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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. That is an apt comparison. McD is the Fitzpatrick of HCs. He’ll look good until he completely bungles it.
  2. This it the antithetical sub thread to McD vs Jauron. Hard disagree.
  3. As I stated before. Josh is not a panacea, but he appears to be a crutch. I don’t ascribe to the “maybe we will fluke our way to a championship “ train of thought. He is a generational talent. He should be harnessed and used correctly. IMO that is not what we are looking at moving forward.
  4. McD played no part in the D absolutely crapping the bed to start the game? His scheme was above reproach?
  5. Or the Patrick Mahomes faces a D that actually makes him work for it and not just trot out and shoot layups repeatedly.
  6. Dennison was let go. Daboll = Poached ( due to the success of the O/Allen ) That’s it for the poaching. Dorsey was ooof. Taking Brady on was a shrewd move as he was an up and comer who had the experience of running an O. We shall see if there is some magic there ( there might be) but by the looks of it they are trying to create a ball control O. This doesn’t look like it will lead to him being taken from us, at this point. A.R. Was demonstrably better as was posted up thread.
  7. Let me just beat them all to the punch…. Excuse……. Non sequitur followed by useless stats Number 1 regular season D💪🎉yay!!!! More excuses….. Ad Hominem attack What about “ the drought” argument 🤢🤮😎
  8. You made an apples/oranges comparison with a lot of stats…. Woohoo…..yay…… It was a non lazy bad take. I don’t like the Jerkron comp. He’s Schottenheimer 2.0. He’s a big game choker who can’t win, even with home field or Josh gifting him a last seconds, unloseable win…… which he lost.
  9. Who was the best QB Dickie boy had? How does that QB compare to Allen? Lazy take???
  10. Unfortunately, I expect that in the playoffs where his pucker factor seems to effect his coaching acumen and decision making😠
  11. Josh isn’t a panacea….yet many seem to think he is, including McBeane by the looks of the “Talent” they surround him with.
  12. Exactly how I read the schedule, with us being in a deep hole and only managing 8-9 wins.
  13. Only in as much as: The D doesn’t play well in the biggest moments ( L Jackson pick, yeah, I know) They haven’t added the outside burner( s) Josh deserves. Not sure that will be Brady’s fault but agree he will catch heck for it.
  14. Sure, but they beat bad teams. They didn’t lose to The Pats, Or Jets, Or Jags ( a couple years back) or all the other piss poor teams we have continually lost to under McD. They took care of business.
  15. You didn’t watch the same TD I did🤷‍♂️
  16. The time to strike is when the opportunity presents itself. They caught lightning in a bottle tag at year, all year, till they ran into Denver’s D
  17. The Panthers always yo yoed between good seasons and bad, it was actually crazy to watch as it seemed so predictable
  18. The Bill’s coaches ineptitude knocked us out of the second game!
  19. The Panther’s were my second team. They got me through some ROUGH Bills seasons, with 2015 being a perfect example. That team was light years better than anything we have had in the McD/JA era for one simple reason. …. SWAGGER! On O, Cam and Josh are equal in this department. Cam elevated a putrid receiver group. His energy was infectious and they expected to score every time. On D, Kuechly and Davis were MONSTERS!!!! So fun to watch. That D was a turnover creating machine and for those who remember, Boyst kept saying Cam sucked because the D kept giving him short fields.😜 We currently have Douglas who plays with that level of self confidence AND creates turnovers. Maybe Milano gets back to form but he couldn’t hold Kuechly or Davis’ jock in terms of ability. Most importantly,IMO, This was the Riverboat Ron era at its apex. All caution was thrown to the wind by Rivera and they played straight pedal to the metal on O. McD should have a one on one with his old boss and try to get rid of his risk aversion/ timidness/tentativeness tha this team seems to embody, especially when playing lesser teams( and MUCH TO OFTEN losing).
  20. If you see someone in tight bike shorts and you like it but then you realize they aren’t the gender you thought…. Is that wrong? This could go under the “ Asking for a friend” sub genre.
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