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Everything posted by Radar

  1. They don't suck but they do have weaknesses that must be fixed.
  2. Yep, you need the quarterback in today's game. They aren't easy to find a franchise type guy. We're fortunate we didn't draft that other Josh most here would have taken.
  3. If the Jets had a quarterback comparable to Allen they're the better roster. Like their defense better. Actually Miami is moving up on us in my opinion. This is becoming a pretty strong division.
  4. Jocks need to be jocks. I missed the days when sportsmanship wasn't considered a weakness.
  5. Romo is still the best former player in a booth. Most former players flat out suck.
  6. The only positive is at least now we'll not assume we have a great defense. Injuries or not we're soft defensively. Stats are stats and,yes, they look good but next season both sides of the ball will be scrutinized. Personally I'm more inclined to look at on field talent than coaching.
  7. I believe he is and there is " some" consensus " but I'm sure there are those who could argue given time periods and the league now is much more a passing game than it was fifty years ago.
  8. At this point no comparison. Brady just my be the best of all time. We're talking football I assume? Geesh.
  9. I agree they feasted on weaker opponents and only by thin margins on many. Josh, Diggs and Milano are surrounded by pretty average players. That's true of many teams though. We need to be stronger up front both offensively and defensively. Agree need more "take what their giving you" offensively.
  10. Hold on now I'm going to be 80 in a month. Please use the term kindly. Say deliberate?
  11. Well this should be a big help...............for the Bills!
  12. Please understand I'm not being emotional at all. I predicted this loss beforehand. It's not a reaction to this game. It's observations made for half a season of games that we won most of. I should add I've been a fan since the inception of the franchise and my grandchildren are older than your daughter.
  13. Yes, he said so. And I say so also. If you couldn't see this coming take off the rose colored fandom glasses.
  14. Yes, it was a bad day. I could see it coming for weeks though. Our defense has always been a question mark for me and please don't throw out stats. They're soft and fold at critical times. This is not just this year either. Our offensive line? Maybe one of the worst. Basically a top five quarterback and receiver, not hard to defense against when that's your offense. Coaching average to slightly above if being generous. Drafting? Very average other than hitting on Josh Allen( not taking anything away from that.)
  15. Glad I don't participate on Twitter and cancelled Facebook as well. Us men who point fingers at women gossips? What a joke.
  16. You nailed it. Been saying all along aside from those three we're a team of basically very replaceable players. Front office needs to do much better. The Allen pick aside they've done a very questionable job frankly.
  17. Agree. But we need offensive lineman and a #2 receiver to accomplish this. Just changing coordinator wouldn't in itself solve the no running game.
  18. Why even post if all you have is garbage. Back at Ya.
  19. Can't argue too much with this really. My main concern is it seems other division teams are improving and can we keep pace. Start with upgrading our O line and a legit #2 wide receiver. Get back to taking what the defense gives you and not depending on 40+ yard plays. We did that early and got away from it. Is this a great coaching staff? Maybe not but on field talent is the big problem. Looking at you Mr. Beane.
  20. Regardless of terminology...... Pretty much an accurate assessment.
  21. Both lines are bad. You can only do so much n one off season. Improve O line and #2 legit wideout.
  22. Sounds good but he's limited by the players he's working with.
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