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Everything posted by LEBills

  1. Better players out there but oh well we needed a younger running back
  2. 3rd round is right for him. I didn't want him earlier, it'd be cool now
  3. This. We already have John Brown and Bob Foster on the outside where DK would lineup if we drafted him. AJ can take over where Zay has disappointed, as a player that can move from slot to outside and do well in both positions.
  4. Jaylon Ferguson, Rick ya sin, Byron Murphy, Cody Ford, elgeton jenkins, Juan Thornhill, Nasir Adderley, AJ Brown...that should get us to our pick
  5. It's a reach but hey if they weren't able to trade down, gotta take your best player. As a bills fan I'm not complaining :)
  6. Good player, but thank god they didn't get a treasure trove of picks from another team for #3
  7. TO was a 3rd round pick, which is what DK should be. So very good comparison.
  8. Now this is interesting. If there is one thing I learned from last year is that the Bills love those secret private workouts occurring around a prospects pro days. Last year, it was thought that the Bills did not have much interest in Allen bc they did not seem to be spending as much time on him as other quarterbacks. Then, a CBS article reported the Bills had met with Allen around his pro day - which seemed to be the only mention of it before the draft. We now know this is when the whole organizational contingent went to meet Josh and had some inclement weather for their plane ride. For this info in regards to Fant to come out 3 weeks after it’s occurance is interesting to me. if you put Fant up against all the other pass catchers in this draft, he may be the most physically gifted and is pretty accomplished. I could see him being our pick in a certain circumstance at 9 as our way to help stretch the seam for Josh this year. Anyway, only 13 days until we find out.
  9. Fun video. Fitz is not a great QB but an awesome dude. i really kinda hope that Darnold is an alright QB. It’s kinda fun to see him and Allen having friendly competition due to their friendship. Josh of course is the alpha dog of the two.
  10. I’m not sure the dolphins are even fielding a team this year so I think we be good
  11. Hammer the over, we got 6 wins with Peterman, Anderson and Barkley starting 4 games last year lol.
  12. Blind squirrel and all that haha I just can’t wait for when Josh makes that post look extra right! Go Bills!!
  13. A rumor on a website I never heard of before is Atlanta will trade up with Detroit for Ed Oliver and Detroit will drop back for Hockenson https://detroitsportsnation.com/detroit-lions-trade-2019-nfl-draft/ddrysdale/detroit-lions-news/03/28/2019/202370/
  14. Thank you to all the people reacting to my post one year later lol
  15. Probably not though Fisher has taken FB reps for the bungles
  16. This is correct, he was not put in position to just shoot the gap like in previous seasons plus dealt with some injuries. I’ll leave this video of PFF explaining it and how effective he was when he was one on one as a 3 technique: spoiler alert: he was number 3 in pass rushing grade behind Q. Williams and Arman Watts (who had a small sample size) for this class.
  17. Great pickup, not a huge impact position anymore but he is the best in the business. Could be the difference in 1 or 2 games next season.
  18. thats If Nsekhe allows him in the building: https://twitter.com/SharpFootball/status/1105536249069215745?s=20
  19. Cleveland gonna be stackeddd. Lets see if Freddy Kitchens can keep them all together...
  20. Humphries is younger but Beasley is by far the better player. The Cowboys are just a dumb team that severely restricted his opportunities - Cole believed it to be on purpose which is why he wanted outta there. If we wanted to get Josh a great slot receiver, I honestly think we got him the best WR in FA. https://mobile.twitter.com/CowboysStats/status/1084465844581629953?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-1887115055189050741.ampproject.net%2F1903070012530%2Fframe.html
  21. Your timeline is a little off. Katrina was in 2005, Saints won in 2009
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