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Everything posted by sven233

  1. No chance this happens against that defense, but man.....could you imagine if all of a sudden Josh was Josh again and this offense dominated like that (assuming that the points came from the offense and not like 3 pick sixes)? It would be incredible, but how would it all feel knowing we still wouldn't be in a playoff spot with so many tough games coming up? I'd love it to happen though so we could find out how we would be feeling.
  2. Yeah.....this is a tough one. While he has nice ball skills, he is an atrocious tackler. If you don't want to ever use him as a box safety, and you just want him patrolling the back end, I think he could probably do something like that. But in today's NFL, you want safeties that can creep up and be that extra tackler in the box and he has just never shown that he is a good enough tackler to do that. Would be a tough ask, I think, to have him convert unfortunately.
  3. You want to see Allen's INT count go down? Let him run more. Get back to the designed runs (5 a game would be enough) and tell him he has the green light to scramble anytime he sees an opening. Right now, teams are not respecting his running ability anymore because they see that he isn't doing it nearly the way he used to. And because of this, teams feel real comfortable sinking into coverage and just waiting for him to make a mistake. He may as well be any statue QB you want to name back there. Sure, he moves out of the pocket to buy time, but he isn't using his legs as a true weapon and teams know this. There are several times this season where you watch the tape and see a chance for him on a 3rd and medium to just take off and pick it up with his legs, yet it VERY rarely happens anymore and teams again know this. All you have to do is put that fear back into defenses that at any moment he'll burn you for 40 yards or a critical first down. They will start having to creep back up and that will in turn loosen up the coverage down the field and create more openings and opportunities. I mean, most of this season, teams are not only not respecting his legs or ability to burn them running, but they are actually baiting him into mistakes because of it. They'll initially squat on the underneath stuff, particularly the shallow routes to the sidelines and then as soon as he starts moving out of the pocket, since they know he isn't going to take off and run, they fall off those shallow targets and sink back waiting for him to try and hit the honey hole. He's made this throw so many times in years past and he's amazing at this. But who else knows this? The defenses we play, of course. So, teams will constantly continue to do this until we make them pay for it either by letting Allen take off or create their own counters by changing up the underneath routes. We run this concept so much, teams can see it coming a mile away. This, along with our mesh concept, have become way too easy for defenses to figure out what we're doing at the snap and then easily take it away. Here's hoping Brady fires these concepts to the moon for a while and gets away from the predictability they come with and just let Allen loose. I'm telling you, while the INTs may not completely go away, they will be dramatically reduced by letting Allen use all of his physical gifts.
  4. I swear with a little practice, teams could design plays specifically to get the call.
  5. This game is so bad. Just tossing up prayers waiting for flags.
  6. You can flip into the endzone..... Just don't point at anyone.
  7. Yes.....until next week, or the week after that, or the Bye week. He was a dead man walking and it was just going to be a matter of when it was most convenient for McDermott. McDermott blew the game and he knew he was going to take a lot of heat for it. Dorsey getting fired distracts from some of that narrative. It was the perfect time for McDermott to pull the trigger. If I'm the special teams coach, I wouldn't be feeling very good. Next time McDermott screws up and costs us another game, you can bet he'll be out the door.
  8. Daboll's offense running at it's peak coupled with this defense, although riddled with injuries, would have us in contention for the top spot in the AFC right now. We can all rail on the defense for coming up small in the biggest moments protecting a late lead, and that is very frustrating knowing that it is coming every time, but it is a lot easier playing defense when playing up 2 scores than down the entire game. It changes the entire game if you can get up early, but this team can't get out of its own way for most of the game lately.
  9. Honestly, it is only right to tamper any expectations because of the situation he is being thrown into. It's not like the overall offensive scheme is going to change here in the middle of the season. The plays are the plays for the most part. Sure, he will have the opportunity to put in some new plays and concepts as the weeks go by, but the offense is the offense for the most part. That said, how the offense is called is what can be different. Situational calls can be different. Maybe instead of going shotgun on 4th and inches, he does the smart thing and just uses the tush push which is virtually unstoppable. Maybe when the team is rolling down the field with tempo and scoring, he continues to use tempo instead of slowing everything down to a snail's pace. Maybe he utilizes the QB runs we all know are in the playbook because we saw them for years under Daboll. Maybe he know what a slant pass is. Maybe he has enough common sense to see that the best this offense has looked all year is when Allen is under center and utilizing play action. Maybe he knows that he needs to give the defense something else to look at and think about on more plays by utilizing pre-snap motion and eye candy at a high rate. Maybe he knows that some gimmick plays with Harty are not such a bad thing to mix in. Maybe he realizes that rolling Allen out on a regular basis giving him the option to throw or run on multiple plays would keep the defense off balance. There are a lot of things that can be done differently with this same offense that we have been utilizing for years. We know because we've seen it in the past. Orbit motions, the push pass (I can't count the number of times Daboll called that with a ton of success and we haven't seen it once under Dorsey). The changes to this offense are already in the playbook. They just have to use them again. The biggest thing Brady can do to be successful, though, is to put Allen in position to be alien we know he is. Run him multiple times a game with designed runs. No, I am not talking about 10 rushes a game, but 5 shouldn't be off the table. Roll him out and create moving pockets and give him the green light on every play to take off if he doesn't see what anything he likes. You take 4-5 yards on a "bad" Allen scramble every time. You start making Allen's legs a weapon again and watch what happens down the field. All of a sudden if Allen burns you a couple times with his legs and those defensive players start sneaking forward a bit, all of a sudden, those deeper routes open up. These little things that we all know are in the playbook can add up to a lot. How many times this season does it feel if they just do a couple of things different in certain situations that we could have scored that extra TD or gotten that extra 1st down to ice the game. Football is a tough sport and as cliche as it is, it is a game of inches and the margin between winning and losing is super small even between the best and worst teams. So, Brady doesn't have to reinvent the wheel here to be successful. Just grease it a little.
  10. Fourth and Stupid Just Knock it Down The Peterman Game I know there's a bunch more, but I'm tired.....
  11. The fact is, they know this exact situation is coming 2-3 plays in advance. It is obvious to everyone watching what was going to have to happen and yet, somehow, our idiot coach has no idea how to get 11 players on the field with over a minute to plan for it. It is the peak level of stupidity.
  12. Gabe Davis, for some reason a captain on this team, refused to take questions from the media after the game. Tells you all you need to know about this team on so many levels.
  13. I don't care how hard they work or how many hours they put in. This is the DUMBEST coaching staff we have ever had. They just do the most idiotic things in the biggest moments and they are actively killing this fairly talented team. Every week they do things to hold this team back. If you are going to bench a player for fumbling, then I want the coaches barred from the building for the stupid crap they do week in and week out that have now cost us probably 3-4 games this season. I hate calling people dumb, but when it comes to the basics of football, THIS IS A DUMB COACHING STAFF.
  14. If the players can be benched for stupid things, I want McDermott benched for that atrocity.
  15. Nice job coaching..... Cost us another one!!! HA!
  16. Almost a fitting way for the season for all intents and purposes to end....
  17. Right down the field as easy as could be. It happens every single time.
  18. And just like that, they are just a few yards away from FG range on 1 play.
  19. I want to be excited......I really do. But I have seen this movie too many times and the ending never seems to change.
  20. They seriously ran the same exact play there..... I really thought as soon as Davis motioned into the same spot, they were setting the defense up for something the other way. Guess I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up for any creativity there.
  21. There have been issues tonight, but this offense struggles enough on it's own, let alone when Cook is not on the field. The only times we have moved the ball tonight is when he's been on the field. Sometimes you just have to eat the bad stuff and hope it doesn't happen again, but you have to have your play makers on the field.
  22. I mean, who needs a dynamic athlete on the field anyway. Just bench him.
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