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Everything posted by dulles

  1. It looks like Cleveland followed our qb development model which we perfected with EJ. I'm not saying kizer is the answer. I haven't seen him play, but half a season seems like someone is desperately pulling levers and pushing buttons over there.
  2. Should we start the gofundme for your legal fees now or after the fact?
  3. I think this might be one of the smartest posts of the day!
  4. Unfortunately, I don't think KW is back for another round next year. I'd be surprised if he is.
  5. Buffalo grunts...that could go in bad directions quickly. Stampede would sound cool. I'm tired of the train whistle too.
  6. I never use FB to log in to anything. In fact, if that is the only way to log in, I stop commenting.
  7. I think that might be what the NFL is after...let them have their freedom, but also over-saturate the fan so it is not so meaningful. After all, this is about brand power. If EVERYONE is doing something special, the few "celebrants" can't capitalize. If EVERYONE is celebrating, then the few bad exceptions are marginalized. For instance, Von Miller's pelvic celebrations weren't just noteworthy for their content, they were additionally noteworthy because they were trampling the perceived prohibition against certain types of celebration. Von Miller got additional name/brand recognition, but the NFL got bad PR! This year, if a player does something "over the line" it is the player that gets the bad PR and the NFL brand looks reasonable. After all, they have allowed celebrations, but not those types of celebrations!
  8. Relocation...I wouldn't root for the Bills when they played in Toronto.
  9. I actually think Tolbert on 1st down and Shady on 2nd and 3rd would be better.
  10. Love quotes like this: "Whether it is the ability to produce takeaways at an astounding rate or suffocate high-powered offenses with a disciplined scheme and fanatical effort, a championship-caliber defense imposes its will on opponents with a style that pops off the game tape. "
  11. That was when our team wasn't built around fundamentals and consistency. I think we were often beat by fundamentally sound teams in those games for that reason. I agree about the past performance, but I wouldn't be surprised to see a different result tomorrow.
  12. Oh, so he's going to turn this thing around 360 degrees? (All time favorite athlete quote - Jason Kidd)
  13. I did not think their defense looked all that impressive. I thought Jamies looked way off...like he wasn't really prepared. Also, the playcaller went away from the run way too often.
  14. Our D should do well in that situation. Backing into zones and flying up to make the tackle.
  15. He doesn't need a poker face. He's not the one negotiating a trade. He simply needs to get the most out of the roster. Since they can't move Dareus, the best they can do is try to motivate him. If Dareus turns it around, credit McCoach. If he doesn't, we'll do what the best teams do...we'll get rid of the Dareus at a time which is in the best interest of the team.
  16. It's like the whole board has turned into a bunch of coaches. The next game is always the hardest on the schedule. Don't look past anyone. Etc.
  17. What you can't see on the counter is the Microsoft Surface that showed him how the offense just turned the ball over!
  18. As for respect...absolutely. These refs are professionals themselves, usually twice over. They are lawyers, sales representatives, business owners, etc. I have long thought that the professionalism of the coach and players has a bearing on the officiating.
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