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Everything posted by sven233

  1. All eyes on the Chiefs and Eagles game tonight. We know for a fact we can play with the Chiefs. We've won 2 out of the last 3 and, obviously, we all know it should be 3 of the last 3. So, I think we will have sort of an idea of what we might be in for after tonight. That said, styles make fights. No matter what happens tonight or how these teams match up, the way we play the Eagles will obviously be a bit different. As of now, I do worry that the Eagles might out physical us at the point of attack on both sides of the ball and that is definitely concerning. But, tonight, hopefully Andy Reid can show us a couple of softer spots we might be able to get after. Will be a good watch tonight either way.
  2. There is a lot we can get into with this game, the scheme, and the play calling. Without the benefit of seeing the All-22 yet, some of the nuances won't even be picked up and talked about yet. But, on first watch, there were definitely things that were easy to notice and some other more subtle things that made things easier for Allen. While I am not going to get into all the specifics I saw until I can confirm them with the All-22, I will comment on some of the little things that added up. First off, this was not an overhaul of what we've been seeing the last several weeks. But, what we did was add little wrinkles to the plays we were running. The more obvious things we saw today started with the use of motion. Not just motion, but motion with a purpose. Sure, we have used motion this season, but a lot of times it was just motion to motion. Guys need to line up so we'd run someone across the formation. Maybe you get an idea of if it is man or zone, but it was never to set anything up. Right from the jump today, there was orbit motions and eye candy that hasn't been there all season. But not just that, the motion was used to scheme guys open. This was most evident on the Cook TD. By motioning him and determining that is was man coverage, they immediately knew the route they were going to run. There was no way Cook's speed that his guy was going to get all the way across the formation with all that trash and get there in time to make a play on the ball there. That play design was a thing of beauty. There were at least 3 plays I can remember that actively schemed a player open in this game which is about 3 more than we have had all season. They limited the amount of mesh concepts they ran today. Dorsey's go to concept in almost every critical situation. We knew it. We all could see it. But the defenses all knew this as well. Today, I can't say that the didn't run it at all because I haven't seen the film yet, but it never came across to me as standing out pre snap that it was coming. Throw in the fact that we were under center a lot more, spread the ball around, threw it to the backs, ran the ball effectively, no 4th and inches shotgun hand offs, etc. and, at least in this game, eliminated a lot of the "dumb" stuff we saw every week up until now. Finally, the overall route spacing for the most part, was so much better. Outside of Davis running a bad route here and there, you never saw 3 or 4 WRs in the same area like we have seen all season. There are several more great things we could talk about, but this stuff alone made a big difference. This was never about trying to reinvent the whole offense. That isn't possible right now in the season. But the added wrinkles and the use of concepts (ie. throwing to the backs consistently, a lot more spread, etc.) that have been underutilized to this point in the season might be enough to get some of the mojo back on offense. Was it perfect? No. That QB draw with time running out in the half was a puzzling call. I have no idea what they were doing there with so little time left. Gabe Davis. WOOF. We are literally playing handicapped with him as our #2 WR. He is very rarely open. His decisions on option routes are terrible at times. There are many plays he does more harm than good because he screws up the spacing of routes by choosing the wrong option. Unfortunately, we are just stuck with him for the rest of the season. Of course Brown got beat like a drum a few times and there were some untimely penalties. But honestly, for a team that had 5 days to get ready for the best defense in the NFL with a brand new coordinator, it couldn't have gone much better. But man, next week is an entirely different animal. We're not going to be able to basically just shut things down for a quarter+ because we know the other team can't score. The pedal will have to be firmly planted on the floor next week. Going to be a very tough game to try and win on the road. PS. Dalton Kincaid is a dog. He is getting better and better every week. His first half was amazing today and if we needed more in the 2nd half, I am confident he would have a monster day. But it isn't just the stats......his blocking is so much better than it was when the season started. It is not perfect, but he is a willing blocker and doesn't shy away from it. Shakir does not get in the end zone if not for his effort and blocking down the field. He affected 3 tacklers on that play alone. He is a stud and is only going to be better. He is the 2nd best weapon on this team.
  3. If they take Kincaid off the field, other than for a breather, to put Knox back out there in place of him, we may riot. But we've seen this song and dance before. The coaches have their favorites and Knox is one of them. But Kincaid is the superior player in many different ways. Even his blocking is getting better week in and week out. But I just fear that once Knox comes back, Kincaid's role will go down to make room. I hope this isn't the case, but this coaching staff does it all the time.
  4. I would actually expect his usage to grow, particularly in the pass game, over the next few weeks. We have to find a way to win at least 3 of the next 4 to stay in this, though. Going to be a tough road.
  5. I'll wait to see how the next couple games go before we go too far with this, but man......this is a site for sore eyes.
  6. 32 points against the Jets defense with basically shutting things down for a quarter and a half. Never would have thought it was a possibility. The Jets defense is great. Probably the best in the league. But we play some of the best teams in the entire league over the next several weeks. We're going to see how real this is very quickly. But man, I'll take the way this game has gone over every other game since the Miami game right now. Keeps us alive. Next week will really show where we are, though. Going to possibly be the hardest game remaining on our schedule.
  7. Of course...... See plays like that all the time that are rules catches. Whatever, not surprising with this crew. BALL DON'T LIE.
  8. Only real downside of this game besides the injuries and atrocious officiating, of course, is that our special teams have been awful. Bass missed an XP and the punter has been really bad outside 1 punt. But anyways.......FINISH THIS.
  9. Still trying to figure out how after all that, it was Dawkins that got the flag. They never showed anything he actually did wrong.
  10. I was going to wait until the end of the game, but now's good...... Feels good. Just hoping it isn't too little too late.
  11. BIG ED!!!! I want to take care of the ball on this drive, but man.....I really want another TD for the offense here.
  12. That was a hell of a play by Oliver. Can't overstate how good that was.
  13. Throwing to the backs regularly is a MAJOR adjustment and we have some explosive ones. This scheme shift alone could open up the offense in a huge way. You can't change then entire playbook overnight, but you can run the parts of it that have been severely underutilized. That is the one thing that stood out about Brady in Carolina. He loved throwing to backs. If this is any indication of where this offense is headed, take the over on RB catches every week. PS. The STs are a disaster.
  14. Scored on 4 out of 6 drives. Sure, you'd like to see at least one more of those drives end with a TD instead of a FG, but I'll take scoring 4 out of 6 times all day. We moved the ball well until the redzone. It's hard to fix everything in 5 days.
  15. It didn't end well, but for a majority of the half, there were several positive signs. A ways to go, but you can't expect too much in 5 days of work. Put another half of football out there that looks semi competent and we'll see what happens. Not terrible overall, though.
  16. We are severely handicapped without a real #2 WR on this team. Gabe Davis is just invisible. Awful.
  17. Just when you thought we were going to get the ball back with a chance to put the nail in the coffin, these coaches pull out their vintage stuff and let a terrible team that hasn't scored a TD since the ice age stroll right down the field for a TD.
  18. I know that is called in today's game, but man..... I hate it.
  19. Just glad the dude is moving. Obviously a nerve issue. Just hope and pray it isn't serious.
  20. Just remember all this happens because these idiot coaches didn't just put 2 gunners out there up 16.
  21. Well, that was a major pick that wasn't called...... And now we'll have to pull people out of the stands to play DB at this rate.
  22. How in the blue hell do you let that happen? That is embarrassing.
  23. It hasn't been perfect, but the offense looks competent. For once, they used motion for a purpose rather than just running someone across the field for no real reason. They identified Cook's guy and set him up. There was no way for him to get all the way over to the other side of the field in time to stop that. That was a beautiful play design there. Offense is moving up and down the field against a great defense and finally put one in. Keep the pedal down!
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