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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. What color glasses do you prefer, clear or rose colored?
  2. What do you mean, an African or European Swallow?
  3. Somehow, the word Rookie seems to have lost its meaning. I think Coleman is the one rook who could be used effectively fairly quickly in certain specific packages but he’s not going out there and starting. The DBs in general are potentially going to be sorely lacking in cohesiveness, especially at the start of the season. We could be trying to play catch up in a lot of games which our O doesn’t seem it will be built for.
  4. Juggernaut???? Like last year? The year before? 🤔
  5. Best GUESS is two games on either side of .500……7 to 10 wins. Th AFCE being weak means we should win it but this team has consistently shown us the ability to not only play down to their bad opponent’s level but below it with shocking regularity. IF Rogers stays healthy, the Jets could be a solid team. We also lost a tremendous amount of vet leadership in the D backfield which counts for something, both on the field and in the film room. If we make the playoffs I don’t see more than one win, if we miss the playoffs, I won’t be surprised.
  6. Who was ( ostensibly) in charge, on the field, during 13 seconds. EASY to blame the guy. Posters in the game thread were calling the right defensive concepts. McD…. Not so much
  7. Some certainly seem to be. Apparently change is scary
  8. Watching Josh hold a Lombardi after beating the Rams in the SB And a large part of Bills fandom…..
  9. So, you?, a guy who has 17k+ posts, is lecturing me, a guy with 6k+ posts about some weird dynamic of emotional over attachments and fixation on the Bills and their success? How about posting the same comment on some of the clear LAMP posts that are pie in the sky, head in the sand positive about us “winning it all this year” or “ Shakir is gonna be great, I guarantee it” Maybe, just maybe, it’s a reflection on posters of your ilk and your need to maintain the safety of the status quo even when it is demonstrably and repeatedly failing. I don’t get into it with posters on here Goat as I actually have a lot of other worthwhile things in my life to persue and enjoy. This makes me an outlier compared to many of the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly posters. I called my shot for all to see. Been watching this team since 9/7/80. I’ve seen enough to know Always the Bridesmaid territory. Two weeks ago it got me labeled LAMP and moved to off the wall by a Chicken$#|+ Mod who didn’t have the courtesy to even message me. Looks like many are finally agreeing: It’s a rebuild, We probably are taking a step back this year, the first Window is closed and the second most likely can open next year….. now for the Fait accompli …… McD or McBeane get canned and a bunch of you will have to admit that some of us where actually ahead of you, whether WE liked the situation or not. Like the car I’m sitting here waiting to be serviced, not sure when it happens but it will happen, Sans SB. Just want to win one while we have Josh😘 PS: This wasn’t just for you Brother Goat .
  10. But, I’ve been told repeatedly it’s not a rebuild😵😵‍💫🫣 I hate this take that so many of you spew!!!! Not winning the whole thing but getting to the playoffs every year is worse than being 8-8 or 6-10. ASPIRE to be a champion and settle for nothing less. We have THE best QB any of us will ever see in our lives as Bills fans. He can’t do this without the right coach and help around him.
  11. Giving McD a do over is ludicrous. I don’t care if we are closer than we were during the drought. It’s not enough. I understand how unpopular this opinion is to some but Belicheat, running a Defense and having Josh for the next 4 years with Beane or another qualified GM DOING the GM-ing is much more preferable to a guy who is never going to get us over the hump. Watching Josh waste away gives us a taste of what Fins fans must have felt like with Marino…..all time great being squandered right in front of our eyes.
  12. Does Beane have Kompromat on some of you? Geez, the guy isn’t perfect. None of the GMs are. We all watch ridiculous head scratchers every year. 6 QBs in the first 12picks? You think none of those were bad or reaches? It’s a message board, on a fan site, of course it’s a LAMP. Every single post on this board is, always🤷‍♂️
  13. Covid time must have been tough for you to witness😒 My honest sympathy
  14. But was he a better pick than McConkey, Mitchell, Worthey or Legette? Opinion, yes but most of what I saw pre draft had all of them ranked higher. No one on this board was calling for Coleman and it seems the character thing came into serious play. Maybe in Mitchell’s case that is cool but the nice guy isn’t necessarily the best guy.
  15. The one thing I specifically hate about this draft is the “ Drafting for need” feel of it as opposed to BPA, with Coleman appearing to be example 1A. Character matters but it should not be the overriding concern it seems to be. Drafting for need is a perfect recipe for failure .
  16. Which was my point earlier. I think the coach matters and Beane came after McD did his first draft. He was also from Carolina so…..
  17. I moved to CLT 1/1/98 I lived through both Hurney regimes and Gettlemen. Maybe, you could make the case Beane has reverted to Gettlemen/ Hog Mollies/ Big body thinking but I think that’s a reach. DL, LB and RB is Defensive minded, ball control outlook. Maybe Beane AND McD share a common outlook. Maybe they are entirely too wedded at the hip. IMO McD is the one driving the agenda and Beane is placating him. An idea/question: If Beane were to bring in a different HC with a different outlook, Does Beane keep drafting these “ high character “ guys or do we go in a different direction . I’m guessing the latter.
  18. Continuity! The loss of multiple vets, at various positions on O and D , who knew what they were supposed to do and were experienced. McD has to start at square 1 with a lot of these Rookies. That counts for a lot. And, that wasn’t even close to a game we “ almost won”. The Chiefs played smart ball and let us beat ourselves….. which we did. Remember that awesome fake punt attempt that no one saw coming… oy vey…. There was some high level coaching for you.
  19. But Why Miller? There is no way McD didn’t have a large part to play in that choice. The old We took a shot excuse. They should have surrounded Josh with more talent but the pissed the money away on an aging vet edge.
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