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Everything posted by Neo

  1. I wonder who’s going to lose their job in this NFL Illuminati Secret Society for failing to execute the ad revenue directive during Bills Rams and Bills Titans. Perhaps the dental filling referee communication system failed. Readers: The Vegas books don’t care who wins, as long as you bet. The NFL maximizes revenue if officiating is honest and jeopardizes billions of dollars if it manipulates games. Man walked on the moon. The earth is round. Sometimes, bad officiating is just bad officiating.
  2. Why would you catch that on the five yard line? You surrender a chance to gain 15 against a chance you’ll lose four.
  3. For heaven’s sake, if this works out …. Famous Last Words … I’m not afraid of this team.
  4. First half … field goals over TDs. Second half … two point conversions over PATs. Curious.
  5. Bills are gonna smoke this defense.
  6. Impressions …. Chief’s offense is good to crazy good, week to week. Chief’s defense isn’t scary good. It may not be good. If the Raiders put up 20 in 30 minutes, the Bills should score early and often. ”On any given week” acknowledged, I like our chances against this particular version of the Chiefs. How does a dollars billion industry fail to get refereeing correct, game to week to season …. rouging the passer? I’d not travel to that stadium to see a football game if you gave me club seats with Ingrid Bergman, 1945 version. Ingrid, not the stadium. Someone, earlier, called the Chiefs boring. I’d not say boring, but the gadgetry leaves me unj-satiated. Poyer, Phillips, Edmunds healthy … I like our chances. Knox, McKenzie, Gabe … i really like our chances. Short week, grateful. We’ve suffered some schedule quirks.
  7. Our boy was hopped up in that shot, huh?
  8. KC version of Moss on first down after the big penalty,. Er, Raider. Ooops
  9. Raiders Nation travels and Missouri is/was the Meth capital of the US. Could be a wild one.
  10. University of Buffalo guy. I had no idea. Certain many of you did.
  11. …. they wouldn’t have dialed up that play, little doubt.
  12. Drew Bledsoe. 463 yards. Bills - Vikings. 2002.
  13. I think you’re on to something. Edmunds didn’t suit up for any games in ‘64 and ‘65, and the Bills won two AFL championships.
  14. Champions, Key Bank Center across the street from M&T? Playoff game with Raiders in Jan 94?
  15. You are correct. He was obviously held, too. A fortuitous “no call.” Shaq is making the most of his snaps. Glad he’s here.
  16. Except it wasn’t insurmountable. The Bills drove to the one yard line with a first down and time enough for a full series of plays. Harbaugh weighed the odds of scoring a TD against the odds of being tied with the Bills pinned inside their five, up three with the Bills starting at the 25, or up seven with the Bills starting at their 25. He liked up seven or pinned inside the five. As Yolo said, it was the interception and tied with the Bills at the 20 calculus he failed at. It’s Buffalo - you take the kill shot.
  17. Just take the other side. It’s been TWO WEEKS since we’ve blown anyone out. Also, we’ve not won by more than three points for one game in a row, now. I followed that close game conversation for quite some time. Maybe i’m an optimist, but I’d say “No one wins every game, but the Bills blow people out more than anyone. A few times, teams beat the Bills, but they never crush or bury them like the Bills do when they win. There are days when it’s just not your day, and still the Bills are close.”
  18. Agree … That’s what having “Him” as quarterback does to other teams.
  19. I’ve been thinking about this. The Bills proved there was time to drive to the one yard line with a first down and a minute to go. In other words, had they kicked the field goal, they’d still be finished. I’m not saying going for 7 was the best call, but I’ll say it’s as defensible and explainable as going for 3.
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