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Everything posted by sven233

  1. Wow.......what a lucky break...... 12 men on the field lost us a game and a WR lining up wrong won us one.....
  2. HA HA HA!!!!! Classic McDermott defensive TO only to allow the conversion anyway......
  3. Ready for the McDermott special!!!! 4th and long conversion!
  4. HA! McDermott saved from even more embarrassment for the time being.........
  5. The coaches are actively preventing us from winning by not knowing how to handle game situations. It is embarrassing.... Can't wait to watch McDermott to lose another game on the last drive. Should be fun! HA!
  6. All we needed to do is run the ball to the 2 minute warning. Then force them ti use their TOs on the opposite side of the 2 minute warning. Get one first down and kick a game winning FG. Of course we do everything exactly the opposite of how it needed to be done.
  7. Murray is the last RB I want in this game right now.
  8. 2 holds by the Chiefs on that play..... no call.
  9. In that situation, I would have been fine with Allen heaving it as far as he could and hoping for a PI.
  10. If they declined it, they better have gone for it.....
  11. It won't be a catch and that's too bad. That would have been one of the best plays in the history of the NFL, but of course, we can't execute the easiest part of if.
  12. Murray dropped it. Incomplete. Waste of a superhero Allen play.
  13. Not a strip, but Von made a nice play there.
  14. Allen is under pressure on every single snap. So, unless you are going to keep someone else into block, you need to star utilizing the short passing game. Slants, sticks, quick outs, etc.
  15. The WR screens need to be eliminated from the playbook. They are a wasted down every single time.
  16. If it is this close and you take this long, the call on the field should stand. They should not be able to slow everything down to the millisecond. The whole thing says it needs to be clear and obvious. If you can't tell in real time what happens, then the call should stand, not only on that call, but all calls in general.
  17. The game is setting up perfectly like most Bills games. Come out, play well, get a 2 score lead, go into a shell for 2 quarters, other team suddenly becomes unstoppable......... Now it's just waiting for this drive for them to take the lead, us to take the lead again with a few seconds to go, only for McDermott and the defense to squander it and lose another game at the end.
  18. I don't know how much it would have mattered to the game itself, but not having to watch Punkcheco get up after every run acting like a complete buffoon will increase my ability to enjoy the game a little more while it's happening. Now, we hope the scoreboard helps us all feel great after the game is over.
  19. Again....who of the guys that are scratched deserve a jersey more? If you are going to take him out, you have to dress someone you think is better. So, is that Alec Anderson or Germain Idedi?
  20. Who of the guys that are scratched every week are better and should justify being one of the 48 dressed? Alec Anderson, Germain Ifedi, Poona Ford, A.J. Klein? I mean, you are talking about the very bottom of the roster. Now, if you are not talking about scratching him, but rather just have him sit the bench so someone else can rush, I'll listen to that. But to say he's one of the worst players on the team and doesn't deserve a jersey? That's a little much.
  21. So slowing down, turning around backwards and staring at the defender not taunting....... I guess as long as you don't point, you're OK.
  22. I watch these games around the league every week. Every week I see the supposed best teams in the NFL play really well some weeks and then terribly average the next. Coaching issues aside, I am still not convinced that when we play our best ball (which hasn't happened much this season at all), that we aren't the best team in the league. It's so strange to say that sitting at 6-6 out of the Playoffs, but there is not a team we play that scares me talent wise where I just think we are outclassed on the field. The problem this season, more so than execution, is our coaching. While it is just a 2 week sample size, it is very obvious to see that Dorsey held this offense back all season. I can think of at least 3 losses that if Dorsey just uses common sense, they are wins and we aren't even having this conversation about rooting for other teams to lose to get in. Add that to the fact that McDermott pisses and craps his pants every time a game is close and comes down to him getting a defensive stop, and it is becoming more and more obvious every week that the only place we are outclassed on the field is on the sideline with our coaching staff. If Brady rights the ship here on offense for the rest of the season and we can average 28+ points every game, and if we can just get McDermott to stop throwing up all over himself, this season can still be salvaged. But that is a ton of "ifs" and McDermott has shown no signs in 5 years of figuring out how to win the games in crunch time. That's why as of now, we are going to be watching career backups and journeymen QBs with below average teams in the Playoffs while we sit home trying to figure out what WR we want to draft with out mid first round pick. So frustrating.
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