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Everything posted by sven233

  1. Whatever you do, don't make it so Mac Jones has to come in. That would doom the defense.....
  2. Defense doing their job, but man......they may have to score with the offense we have today.
  3. Get that freaking play out of the playbook. It is a disaster every time. I don't care if other teams run it with success, but we can never make it work. What a freaking waste of a great defensive play.
  4. Nobody even close to open. Allen might have to look to run every chance he gets. They are going to play man all day? Make them pay for it.
  5. I'm going into this game a lot more worried than I was last week. Not that I thought we would blow the Chargers out, but I figured it would be a two score win in the end.....maybe 10 or so. This week, I don't have nearly that same confidence level. Bracing for another potential disaster. Guess we'll see.
  6. I brought this all up in another thread. But what it really breaks down to is if you can win the division in week 18, you play to win the game. If we win and Miami beats the Ravens and clinch the division, as long as we are mathematically locked into a spot no matter what happens in the game, then I am all for resting key players or guys that are nursing small things. But yeah.....if you can win the division by beating Miami you go all out and you try to spank them in the process.
  7. Love it when the Chiefs lose. Warms the heart. That said, they need to beat the Bengals next week.
  8. Love watching the Chiefs look like crap, but man.....we really need to hope they beat the Bengals next week.
  9. OK.......I am stating right off the bat here that I am not trying to get ahead of ourselves. There is still work to be done and we all know that. But, with the way this weekend went, the Playoff picture and our road there has become pretty clear. Obviously, if we take care of business against the Pats*, our chances are pretty good to get in. We all know this now. We are all focused on doing that and then seeing what happens with the Dolphins and Ravens to see if we have a shot at the division. Here is the scenario I want to bring up because if it does happen to play out this way, this is something I haven't seen anyone really talk about yet. We lock up a Playoff spot next week with a win against the Pats* and a Pittsburgh loss in Seattle and a Cincy loss in KC. Let's say that happens...... This next part is the part nobody is talking about. What if we clinch a spot and the Dolphins beat the Ravens? The Dolphins would obviously win the division no matter what happens in week 18. That said, what would you do in week 18 if we're in, but there is no chance to win the division? The Dolphins would be playing their starters for sure because they would still have a look at the 1 seed, but what do we do? I mean, we could possibly be playing for seeding as well, but is going all out in that game worth it? Is being the 4 seed or something like that instead of the 6 worth getting someone important injured? I tend to say no. Like I said, there is still a lot that needs to happen to make the scenario come to fruition, but it does have a chance of happening. What would you do in this case? PS. Again......not getting ahead of anything here. Still 100% focused on beating the brakes off the Pats*.
  10. Anyone that has watched the Bills this season knows there is no such thing as a gimmie game. I fully expect if we do win, it will be a tight one score game that we are sweating through until the clock runs out. The chance we just handle them is extremely small.
  11. Outside of the Dolphins crap win, it was a perfect weekend for us. Beat the Pats* next week and things look pretty good.
  12. They should have waited to spike it until the clock hit 3. This game should be over. Here we go again.........
  13. They want the playoff races to not be decided until week 18. They want every team possible still alive.
  14. You just know this inept Pats* offense that can't do anything positive right now will just come and play lights out against us. It's just the way it always seems to go.
  15. Pats* going into tank mode......... They are going to blow this lead for sure.
  16. The fact that we lost to this team is an embarrassment. The fact that this comment can be applied to both of these teams is even worse.
  17. Of course I want to win the division and host a playoff game, but the fact is, this is all about getting in the tournament. Sure, with our inconsistent play we can lose to anyone, but if we get in, I fear nobody. I truly believe if we get in and play our best football, we are better than anyone in the AFC. Now, that said, we have yet to play a complete game where we are humming on defense and both the passing and running game are at their best. We have had some groups play amazing at different times, but we haven't put it all together yet. If we can figure out how to get the passing and running game going at the same time, the only thing I worry about going into the Playoffs are our own coaches in big moments. Would it be nice to win the division and host a game or 2? Of course it would. But there aren't many environments we would have to travel to that will just overwhelm us. And chances are, the weather in most of these other venues might be better for our offense.
  18. Baremore is the one guy going into next week that legit worries me on their defense. Their defense is very good as a whole, but that guy can wreck a game inside.
  19. I liked Kincaid going into the draft and I still like him more now. We are not using him to his full potential yet. He was a beast in college running seam routes and deep crossers. Right now, we are using him more as an outlet than the weapon he can be. Short dumps over the middle. A few underneath routes. But nothing really special. There is so much more there and I just hope that with a full off season that Brady can tap into his strengths and expand his role. He's been pretty good as a rookie this season overall, but there is a whole other level to explore.
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