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Steve Billieve

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Everything posted by Steve Billieve

  1. Seems a little silly to give politicians the credit. It was obvious as the time that state officials wanted the Bills to stay in Buffalo and merely by pursuing the renovation when he did Ralph was trying to keep the Bills in Buffalo. It's Littman's job to focus on the financials, at the end of the day Ralph agreed to significantly reduce the the demand of his asset and presumably the value as well. He didn't have to do it, but he did. The politicians didn't loose anything by the deal Ralph Wilson did. He gets the "credit". Is Ralph's negotiator suppose to do the other sides job for them?
  2. I think Allen will be good! Just trying to temper my excitement and remind myself that I thought EJ would be good too.
  3. While there's no doubt that Allen is more talented I don't think their rookie seasons are that different. They both got thrown into the starting job because of injury/mismanagement/rubber mats and performed poorly. They then performed a lot better but not quite good enough leaving fans thinking the best is yet to come.
  4. I remember reading all about how EJ looked more confident. I also read that he got smarter and stronger too.
  5. Nothing like a refresher of the greatest moments of last years off-season.
  6. I don't care about fidget spinners. I mean what's the point?
  7. Weird not seeing Tre, and Milano period. Would probably put both ahead of Dawkins. Even Edmunds seems like a bit of an unknown. I don't know how you put him down as a better value than Poyer at this point.
  8. I really thought we gave someone else that number either last year or the year before and they didn't make the final roster.
  9. Changing the onside kick rules doesn't have to be an improvement on anything, it can just be a restoration or mitigation of some more recent rule changes. It's not like its a common play, why not just allow the selection of an onside kick like they do with extra points/two point conversions. I believe the only reason they changed the onside kicks rules was because of injury risk, but if its a play that hardly ever happens . . .
  10. I don't think anyone got a pass, including the coach. Seemed like they brought in almost every free agent lineman they could. Dawkins keeping his starting job is no sure thing.
  11. Never been, so I have no idea what the stadium is like, but 300 mil from the government on a renovation feels a little shortsighted. 15 extra years of usability does not feel very long.
  12. I guess it all depends on where you think EJ would have realistically gotten taken if not for us. If that's the second then maybe, but if it's the third you're just screwing yourself twice, and if its the 4th . . . then the description might offend my delicate sensibilities. IIRC the compensation made it seem like we initiated the trade.
  13. There's a lot of quarterbacks we didn't draft, and its hard to believe EJ didn't play a role in that.
  14. For me its gotta be EJ. You never know what's going to happen, but you know when you overreach.
  15. The only correlation wonderlic has to NFL success is for cbs and its negative.
  16. I guess Miami is so bad this year that they give you two wins when you beat them.
  17. I wonder how much a list like this might be influenced by a lack of consensus over the best players at positions that are the "most safe".
  18. I believe you but I thought he performed better than expected after year 1, if someone wanted to trade for him at that point I would think it would cost more than a first.
  19. Which is why we got him for a third. Things could have gone differently, they didn't. There was a point in KBs career he probably could have brought in two firsts or at least a 1st and 2nd.
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