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Everything posted by dulles

  1. TT - 6-6 TB** - 10-2 </thread> and I HATE TB** I agree. If he bombs badly, we won't be in contention anyway. Cut, eat the salary, rebuild. If he is legit and continues to improve, you are secure for the rest of his career. Alright - time to go get some sleep. I just posted after I said someone else's comment should end the thread. I also credited TT with the losses under EJ, which is bad form and deserves severe flaming. I'll take my punishment quietly now. Not too slick!
  2. ^^^Best post of the thread! I'm pretty sure you shouldn't answer that in public. CPS calls that neglecting the welfare of a child in WNY.
  3. The problem with your statement is that it seems like you didn't read the article. The article clearly states that the problem with cycling are because 1) more people ride bike than play football, 2) football players wear helmets, whereas there is a high correlation between head trauma and a failure to properly utilize helmets, 3) motor vehicles greatly increase the risk of injury in cycling accidents. Last I checked, the vehicles only come onto the football field after the football player has been knocked out. One other observation that doesn't come from the article: there is growing concern that CTE and similar conditions which stem from TBIs are severely aggravated by repetitive impact to the head, regardless if the result is diagnosed as a concussion. There is no way that cycling produces a proportionate amount of repetitive impact on the head. I don't think cycling is going to be the next big target - soccer will be. The repetitive practice of heading will be targeted by the doctors, lawyers, and activists, just as soon as football (and possibly hockey) are addressed (ie, changed dramatically). Chuck...I think you got it right. Those sports aren't free of risk, but the attention is on the biggest culprit right now. I agree that it raises an ethical dilemma. I'm not comfortable watching many of the same hits that I used to cheer. I cringe whenever I see a bad hit or a knee get torn up. The problem at this point is that we don't really know the full extent of the problem. Is this a real problem without a solution other than "killing" football? Is this just over-blown media hype? We don't completely know yet. In the meantime, I'm a little too used to watching, so I continue to enjoy the games with my four sons. I try to increase their awareness of the ethical dilemma so they can make an educated decision for themselves as they become grown men. I plan to watch the Concussion movie with them at some point.
  4. IIRC back then, they didn't wear cleats at Rich Stadium. That turf was practically green paint on concrete. They wore "turf" shoes - basically basketball shoes with hundreds of round "cleats" on the bottom. The turf at the Ralph really needs an upgrade. I'd love to see grass like Green Bay. The Pegulas' money should bail us out on that, but with a new stadium in the works, I wonder if they will just wait it out.
  5. Shouldn't that pattern follow the W-L record? I agree with the sentiment. Winning cures this problem. No one is calling for Marvin Lewis' head in Cinci, but boy was he on the hot seat in the past. Don't change for change sake, it already will take another year to retool the defensive players to Rex's liking.
  6. Forgot Cyril Richardson already? How about the o-lines we used to trot out there during the first decade of this millennium?
  7. The "I demand a winner NOW!" types are the Daniel Snyders of fandom. I'll take patience over petulance. The Cardinals have been patient in their development, despite not having an elite quarterback fall to them in the draft. They are an excellent pattern to remember. In fact, most of the NFC West falls into the same category. SF seems to have gotten impatient recently and then it went BOOM! I'm all for staying the course. I would cite Cincinnati as another example with Marvin Lewis as coach.
  8. I'm pretty sure they hold their party at a nursing home now.
  9. Umm, this is not a consistent logical argument. I did a quick review. Here's your result: https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/loaded-question This type of illogical argument only works on talk radio. If you've got a good voice, perhaps you could make a run at Rome or the Herd. Otherwise, I suggest you sharpen the argument a bit. That's the real problem on D. On that missed tackle, Duke looked like they dragged a scalper off the corner before the game and threw a uniform on the dude. I certainly wasn't happy with the missed tackle by Graham...He needs to bring the guy down, but Duke has to go. I'm looking forward to seeing what Whaley can do in the draft at S and LB. He's got a nose for defensive prospects.
  10. It looked like he misjudged it. Hit him in the wrist. If he got his hands on it, the safety doesn't know it loose. Definitely on McCoy.
  11. The 2 minute offense is deplorable. I can't understand why Taylor doesn't just call a play when the headphones don't work. This isn't rocket science. Pick one and run it. Why are they huddling in the hurry up?
  12. Best suggestion yet. I can just imagine Bellicheck** trying to deny that he had string and an extra dixie cup in his hoodie after the game.
  13. Ouch. You act like we haven't made the playoffs in 15 years. When did the optimism run out? I have to disagree re: Dallas. They are not that impressive, even when Romo comes back. Besides, by that time, the Bryant and Hardy may have reduced North Texas to a nuclear wasteland. I hear what you are saying about losing one game which we shouldn't, but I'm encouraged by what I see on the field and by what players are still not out there. A. K. and M. Williams could really take this to a new level. I think Rex got served notice re: his brash behavior earlier in the season and things seem much more even-keeled.
  14. 3)I think Darby and Gilmore are playing better than Revis/Cromartie ever did. 5) Definitely agree. It was like they made the adjustment at half to get him the ball and promptly forgot after the first drive. They need to stop using him in protection. 8) At least Shady knows why he's running E/W...to get N/S...something Spiller never learned. Also, the Jets are fast in the line, but slow at LB, so those plays were meant to clog the line inside and pressure the second level with McCoy's speed. It seemed to work well, even though he had some discouraging losses. 9) Before the play, I told my boys, "24 seconds...good...that's enough time for Fitz to throw a pick."
  15. That's lovely. I'm going to retell that to my boys during 'los Williams' next TD celebration.
  16. That's ok. He's only halfway through his third year of playing the position. I'll take the results at the end of that learning curve! And, thank goodness FSU needed another RB. We would not have drafted him at S unless Jauron was our coach!
  17. I thought it was laughable when Phil Simms accused TT of "Not throwing his receiver open" on the touchdown to Karlos. Obviously, with 3 defenders in the vicinity, TT had to see if Los could get across the face of the LB on the circle route. He could not have thrown it sooner because he could not have been sure of the LB's response. I don't get how a 26 yard TD pass on a beautiful pattern and pass could be criticized, but Simms has found a way to display his intellect once again! I'll tell you where I saw growth last night - the offensive line. A few weeks back, we were asking if Kromer would make a difference. Well here's your answer. First quarter, we were getting hammered by pressure. Then, the adjustments were made. That's where you get your money's worth - in-game changes. It was like two different games. That first drive in the second half was beautiful. It will be overshadowed by the 4 consecutive 3andOuts, but those fall on Roman. Kromer is definitely making a difference for our line.
  18. That's the perfect description of this situation. Close the thread boys. We're finished here! It was surprising to see Wilkerson chase him down multiple times. It is obvious his knee is still a problem. Who wants to bet that a Cheat takes a twist on it next Monday?
  19. I would not be surprised at all if Rex came out with a totally different game plan this time. He has McK, but we still lack A.Wil. I think we'll see him use the Safeties on more blitzes and use McK or Gilmore on Gronk, leaving Graham to play more single-high. More jamming at the line.
  20. I think Watkins, Woods and Hogan give up a little to Marshall, Decker, Kerley, but Cumberland? Really?!? Clay makes the difference with the receivers.
  21. Robey? Like when they predict the starting QB during TC?
  22. I'm between a rock and hard place...I totally agree...but if I comment, what happens to the thread?
  23. Nice. I've heard of him...gitter dun Buddy.
  24. and he didn't quite graduate! Sammy gets injured like he was on a Madden cover.
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