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Everything posted by entropyrules

  1. I am currently constructing a tachyon beam in my basement which I hope to complete sometime next year. At which point I will go back in time and prevent McKinley's assassination and prevent the curse that has plagued all things Buffalo since the turn of the century mark in 1900. Or maybe I'll only go back a wee ways and buy a boat load of apple and amazon stock....its a real dilemma.In either case I need to avoid running into my grandparents or my past self.
  2. it all goes back to McKinley with Billy Buffalo being a distant second
  3. also don't forget that after Edmunds went out Cousins was able to have some open throwing lanes on those intermediate range passes..Dodson just doesn't have the speed and wing span that Edmunds has
  4. It depends how many of the better D players get back on the field. If Poyer and Edmunds are out (and neither White or Elam make it onto the field) the Brown's will take advantage of Dodson in the short/intermediate passing game and with the Bills poor tackling Chubb will have a monster game. The Bills are the better team on paper but just too many holes now to be better than 50-50 on this game.
  5. The season is definately not down the drain but unless they start to get back the better D players (Poyer, Edmunds, White) its unlikely they do any better than the 6th or 7th seed. Still better than nothing but a bit heartbreaking given the expectations at the beggining of the season. Will they lose to Cleveland - not likely but darn if Chubb goes for 150 it will be another last second loss or victory.
  6. Billie Buffalo…have you seen him do anything at away games?….totally out played by the other mascots….until he is gone the Bills will never win the super bowl…oh wait now I know where the cigarette man is hiding
  7. Hate to say it but this game will turn on what the Jets do with their 2nd half opening drive - if they score I think they go on to win a close one (say 3 pts). if the Bills stop them they'll go onto score and the Jets will fold. I think the big problem is the Bills are missing way too many of their top D players and its showing. The jets score is low but thats more because the Bills controlled possession
  8. the Jets coaches are doing a godo job of adjusting their D and O countering what the Bilsl are trying to do..we'll see if the Bills can come out of their funk
  9. Anyone know why the Bills seem to have most of their KC games at KC - the officiating is clearly making the difference in this game
  10. I went to pee and they scored so my wife chimes in and says I should leave more often i am open to a trade…she’s got and really good with tools but way too snarky
  11. Arien’s has his team better prepared…the Bills D is over rated by a bit…still early but have a bad feeling about this one
  12. I'm so glad I made that comment - rigth away they score
  13. bengals not even trying to push the ball down field
  14. OMG - better to be lucky than good...the Giants win one...good puts an L in Tn's column
  15. Sign of not understanding how being a nonconformist works..but who cares if he can drill a few of those putriots
  16. there is one guy who always knows what is happening with the Bills
  17. With the number of surplus yachts currently hitting the market even with spending to the cap they can afford another one
  18. I share your sentiments but it seems the CB market is a bit weak and overpriced. I wonder what the over-under is for CBs drafted by the Bills...I bet 2 plus a hybrid safety/CB
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