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Steve Billieve

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Everything posted by Steve Billieve

  1. Looked like our lineman was not willing to give up on the play until the whistle(good for him), and Wilkins just lost it after he had obviously given up on the play. Seemed like they were the two furthest players from the ball at that point.
  2. At Clemson he was the leader of the locker room. Guy LOVES winning, and is a great teammate. I'm not surprised he's frustrated. Little surprised he punched someone though. Think he might have last lost two games in college. Guy was such a fan/coaching staff favorite they would put him on the offense for some one yard tds in garbage time. He definitely wasn't prepared to go 0-forever.
  3. I guess I'm just not getting mad with all the winning. Haven't really noticed anything obvious in the bills games.
  4. I guess I'm an idiot then. I may have been a little hyperbolic, I don't know if the officiating is any better this year, but I strongly feel that improvements in replay, video recording, and rule changes have made officiating a lot more consistent (and fair) than what it was in the past. To me it seems like the officiating in every sport has improved markedly and continues to do so.
  5. Fine. I'll say it. I love the officiating. Best. Year. EVER. Thanks to replay we get the right call almost all the time. And almost all egregious mistakes have been removed from the game. Remember when you couldn't even trust the officials to get field goals and xtra points right?
  6. I can remember at least one very well. Every counterintelligence operation in the world respects what the pats* do. why do you think they named it the patriot act in 2001. Most probably BB son was just the decoy anyways.
  7. Yeah, at this point he has to prove that he's not the one. I mean he's the presumptive one, and how dare any fan question that!
  8. This is a terrible time for this thread, just when you want to go all in on Josh Allen, but just before you're ready to.
  9. Of course. I meant that even if the bills are objectively successful on the field there are a lot of scenarios where Barkley has more total yards, but almost none the other way around. If you believe that Singletary gets more yards you almost have to believe the bills are going to dominate the giants.
  10. I can imagine lots of scenarios where Singletary has more yards, but almost all of them involve the bills trouncing the giants. I can imagine Barkley getting 200+ and the bills still beating the spread.
  11. Was thinking more 3 body problem, less isaac newton.
  12. Maybe her real job is to offer misinformation all in an attempt to make the meaty middle of the distribution curve feel better about their fantasy prowess when the suckers bite on her tips. I mean isn't that why they call it "game theory"?
  13. You know her job isn't actually to be right, just to get you to watch.
  14. Gotta get past regular season mediocrity and back to winning the off-season!
  15. There is “correct” usage for all non standard forms of English. Youse is the correct spelling not yous.
  16. Esports are becoming more popular than most traditional sports, may just be a matter of time. They at least are made better by streaming, not sure traditional sports are.
  17. I'm not denying that he has ongoing injury issues. But he did in 2017 too and still played 11 games for us. His groin injury shouldn't be a problem for the regular season.
  18. Totally agree. Most likely situation is he's hurt. Seemed like the op was implying him being injured might prevent him from being cut, which seems crazy to me. Chances are he ends the season on IR, but if he stays healthy he could have a huge impact.
  19. When Gaines and White were on the field together in 2017 they both seemed amazing. OP has Gaines not making roster.
  20. I'm not saying he's better than White, but to conclude that Tre is definitely going to have a better year than EJ before the season is even played seems crazy. When Gaines is healthy he is as good as any corner in the league, and he's a great fit for our D.
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