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Everything posted by BillsFan4

  1. Here you go - http://www.businessinsider.com/fbi-report-trump-housing-discrimination-2017-2 Oh, and just for good measure, here's another one on how he's been to court over 3500 times, almost half of those for lawsuits against him for many different reasons - http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/281908-report-trump-involved-in-3500-lawsuits
  2. Well said. Same here. But just a thought - if Trump has the same amount of power as Kim Jong Un has, how scared would you be of what he might do? Could you see him doing some of the same type of stuff? Maybe he wouldn't take it to the same level as Kin Jong Un has. But I could easily see him rounding up people and putting them in concentration camps and stuff like that. He even pardoned Joe Arpaio for doing something very similar. He wanted to kill those Central Park 5 before there was any proof...
  3. When you have a president who has a long history of saying and doing things that could easily be considered racist (and who's been sued by the government (more than once) for racial discrimination), race is going to be a topic of conversation. I don't think it has anything to do with "that Barack guy" no longer being in the White House. It has to do with who replaced him. When have so many athletes refused White House visits before Trump? I don't remember this happening with so often with Bush or Clinton or Obama. Trump appeals to a very specific base. The rest of us pretty much seem to hate him (and with good reason IMO), so it's not all that surprising that athletes don't want to meet him. I sure wouldn't. I think withdrawing the invitation makes him look petty and ego driven, like mostly everything he does.
  4. Yup. If people want to say that not picking up the option was a mistake, I understand that. But that decision was made before a Beane got here. It was made by a first time head coach running things after the previous GM was fired and before they found someone to replace him (and whoever else in the front office was helping him, which if there is truly the bad blood between Sammy and the front office that people like Boyst and other have been saying, they may have influenced McDermott's decision). Beane made the best of the situation he was presented. He decided that getting a starting CB and a 2nd round pick was better than letting Sammy go for nothing at the end of the year or tagging him and using roughly $17M of their $30-ish Million in cap space on a WR. According to over the cap, the Bills have 34 pending free agents. That's a lot of holes to fill, especially if you eat up $17M for 1 WR who barely got the ball 6-7 times a game.
  5. Oh man, I wish I wouldn't have even clicked on that. I try not to pay much attention to what he says, so I hadn't seen a lot of those tweets.
  6. You spout soooooo much nonsense. I never once said Tyrod was good enough. In fact, I don't think he is and I have said so multiple times on these very boards. The Bills need to find their franchise QB. Check my post history. Go ahead. Find one time I ever said Tyrod was good enough. I'll wait... Also, Tyrod may have had a bad training camp, but everyone said he was still the best QB on the roster and the other guys had even worse training camps. They all said Cardale was by far the worst out of them all. Yet you think he should start for some reason when he hasn't even come close to earining it. They had to show him how to hold a football. Worked with him half of last season on that. Then this year they had to show him how to hand off a football. Boy, that sure sounds like a guy ready to start... I don't hate Cardale by the way. You are just so ridiculous with your takes on him that when I point out all his flaws and how he is nowhere near ready to start in the NFL, you take it as I hate him. He is just as raw as a QB can be from barely every playing in college, and has a lot to learn before he's ready to start. That doesn't mean I hate him. It came down to either Cardale or Nate Peterman, and I chose Nate a Peterman and would make that choice again. The Bills were only going to keep 1 QB to develop and I think they made the right choice. Why does JT Barrett matter in all of this? I better hope he goes higher than Cardale? Lmao. Why is that? Just because OSU's coaches thought he was better than Cardale and played him over Cardale I better hope he gets drafted higher? Um, ok then... Where do you come up with this stuff? Oh, and I'm not mad at all. Your takes are pure nonsense. Your just a troll and everyone here knows it. I don't let trolls bother me. I'm done now. I already know from past experiences that responding to you is a waste of time. I don't even understand how you are still here since you were banned under a different user name... Honestly, I've never used the ignore feature on any message board I've ever been on and I don't want to use it. But if you keep responding to me with these absolutely ridiculous troll posts, you will be the first ever person i put on ignore.
  7. My main point was that everyone seems to blame this new regime for having this "ancient" roster (I also took issue with the word ancient), but even with the cuts and trades of younger players they made, the roster is only 0.4 years older than it was last year. They were 26.3 last year and are 26.7 this year. So this new regime started with an older roster to begin with (which could be part of the reason they are collecting draft picks to rebuild). And when they add all those young draft picks next year (the Bills and a Browns hold the most 2018 draft picks in the NFL) it is likely going to substantially lower the average age of the Bills. 6 picks in the top 3 rounds that are all likely to make the 53, plus who knows how many from the 4th-7th rounds. They could be like the Browns and keep every one of their draft picks... lol.
  8. http://www.phillyvoice.com/ranking-nfl-teams-age-after-53-man-cutdowns-2017-edition/ The Bills average roster age is 26.7 years old. The NFL average is 25.7. The Bills average age in 2016... 26.3 yrs old. I think it's likely the Bills average age will be NFL average or better next year just from the 6+ top 90 draft picks. Kyle Williams possible retirement would also lower the average. But there are a lot of holes to fill on this roster for sure, and they could possibly take a step back next year depending on what they decide to do with the roster. I don't see it being an age related thing though (besides maybe having to replace Kyle Williams).
  9. Dude, wtf are you even talking about? Go ahead and find one time I ever said anything even close to "Tyrod is all that". All I ever said in our conversations is that he was better than Cardale Jones, when you said Cardale should be starting for the Bills this year and he was their only shot at winning (Lmao and you want to try and call me out for bad football takes? haha). I still stand by that. Right now Tyrod is a better QB than Cardale Jones. How could any reasonable and sane person argue otherwise? Because Cardale started the last 3 games of a championship season for OSU he's a better NFL QB than Tyrod? Right... And Wtf does it matter about OSU? They won most of the season without Cardale the year they won that championship. He only came in for the last 3 games. And they won just as many games without him as they did with him the year he started for a bit. It's a different team every year though. Players graduate, get drafted etc. Oh, and the only time you ever get to come and tell me "I told you so" is the day that Cardale Jones turns into this great franchise QB that you think he is. Until then, keep your terrible football takes to yourself and leave me alone.
  10. Corey Glenn has been Very reliable before this season. He hardly ever missed any games until this ankle injury. It'd be a shame to dump a damn good franchise LT because of one injury plagued season.
  11. I think "time to throw" is how long it takes Tyrod to throw the ball, not how much time the offensive line is giving him to throw. Holding onto the ball too long before he throws has been an issue of Tyrod's.
  12. I'm just waiting for one of these 2 loudmouths (Rex and Rob) to violate the non disclosure agreement that was likely in their contract (seems like something Pegula puts in every exec & coaches contract), and lose out on all the money they have left on their contracts... Yup. People love to blame McDermott for this one (and Gilmore too) but that is just BS. Whaley had a year to sign Woods and 2 years to sign Gilmore. It was reported long before McDermott got here that the Bills were not willing to go above $11.5M on Gilmore and that they weren't even negotiating with Robert Woods (whether that was because they didn't want Woods, or woods didn't want to be here I don't know. I do know that there were reports of him wanting to go home to cali though). Plus the Bills only had $19M in cap space entering the offseason, with 26 free agents. That's a lot of holes to fill and very little cap space to fill them with. Especially if you give Woods $7M and/or Gilmore $13M.
  13. Yeah, but Sammy is a free agent at the end of the year too, and he will be a LOT more expensive to re-sign than Gaines. It's very likely that the Bills are able to sign Gaines for a good cap hit. It's also not fair to assume that they will waste that 2nd round pick. We have a brand new front office, brand new personnel dept, brand new scouting staff from top to bottom. There are a lot of GM candidates and ex GM's on that staff. On paper, this looks like the best front office staff we've had since probably the Bill Polian days. Let's wait and see what they do before assuming that they will suck.
  14. Good for Hauschka. I do like to think that racism has gotten better since I was a child. But it is definitely still there. I don't know if it will ever go away completely, but it seems like these newer generations are becoming less and less racist than previous generations. I don't think some will ever be able to overcome their racism, partly because they don't see themselves as racist. I know people who will openly talk about how they hate "n words" and won't talk to family members because of the color of skin of who they date. Yet they don't see themselves as racist. It's hard to address a problem with people who don't believe that problem exists, or don't realize that they are part of that problem.
  15. This was my thought, too. They beat a terrible Colts team starting a terrible QB, and then they beat the 49ers (who will most likely be a bottom 2 team) by a whole 2 points and now the Rams 2nd round pick will be bottom of the round and they might win their division? I mean, I guess it could happen. But let's hold off on the hot takes for now. We are only 2 games into the season and the Rams played two crappy teams.
  16. Damn. What a catch by Sammy. Great job tracking that ball. Great pass by Goff, too. He looks much better this year (so far). I'm actually surprised by how much better he looks.
  17. I just recently found out that there are legitimately people who believe the earth is flat. I was absolutely blown away. Just the list of things that you would have to believe are lies hurts my head to think about. Time zones, gravity, shadows, satellites and satellite imagery, hurricanes and wind patterns, the Hubble space telescope, international space station, all the astronauts, pilots and commercial passengers who have seen the curvature of the earth with their own 2 eyes. Flights that have circumnavigated the globe non stop. Ships slowly appearing on the horizon. Lines of sight from higher viewpoints. The list goes in and in and on. But I guess you can find something on the internet to back up any viewpoint you have these days, no matter how irrational or insane it might be.
  18. It seems like there's been a huge increase in trades recently. Especially this season. I like it.
  19. Damn. Jenkins didn't stick long... Wonder what the exact reasons were.
  20. It gives me hope that this coaching staff knows what they're doing and what they're looking for. McDermott and his staff seemed to make revamping the secondary a priority and so far the early returns are good. It's going to take some time, but hopefully their remake of the rest of the team goes as well...
  21. Good stuff. Thanks for sharing. I always love the Beyond blue and red/gold series. Interesting that it sounds like Bob Babich played a big role in getting Poyer to Buffalo.
  22. I've always wanted to visit Astoria, OR ever since I seen The Goonies. lol See the house where it was filmed. Visit Ecola State park. See Haystack rock. Always wanted to visit Oregon in general. Seems like a beautiful state and a cool place to visit.
  23. Thanks for posting this. It's always interesting to read an outsiders perspective. Our entire offense had a rough day against your defense. Man you guys have some talent on that D... Been a fan of Carolina's defense since about the end of the 2012 season. I was impressed by the jump that defense made from 2011 to 2012. I felt like they could be a really good defense and 2013 really proved that they were. Early returns on McDermott's Buffalo Bills defense are pretty good. Last I looked we were ranked #2, right behind you guys... we don't have nearly the talent Carolina does, so I don't expect us to finish the season ranked that high. But it's an impressive start none the less.
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