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Everything posted by dulles

  1. OK, Mason Rudolph with our first pick, but "at what price?" Are you saying we use our first pick in the 20's - assuming a playoff berth? Or are you saying, "Trade the farm, we need some Rudolph?"
  2. This is a legit question...not just baiting you... Do we want a "late 1st to mid second" kind of QB project? It appears that many on this board who are adamant about QB picks are especially keen on getting a top 3 QB pick.
  3. I thought they'd just get some snacks!
  4. I think the TNF issue is bigger than CTE for viewership. People watch destructive and degrading content all the time...it just needs to be "quality" content. TNF has failed to move the needle in the quality department and so the "health" question becomes more pertinent.
  5. What round would you place him in?
  6. That was what I fully expected...Since ESPN no longer can afford real talent, their content is spiraling downward at an alarming pace. This type of fluff "journalism" is like a creative writing class in Jr. High. "Good job, Johnnie...you filled up the required pages and you followed all of our social issues guidelines!" Truth! A better article would be something like this... Which current QB is most likely to be healthier than ____________ 10 years after retirement? Which current QB is most likely to be a drunk womanizer pull a Namath? Which current player might have nastier hands than Chuck Bednarick in retirement?
  7. You had nuthin at patriot bride! If one of my sons came home with a patriots fan, my wife would spare her life...but it wouldn't be pretty. My son, on the other hand..."Bad things man, bad things!"
  8. That'd be fun...until the first week ended. I'm with you...it may be hard to understand, but the coaches are the ones with access to all the tape. They work with them every day. They are the ones with the information, so I think they should be given the latitude to make the decision. Hopefully McCoach can properly assess their performance and make adjustments as needed. I find this aspect of his coaching tenure fascinating. He was canned as a DC by Andy Reid. Will he can his assistants when it is necessary or will he be ultra loyal (like Wade Philips was)? What if it is patently obvious that a change is needed, but he is unwilling to budge? Should make for some good offseason conversations over the next few years! OK, back to the subject - I trust the coaches judgment on this...for now.
  9. I'm really glad we got him. I think he should really open things up for TT. Even McCoach was talking about that. You can't double KB if you bring extra help into the box. Should help everyone. I'm looking forward to Sunday.
  10. The only way you can have your cake and eat it too is if you eat really small portions...that's not too satisfying either. I thought you were gonna tell us that one of them was that rookie WR...nevermind.
  11. This is a big reason why we won't go after the guy...he's not fit and he's not forthright. Does't work with McBeane.
  12. Evidently the official IR move hadn't been made yet. (per Senth's link).
  13. I thought they IR'd him already. I haven't heard any news about Gronk, but I just figure he's always a weight lifting session away from messing his back up anyhow. I would be surprised if he is around for both games against us. BTW, welcome to the board. Also, watch out for posting on topics which have already been covered elsewhere...kinda a no-no around here. See this post for earlier discussion: https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/topic/197555-hightower-out-for-season/?tab=comments#comment-4622571
  14. My local Dollar General puts out Halloween stuff in early August...Christmas stuff comes out soon after school starts...fireworks go on sale around Easter. Very confusing.
  15. I don't think the defense quit. I think they got beat man on man. I think Humber jumped into the wrong gap a few times. I think they were the tired, road team on a Thursday. They just got beat. It happens in football sometimes.
  16. Have to agree...this game may tell us more about the long term future than it does about this season. I expect a close game. If it gets out of hand, I think that would indicate a longer road to long term success.
  17. Frazier has NEVER been an aggressive, blitz-happy DC. That is one of the things that is surprising about McDermott...He learned DC in a crazy blitz-happy scheme from Jim Johnson. I wish they'd bring a little more. I can't remember the last time I saw even a fake double-a-gap look.
  18. Thankfully the trade deadline is behind us so we can get back to the process!
  19. Maybe it doesn't take a high IQ to notice that the Bills didn't show up!
  20. There were multiple run plays where Humber missed the back in the hole. He was probably responsible for about 75 rushing yards. I missed Milano terribly.
  21. I agree...I like it when they are flying under the radar. Can't agree re: the process. Still haven't seen the full results. Benjamin may be a big part. I'd trust them a lot more if they replace Dennison in the offseason.
  22. Maybe Rex gave the Bills some secret advice! The way Rex performed over the last six season, I'd have to lean in that direction.
  23. It was pretty embarrassing for the whole line. I don't think any of them will grade well. I know that the Chargers are on the West Coast, but I don't think they will be any tougher than the Saints.
  24. I think it has received more attention this past off-season... There were some longer discussions when things were pretty grim this spring and summer.
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