their viewpoint. Read all of the different owners who made statements today. Every one of them supported their players rights. They are allowed to feel however they want and express their opinion, just like you. They are also allowed to peacefully protest if they so choose. It is one of the rights our great constitution gives us. I agree though - take it out on the Broncos and win a damn football game!
  12. Not sure if this was posted yet, but here is Terry and Kim Pegula's statement on Trump's comments and the team netting about it - http://buffalonews.com/2017/09/23/terry-kim-pegula-trumps-remarks-divisive-disrespectful-entire-nfl-community/ Sounds like whatever the players decide to do, they have the owners support. I love that they seem to be trying to use this event to bring the team together instead of allowing it to divide them (per Pegula's comment)
  13. Good for them. I fully support the decision to do so. I just really hope they choose something besides taking a knee during the anthem. I'd rather they show a video like the Browns or do something before/after the anthem. As soon as you start protesting during the anthem, you are going to immediately make a segment of fans (not me) angry/hostile and they aren't going to listen to what you have to say. It's probably going to make Trump supporters angry no matter how they choose to protest this, but that's beside the point...
  14. http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/birthers/birthcertificate.asp http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/birthers/kenyacert.asp
  15. I addressed that in the post right above yours (post #62) 'And I guess I misquoted him a bit on the immigration thing. I was going by memory. But to say he never said that is not true. Here's the exact quote - When Mexico sends its people, theyre not sending their best. Theyre not sending you. Theyre not sending you. Theyre sending people that have lots of problems, and theyre bringing those problems with us. Theyre bringing drugs. Theyre bringing crime. Theyre rapists. And some, I assume, are good people. Like I said I was going by memory and I did misquote him somewhat. But it's not like I totally made it up. When you combine that comment with the many other comments he's made on minorities, you start to see a very clear pattern and way of thinking. He's continually linking minorities and crime. It's also the way he's referred to different races. "The blacks" "the Mexicans/hispanics" "the muslims" (not even a race). There is just a overall pattern that's clear to see. (at least IMO)
  16. Here's that first quote, since you seemed to wonder if it was accurate - https://mobile.twitter.com/Freeyourmindkid/status/908195007936520192/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.distractify.com%2Fpolitics%2F2017%2F09%2F16%2F1uwRtG%2Fcomedian-racist-tweets-trump-2013 How is that not racist? Please explain. It Seemed very racist to me. You do have a point about that data not differentiating between hispanics and whites. I've seen other data when I looked into this statement previously and could not find anything to support Trump's claim that violent crime in Major cities (not inner cities) is overwhelmingly black and Hispanic. But it's not even the exact numbers. It's that he seems to think that the majority of blacks and hispanics are criminal types (from multiple different things he's said and tweeted) I don't see how I really misquoted him on the Hispanic judge. He even elaborated on those comments in a couple separate interviews. Here's just one quote from 1 interview - http://www.cnn.com/2017/04/20/politics/donald-trump-gonzalo-curiel-jake-tapper-transcript/index.html TAPPER: But you're saying you can't do his job because of that. TRUMP: Look, he's proud of his heritage, OK? I'm building a wall. Now, I think I'm going to do very well with Hispanics because they are going to get jobs right now. They are going to get jobs. I think I'm going to do very well with Hispanics. We are building a wall. He's a Mexican. We're building a wall between here and Mexico. The answer is, he is giving us very unfair rulings, rulings that people can't even believe. This case should have ended years ago in summary judgment. The best lawyers I have spoken to so many lawyers, they said, this is not a case. This is a case that should have ended. TAPPER: I -- TRUMP: This judge is giving us unfair rulings. Now, I say why? Well, I'm building a wall, OK? And it's a wall between Mexico. Not another country. TAPPER: But he's not from Mexico. He's from Indiana. TRUMP: He's of Mexican heritage and he's very proud of it. And I guess I misquoted him a bit on the immigration thing. I was going by memory. But to say he never said that is not true. Here's the exact quote - When Mexico sends its people, theyre not sending their best. Theyre not sending you. Theyre not sending you. Theyre sending people that have lots of problems, and theyre bringing those problems with us. Theyre bringing drugs. Theyre bringing crime. Theyre rapists. And some, I assume, are good people. That, to me anyway, seems to imply he thinks the majority are bad. Trump has quite a history of racism going back decades. He's had civil complaints filed against him by employees for racial discrimination and many have told stories of his racism (like making all the black employees go into a back room when him and Ivanka visited for example). Him and his father were investigated for years back in the 60's and 70's for not renting to minorities and sued 2 separate times by NY State. At one point they didn't have anyone besides white people living in their apartments. Out of 3700 apartments, only 7 were rented to African Americans and almost all 7 had to force their way in. Here's a good read in that if you're interested - https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/28/us/politics/donald-trump-housing-race.html We obviously see things very differently. I could continue to list examples but If you can't or don't see racism in any of those remarks (or legal actions) I've already listed then there's really not much more to say here. We will just have to agree to disagree I guess.
  17. I'll start with a couple. Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Sadly, because president Obama has done such a poor job as president, you won't see another black president for generations! Or this one saying the overwhelming majority of all violent crime is committed by blacks and hispanics - https://mobile.twitter.com/Freeyourmindkid/status/908172588886753280/photo/3 Here's the crime rates by race - https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2012/crime-in-the-u.s.-2012/tables/43tabledatadecoverviewpdf Or the one where he said his judge in the Trump University scam case has a conflict of interest because he wants to build a wall and the judge was of Mexican descent. Or when he said that almost all immigrants coming in to the US were rapists and drug dealers. (again, not true)
  18. Calling the first black president a Muslim from Kenya had nothing to do with his race? Come on man. I agree it was also for attention though. He is a total attention whore.
  19. There's no need for the media to create anything in regards to Trump's racism. Trump does that well enough on his own. Just curious, what do you think the motivation behind Trump's birther movement against Obama was? You don't think it had anything to do with skin color? Calling the president a Muslim from Kenya and continuing to do so even after the president released his long form birth certificate has nothing to do with his race? There are plenty more examples of Trump doing, saying and being sued for racist things, but if you can't see it then there's no point in me trying to list them. I'm sure it's all just a coincidence that so many of the most racist people in America all seem to be a part of trump's voter base...
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