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Everything posted by cd1

  1. I think the best part about Levy is that he got out of the way and let Kelly QB. The worst thing about Levy is that he got out of the way and let Kelly become unfocused when it came to the BIG GAME. IMO
  2. Google is your friend! https://www.google.com/search?q=Buffalo+Bills+2019+schedule...
  3. I find it interesting that any player, outside of an active CONTRACT, would be on the field practicing when there is at least some risk of injury.
  4. Just because you now get socks and underwear doesn't mean you still can't enjoy the Magic of Christmas Eve. Regardless of how the season ends, I find that I really enjoy the "sugar plumbs and fairies" of a promising preseason! Thanks Shaw!! Actually, coming from you, it all seems MORE REAL!!!!!!! Go Bills!
  5. Did he even sign yet? Maybe they wanted him to sign his contract IN THE ENDZONE (so he could learn the way there) and he is still LKING for it...
  6. Bean said he was the most fun to watch play; not the most comical player. "Beane further said about Singletary’s selection. “He had 66 touchdowns, I think. Out of all the guys I watched, I still have a note on this little surface where I write that this is the funnest guy I’ve watched all year. " just say'n... ;-)
  7. NO ONE is saying they can't do such things! They just can't do it on BILLS/ERIE COUNTY PROPERTY.
  8. WRONG! Insurance and LAWSUITS are the problem. IF the Pegula's, the stadium/Erie County do not make a firm stand and prohibit such nonsense, they leave themselves wide open to lawsuits. Ive already acknowledge that idiot. There is no need for name calling! Because of liability, it IS the Pegula's and Erie County's business.
  9. WRONG! Insurance and LAWSUITS are the problem. IF the Pegula's, the stadium/Erie County do not make a firm stand and prohibit such nonsense, they leave themselves wide open to lawsuits.
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