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Everything posted by AlCowlingsTaxiService

  1. It’s the off season .... relax and let your hair down. It won’t hurt, I promise ...
  2. On first glance, he’s worth the 22nd pick. At least you would know what you have, rather than relying on an untested rookie to take your air attack to the next level. Only downside I see is the fact that there’s no low $ rookie deal in that scenario.
  3. Seems to be a fair assessment based on one season of production. Draft classes generally can’t truly be judged for three years IMO.
  4. I’m certain whomevers job it becomes to ensure 100% compliance will be thrilled.
  5. Relax bro ... just a little humor on a throwaway topic. I’m happily betrothed but I do vary my pizza choices occasionally
  6. It’s like working at the best pizza place in town and being able to have a slice any time you want .... you’d find yourself wanting different grub.
  7. Orsen bean .... regular on Hollywood Squares, or am I thinking of Charles Nelson Reilly? Also, wasn’t he in The Poesiden Adventure? The one who was crushing on Carol Linley? As far as Conrad, I remember the battery commercial and the fact that my mom had a pic of her and him when she saw him in a hotel lobby in Manila ....
  8. I’ve never been that impressed with the event. Long line after long line in the blazing sun for a handful of overpriced wings .... and it’s rather difficult to eat wings while standing and holding them ... too many nonsensical eating contests on the stage ... I am probably in the minority here, but I’d rather just go to my favorite wing joint instead.
  9. He’s a PR disaster, but I’m pretty sure he’d take ANY NFL job offered at this point.
  10. Don’t you dare bring up missed draft opportunities .... that will lead to more “We coulda had mahomes”
  11. Did not, but it both smiles and scowls at me from my DVR menu, just daring me to view it again ...
  12. I guess I’d prefer the guy with the potential to truly make our defense elite, rather than another “process” guy .... at some point, elite talent matters.
  13. I put together his intro video with a white Bronco driving from the airport that played up until he drove onto the then Pilot Field for his buffalo tour stop. It. Was a cool gig at the time since he was at his peak and I was a big time clone lol ... remember Mark from buffalo being the top caller from thi area. I think his sthick got old and others surpassed him , but he was a pioneer of that type of sports talk.
  14. Unfortunately, I think many”fans” would prefer a program where the hosts and callers say nothing but “”GO BILLS WOOHOO” and discuss their face painting techniques and which jersey they should wear on game day ...
  15. Incorrect. He was let go because king Terry took exception to his critiques of the bills and threatened financial retribution to theBN. Now, if you’re cool with wealthy owners influencing media coverage, then you do you.. I’ll pass on that.
  16. So “jetsy” of them .... realistically though, Dennison should be looking into careers in insurance sales at this point.
  17. I’m sure most in here will regale us with their wit in bashing Sullivan .... having said that, his program was salty at times as one would expect, but he was rather complimentary of the bills most of the time, he had excellent guests on a daily basis, and he gave other sports, both major and minor, coverage .... truth was, his program was often more interesting than the White/Simon program and the Irritators hockey show
  18. I could get behind this on a cap friendly deal as long as it didn’t preclude drafting a WR early ... he could be everything that Benjamin was supposed to be for this offense and another veteran leader type
  19. Whenever a thread starts with “hear me out”, I know there’s trouble brewing lol .... Gurley might be worth a show me camp deal, but relying on his knees is akin to relying on the federal government
  20. On the strength of that picture, hard pass. All dolled up she might be a bar pickup prospect however ...
  21. I’m just entertained watching guys insult a writers entire family lineage because they disagree with him in a mock draft
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