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Everything posted by Sojourner

  1. That team wasn't in as bad shape as many would have had you to believe... Luck is a talent but he wasn't exactly going to the Jags. Honestly, I think it's common consensus that Indy chucked games to land one of the first two picks. More so that Irsay, given the POS he is, probably demanded them to do so. Do we redeem two Superbowls?
  2. Sammy shutting down this BS pronto. Impresses me more with each and every story/piece of news/interview he's involved in. Kid is a true professional.
  3. Here's a question: If the trade were to happen in an alternate universe, would Luck be Luck or would he follow suit of recent QBs drafted by this organization?
  4. ISIS... Tell me more. What exactly is ISIS to you?
  5. That Joe-B quote of Caveman Mike is concerning. I mean it is open to interpretation but he comes across as rather blasé with moving himself back into the good books and/or a potential starting role.
  6. The sack at the two minute warning is disgusting in every single aspect by the O-Line... On the 4th down I didn't realize Orton caught Greenway with his head turned to communicate with the safety on the snap.*****
  7. Oh my word the responses in this thread have me crying with laughter! Huzzah!!!!
  8. You only say that because Kevin is a Bills fan...
  9. Yeah... Maybe you're cursing the RB's. If Bryce gets injured, I want answers. On a side note, I am not expecting much this weekend from Bryce. Maybe 5/6 attempts for 20-30 yards. 3 receptions for 30-40 yards. Next week I think he puts up some decent numbers. I am probably wrong though. Wouldn't be the first and it won't be the last. Go Bills!
  10. Quick, someone get the message to Polian that he isn't going to make the HOF because it is "widely viewed he failed with Buffalo" and that he needs to come back and right the ship. If he does so, he's a slam dunk HOF'er. Please?...
  11. Do you think Urbik breaks out this song come Sunday?... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPIVb7Y0QdI
  12. So it took the combination of the Jet-son's for Marrone to wet the bed going into practice and realize a change was necessary for at least on one of the guard spots? I'm hoping that Dareus, Hughes, KW or MW... Infact, anyone! will get pressure right up the middle, hit him hard and make him remember last year how that worked out for him @ the Ralph. He becomes way too skittish when that happens.
  13. Don't be so silly. He's developed into a reliable injury prone QB.
  14. It is Wednesday so I have a feeling you're wrong. (Sorry.)
  15. Maybe so, but you have to take into account the expenditure on a new stadium, facilities and training ground for an NFL team as there's no way they will continue to rent/hire locations on a week to week basis. London is already having a fiasco with Tottenham Hotspur and Chelsea FC trying to secure new football grounds. I think it was the same for West Ham too but they secured the Olympic Stadium? I just think financially they would be looking at posting losses unless, like I said it comes to them having sustained success from the get-go. Look at Khan, he owns Fulham FC and not since the mid 90's have they been this unsuccessful both in terms of domestic records and financially revenue. I used to play for the Inverness Blitz, granted it was only one season back in 2000. There isn't just the BUAFL, you also have the BAFANL (leads to Brit Bowl, which if you follow football in London or the UK you should know as they have produced teams with the most championship wins and appearances: Blitz, O's and I cannot remember the other team). Accross the board in most teams which play in both the BAFANL and the BUAFL, they are two and sometimes three-way players - defensive, offense and ST. Here's a tidbit - the majority of BAFANL teams have players in the age range of 25-35. EDIT: My point about Khan was because, realistically, he's the only owner looking to move/secure his NFL franchise in London.
  16. Is it a definitive case of "one or the other"? If so, it has to be Hughes. Without hesitation.
  17. You are correct. They usually, if not always, have them scheduled for a 13:00ET kickoff. I've been to three of them in the past whilst I've been in the UK at the same time. Giants/Fish, Saints/Chargers and 9ers/Broncos. They are a poor attempt at recreating the atmosphere of a teams home stadium. Also, what is never taken into consideration is the fact that these games draw people from all over Europe. On all occasions the grouping around my seats (once at the 50, once in the endzone and the other in club) were all different nationalities. German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, French, Croatian... You name it. There is no home team in any of the games I've attended. It's an event that people get to showcase the team they live and breathe, or if they choose: just follow lol. In fact, a large draw of the club seating was from Players families as the facilities on offer are all private and complementary (well, the buffet and up to 5 beers). There's no way a franchise would succeed long term there, it wouldn't pull in the numbers from the UK crowd alone. It's a big marketing event for European broadcasters to draw these crowds from all over. I think that's why, in part, they've made it into three games this season: to test the numbers. Only way a franchise would ever evoke long term profit in London would be if the team sustained success right from the get go. Continental Europe would be a better bet IMO... Netherlands or Germany where they are still, to this day, bat-s#*! crazy about the NFL.
  18. It is more a case of a visual reminder come Sundays that maybe for just one season after so many years we finally got somewhere and weren't as disappointing as has been accustomed. No chance of converting the wife I am afraid. I have tried, to no avail, since we first met; 9 years ago. Our team just hasn't done enough in over a decade and a half for me to be able to change her any time soon. Usually the conversation draws a halt after "Do you really want our daughter to be ridiculed when she grows up?!?!". I am sure you are well aware Steeler fans (in fact most) can be brutal to opposing teams' supporters - casual or fanatic. I do thank you Hammer for sharing the optimism and proof that it can be done.
  19. So back in June my wife and I had a little girl which makes our family total up to four. My wife relatives are all Western PA / Steeler Country born or raised and are entrenched in the Steeler way of life... Needless to say our first born has had the Steelers pushed onto him and now roots for them come Sunday. Seeing as I am sick of the fact I have to see my little girl in Steelers baby gear (occasionally, if I get my say in dressing her it is Bills baby gear) we, well I rather, have come to the conclusion that only a bet can sort this one out... Whichever team finishes with the better record after week 17 will be the only team she can wear gear of, plus we make the attempt of weaning her to root for them down the road. Do you think our daughters chances favor to the Steelers or our beloved Bills? Go Bills!
  20. Most definitely. The article even states that. The quote aspect was highlighting more even with a change of running back committee, I still think we favor the pass with Orton under center. More so with B(ed)&B(reakfast) actually.
  21. Looking at the candidates for this week I will be disgusted if Sammy doesn't come away with it. Bingo. Posted that in the game thread that he proved every single clutch aspect during that final drive. Even more so with getting that left hand on the poorly thrown ball.
  22. I found this interesting: Could change be good for Bills' backfield? Yeah, yeah. I know it's Rodak.
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