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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Lions Dolphins, here. Well, George Santayana, but Churchill did a bit of a paraphrase that captured much of the content and context. Lions by ten at half. Nearly 600 yards of offense. Fun. Announcers - “Tua underthrowing Hill, again” If Tua had Allen’s arm, Hill would have 300 yards and four TDs at halftime. Tua’s good. He’s a tier below the big arms. A SOLID tier.
  2. Here’s his NFL prospect picture, pre draft. What 1,000 words are appearing to you?
  3. Um …you call that a report? Nothing was reported. Two guys who offer no evidence that they know Cook offer no evidence that they’re familiar with what’s going through his mind. Cook looks like that in every picture. Oh, and based on the energy level, enthusiasm and vocabulary of the “sports reporters”, I can offer a report that says they’re bored, hate their jobs, hate their wives and kids, and cheat on their taxes.
  4. Salve, Bills Italiano … Mi chiamo Neo e io sono di Tampa, Florida. I’m going to Italy next summer. I’ll show you my mad uncle Rico skills. Perfecto? No, ma non male. PS … I’m learning to speak Italian using Duolingo. I’m three weeks in. Ciao. Ciao Ciao. Arrivederci. Un caffè con latte e una cornetto, per favore! FANTASTICO.
  5. This is the fiftieth anniversary of the Dolphins’ perfect season. I remember the Bills lost to the Phins by one point that year, 24 to 23, in the Orange Bowl. I took a ride down memory lane and found the box score. For those younger, it’s a powerful WayBack machine that will give you a glimpse into football in what we considered, at the time, the highest quality of play. Woody Hayes and THE Ohio State Buckeyes gave us three yards and a cloud of dust. Stream matriculated down the field. Look at this box score. This game is the toughest and closest match an undefeated champion played. In short, it was epic. Twenty eight passes thrown. 498 yards. Those are COMBINED numbers. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/197210220mia.htm
  6. You. will see a 100 person machine. A living organism. An orchestra. The ball reaches mid-fiield and the place kicker picks up a ball and heads to a kicking net that ball boys are setting up. Third and eleven and the long snapper and punter stand up and begin to talk (well, maybe not on the Bills’ sideline). A player limps off, and one by one over the next few minutes, working doctors, inquisitive coaches and encouraging players walk over. It is the most delightfully organized chaos. Backstage on broadway with sets, lights, costumes, actors, make-up artists, prop men, etc. all scurrying to their marks.
  7. I’ve had them. It’s a different experience and worth a “one time” commitment. You can see the game better on television or in the stands. You lose some views on the sidelines where you’re unable to walk forward. The players are not interacting with you in any social way. They’re busy. It’s fast and tense. However, you get a feel and vibe, and will gather a story or two, that you won’t get in the stands or on the sofa. Do it. I’d not do it during a meaningful game where I simply had to follow the game and see the action.
  8. Whole new meaning for Tampa Two
  9. These “this guy played in a Super Bowl so he’s better” arguments vex me. OJ Simpson was better than Jim Kiick. I prefer “who would you rather have, for one game”’ and that relies on a body of work. Allen and Mahomes are a wash. Mahomes arrived at a better place as a rookie. He certainly made the most of it. He made the place better. I see Allen and Mahomes as a toss up. Completely different players and human beings. Mahomes arrived developmentally ahead of Allen, too. Allen’s developmental arc is second to none as a QB. At least “second to anyone I can think of.”. One game, tonight? I take Allen. Two pick ‘em studs.
  10. I watched Namath at the Rockpile. After decades of Pats and Fins, I’d LOVE a good ol’ J E T S Jets Jets Jets rivalry. Bring it, baby! Edit to add … I loved Gastineau in the “Walk Like an Egyptian” video.
  11. Win or lose, first question …. “How could you possibly give up points in this stadium, to this team, in 16 seconds, again?”
  12. In the hall of unBILLievably dumb, we have a new Special Exhibit.
  13. Nothing was more offensive than me in middle school.
  14. He grabbed the balls before the table was taken away.
  15. It would be greater than perpetual motion, or nuclear power from water, or alchemy … if it can model greater than 51%!
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