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Everything posted by sven233

  1. While the game obviously didn't go our way because of many reasons, specifically McDermott decisions and poor officiating, watching Josh be Josh again has truly been refreshing these last couple weeks. Had Dorsey been out a lot earlier this season, even with the crap McDermott has pulled this year, we probably have 3 more wins a least. But terrible decisions aside, McDermott not managing his staff well is worth of getting fired all on its own. First keeping Frazier too long and then keeping Dorsey too long does not reflect well on his management skills. He has actively held this team back for not only this season, but in years past as well. There are literally millions of Madden players out there that can manage a game, time, time outs, and game situations better than he can.
  2. Officially done with McDermott. It's been heading that way for a while, but I just can't do it anymore. He comes up small in every big moment. He is just outclassed more weeks than not. You basically need 1 stop the last quarter and a half and can't get one and the same thing happens in OT. He is a liability and we will never win because of a decision he makes, only in spite of him. He panics and folds every single time he has a chance to put a game away. Useless time outs that could have been used to try to get to midfield or better for our own FG attempt before OT (Last I checked, 20 second with time outs is more than 13 seconds with timeouts). Trying to ice a kicker when he should have let the guy come out under a time crunch and try to make a rushed 58 yard kick instead of letting the entire team regroup, collect their thoughts and be as prepared as possible. You can go on and on about all the things that could have made a difference. McDermott is not only not getting it done play calling wise in the most important situations, but he is active going out of his way to make decisions that hurt his own team. He is a liability and I've had enough. He is wasting our superstar QB's career. PS. Gabe Davis is awful. This team needs a real NFL #2 WR in the worst way.
  3. Officially done with McDermott. It's been heading that way for a while, but I just can't do it anymore. He comes up small in every big moment. He is just outclassed more weeks than not. You basically need 1 stop the last quarter and a half and can't get one and the same thing happens in OT. He is a liability and we will never win because of a decision he makes, only in spite of him. He panics and folds every single time he has a chance to put a game away. PS. Gabe Davis is awful. This team needs a real NFL #2 WR in the worst way.
  4. Whelp.....time to start peaking at the draft board. This coaching staff has cost us at least 4-5 freaking games.
  5. Another McDermott special......... Fire this clown.
  6. Sometimes I wish I just didn't love football and this team so much.
  7. Should have never called the TO..... I hate a TO in that situation. Gave them plenty of time to regroup.
  8. Easy peasy....... Just curl up and die in the biggest moments.
  9. Seen this movie way too many times. We all know what's coming.....
  10. All week I was trying to get a feel for this game and really couldn't. But, as the game approaches, and hearing about the weather, the more I feel like this game favors the home team. If this becomes a game predicated on running the ball, I don't like our chances at all. Having Johnson not be able to go today will certainly help, but our best chance to win today was attacking the intermediate part of the field in the pass game. If the weather hinders those opportunities, it is going to make it tough on us. As much as I am sure they don't want to do it, this might have to be a game where they dial up 8-10 designed Allen runs. We will need the defense looking in different places to try and open some room up for our backs. We really need this one, but man.....it is going to be a tough one to get.
  11. The fact that we lost to this team makes me sick...... Unbelievable.
  12. There is no way the Jets score on offense today, right? I mean I suppose they could create a turnover on defense somewhere that would set them up, but they aren't putting together a 40-90 yard drive.
  13. There's a gazillion people in that building and not one of them is making any noise. What a crappy atmosphere for a game.... Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving everyone! GO BILLS!
  14. There have been a lot of attempts to stop this play and nobody has been able to do it. The only time it didn't work was when Hurtz fumbled the ball. But if they execute the hand off and hold onto the ball, I just don't see anyone stopping it. That said, you know how to stop it? Limit the times they actually get to 3rd and 4th and 1. Hold them to 2-3 yards to go at least. But, that is easier said than done. I think you just have to chalk the play up to a loss when it happens, unfortunately. They have been running it with a 100% success rate for 2 years. Our undersized line isn't going to suddenly be the ones to magically stop it, unfortunately. The good news is that there are anywhere from 45-75 other plays we will have a chance to win on. Win most of those and win the game.
  15. Here comes the bail out penalty or non-call on the Chiefs.......
  16. That is grounding. They didn't want to call it, but they had to.....
  17. Waits till the last split second to throw it, gets a little push, and it's 15 yards.....
  18. Dude was hoping that ball was under thrown so he could draw a flag. Then the refs throw one on the next play. Insane.
  19. This Eagle line may be able to do a nice job run blocking, but their pass blocking leaves a lot to be desired. Got to take advantage of that. To get the most out of that, though, we will need to find a way to get a lead.
  20. That was a blatant pick that wasn't called. But nobody is surprised.
  21. The biggest thing I have taken away from this game so far is that Allen needs to be prepared to take off on any given play. There are a lot of open run lanes for both the RBs and the QB. Get this Eagles line moving and use some misdirection and it slows their pass rush.
  22. All eyes on the Chiefs and Eagles game tonight. We know for a fact we can play with the Chiefs. We've won 2 out of the last 3 and, obviously, we all know it should be 3 of the last 3. So, I think we will have sort of an idea of what we might be in for after tonight. That said, styles make fights. No matter what happens tonight or how these teams match up, the way we play the Eagles will obviously be a bit different. As of now, I do worry that the Eagles might out physical us at the point of attack on both sides of the ball and that is definitely concerning. But, tonight, hopefully Andy Reid can show us a couple of softer spots we might be able to get after. Will be a good watch tonight either way.
  23. There is a lot we can get into with this game, the scheme, and the play calling. Without the benefit of seeing the All-22 yet, some of the nuances won't even be picked up and talked about yet. But, on first watch, there were definitely things that were easy to notice and some other more subtle things that made things easier for Allen. While I am not going to get into all the specifics I saw until I can confirm them with the All-22, I will comment on some of the little things that added up. First off, this was not an overhaul of what we've been seeing the last several weeks. But, what we did was add little wrinkles to the plays we were running. The more obvious things we saw today started with the use of motion. Not just motion, but motion with a purpose. Sure, we have used motion this season, but a lot of times it was just motion to motion. Guys need to line up so we'd run someone across the formation. Maybe you get an idea of if it is man or zone, but it was never to set anything up. Right from the jump today, there was orbit motions and eye candy that hasn't been there all season. But not just that, the motion was used to scheme guys open. This was most evident on the Cook TD. By motioning him and determining that is was man coverage, they immediately knew the route they were going to run. There was no way Cook's speed that his guy was going to get all the way across the formation with all that trash and get there in time to make a play on the ball there. That play design was a thing of beauty. There were at least 3 plays I can remember that actively schemed a player open in this game which is about 3 more than we have had all season. They limited the amount of mesh concepts they ran today. Dorsey's go to concept in almost every critical situation. We knew it. We all could see it. But the defenses all knew this as well. Today, I can't say that the didn't run it at all because I haven't seen the film yet, but it never came across to me as standing out pre snap that it was coming. Throw in the fact that we were under center a lot more, spread the ball around, threw it to the backs, ran the ball effectively, no 4th and inches shotgun hand offs, etc. and, at least in this game, eliminated a lot of the "dumb" stuff we saw every week up until now. Finally, the overall route spacing for the most part, was so much better. Outside of Davis running a bad route here and there, you never saw 3 or 4 WRs in the same area like we have seen all season. There are several more great things we could talk about, but this stuff alone made a big difference. This was never about trying to reinvent the whole offense. That isn't possible right now in the season. But the added wrinkles and the use of concepts (ie. throwing to the backs consistently, a lot more spread, etc.) that have been underutilized to this point in the season might be enough to get some of the mojo back on offense. Was it perfect? No. That QB draw with time running out in the half was a puzzling call. I have no idea what they were doing there with so little time left. Gabe Davis. WOOF. We are literally playing handicapped with him as our #2 WR. He is very rarely open. His decisions on option routes are terrible at times. There are many plays he does more harm than good because he screws up the spacing of routes by choosing the wrong option. Unfortunately, we are just stuck with him for the rest of the season. Of course Brown got beat like a drum a few times and there were some untimely penalties. But honestly, for a team that had 5 days to get ready for the best defense in the NFL with a brand new coordinator, it couldn't have gone much better. But man, next week is an entirely different animal. We're not going to be able to basically just shut things down for a quarter+ because we know the other team can't score. The pedal will have to be firmly planted on the floor next week. Going to be a very tough game to try and win on the road. PS. Dalton Kincaid is a dog. He is getting better and better every week. His first half was amazing today and if we needed more in the 2nd half, I am confident he would have a monster day. But it isn't just the stats......his blocking is so much better than it was when the season started. It is not perfect, but he is a willing blocker and doesn't shy away from it. Shakir does not get in the end zone if not for his effort and blocking down the field. He affected 3 tacklers on that play alone. He is a stud and is only going to be better. He is the 2nd best weapon on this team.
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