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Everything posted by SinceThe70s

  1. I'm watching SNY and they just popped up this quote from Mets pitching coach Dave Eiland: “Don’t let hitters get comfortable. When you’re pitching, you have to be feared. There is one stat I hope we lead the league in, and that’s hit batters." I think Syndegaard will get along very well with his new coach. What's more interesting to me is whether Eiland can turn around a guy like Robles. I thought Robles showed promise when he first came up, had a bit of an edge. Last year it looked like he was throwing BP.
  2. This is somewhat off topic but do you know what I miss? The quarter toll booths where the guy riding shotgun would have to make the hook shot out the passenger window and over the roof.
  3. All good points. I was going under the assumption that the Jets will still bring in a rookie QB. I just find it hard to believe that Bowles and Maccagnan are going to hitch their wagon to Bridgewater. They both have to be on short leashes. If they did sign Bridgewater I could see them trade down and go for one of the lesser heralded QBs in the draft. Whatever happens the QB carousel this year has been very interesting. And we still have over a month to go before the dust settles.
  4. I would think it makes the Jets less appealing to Bridgewater.
  5. That's what I was thinking. I think he'll jump at any chance if he thinks he'll start the season.
  6. Hah! I'm an eternal optimist and not dialed into every NFL player so after I got past "who the eff is Jeff Posey", I was thinking it must've been a steal.
  7. Strong call. Pretty sure Posey was the guy I had in the back of my mind but couldn't remember. I think the legal tampering period is a farce that the NFL created in attempt to save face over signings at one minute past midnight. I don't think it changed a thing but honestly I could care less either way.
  8. Keep it up and after a few years we will own the entire draft.
  9. Couldn't agree more. Coming off the playoff appearance, a ton of draft picks and a lot of QB possibilities in the draft and free agency. Looking forward to seeing how it plays out and I see no reason not to put my faith in McBeane.
  10. Bring on the strong opinions. I tend to be middle of the road, but I like the debate....except of course when everyone else is effin clueless I hope you're wrong that "Harvey doesn't wan't the spotlight". I'm probably getting greedy and unrealistic but I want the Dark Knight back. He was utterly dominant. I'm not looking for happy and well adjusted. As for Calloway not being in Cleveland...reasonable point. I'll file that away along with my pitching coach vs. manager concern.
  11. I have no doubt they didn't amass draft picks to trade for Foles or any other QB on an NFL roster. But Super Bowl MVPs are rarely available. Comes down to a roll of the dice. Is Foles what he was during one great year and the short Super Bowl run or the guy who couldn't hold a job in between? Or is the NFL draft crapshoot a better option? Like you, I'm sticking with the draft.
  12. I think they want to trade up and grab "our guy" in the draft. They have been amassing draft picks since McD has been here and it continued yesterday. Beane has publicly commented about the need to find a franchise QB. I don't think you collect draft picks with the idea that you'll trade for a franchise QB. Then again, the Super Bowl MVP isn't typically available. Also, you need a trading partner and whose to say that Cleveland and the Giants don't sit tight and take "our guy". Nevertheless, I'll stick with trading up.
  13. I'm never sure if newsday.com is behind a fee wall. Hopefully not. Matt Harvey and Mickey Calloway pleased with righthander's start despite final line https://www.newsday.com/sports/baseball/mets/matt-harvey-mets-spring-training-1.17252685 What struck me about this article about Harvey's start today was how much Calloway's comments were invested in the details of pitching. I understand that can be expected and I'm not suggesting it's a problem, although it does raise an eyebrow for me. Kind of like the defensive coordinator that becomes head coach but can't let go of the D, potentially at the expense of the O. On the positive side I felt like I got more out of "the process" (snicker) of pitching a spring training game than a manager would normally give.
  14. I agree that it's way too early to tell. Sign Cousins for $27 million or commit to someone like Keenum for more than one year and there won't be a competition. Anything less and I'd expect competition that's tilted against the rookie.
  15. 100% agree on DeGrom, Thor and Harvey. I'm not giving up on Matz yet, he's just way too young, but I hear ya. My guess on Smith is he starts the season back at Triple A. Best case scenario is he gets his head together and comes up mid season either because Gonzalez is hurt or unproductive. But I'm very skeptical that he'll ever amount to anything. My comments about Reyes were more about Rosario. I'll be very disappointed if he doesn't establish himself as the Mets starting SS this year.
  16. I'm not a deadhead but I do like some of their music so take this for what it's worth. Shakedown Street is utter pop crap.
  17. We can start the season with Reyes at short. But we can't finish the season with him at short. Just saw that Thor struck out 7 straight. This is far more important to me than DeGrom being ready for opening day.
  18. I agree with the sentiment. Maybe it's because the position is valued/compensated very highly for the top end performers. The Haynesworth contract a few years back was a nightmare. At the same time I'm not sure if any team that signed Ted Washington was disappointed.
  19. Age notwithstanding, I like his skills, hate his attitude, glad he's out of conference.
  20. I have a friend who has a desk job with the Long Island Railroad. On snow days they get sent to the stations to "bang doors". The train doors freeze up and won't open automatically without an impact adjustment.
  21. Yup, I work for a not-for-profit publisher and they announced the closing yesterday.
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