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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. Last years losses to the Jets and Pats just called. They’d like to have a word with you about the dangers of second hand smoke.
  2. How much of this is simply because of Josh being the freak that he is? He has single-handedly carried this team repeatedly. That doesn’t mean we are true SB team though. After Josh, who do we have who’s moving the needle? A couple guys maybe…
  3. That anyone is even arguing this isn’t true is absurd.
  4. Big, glaring, important drops. I would LOVE for him to turn that around. We would have a Thurman level weapon if he does but I’m not holding my breath.
  5. Huh You don’t say. Of course it is, it was when they started culling older guys and creating cap space for NEXT year. If I’d only known😒 But, you know, let’s not use the dreaded “ Rebuild” word!!! It’s too ScArY😱😱😱🫣😑 Let’s call it a “ retool” or argue that as long as we have Josh it can NEVER be a rebuild. Let’s also not suggest the first SB window closed and McClappy didn’t piss away an all time QB playoff performance . Let’s stick to our “ We can still win the SB” mantra cuz it makes us feel good. I’m not straight out calling a bunch of you rubes but🤷‍♂️ Reality doesn’t require your participation but some of the serious Pie in the Sky bs some on here have been peddling does. The next window MAYBE opens next season but probably 2026 if things go well.
  6. Cook is worse the Davis catching balls. He dropped three layup TDs last year. Unless he makes some huge leap in catching, I want no part of him out wide this year.
  7. Uhh, Knox and Cooke just called to say, Don’t forget about us.
  8. This board was an absolute $#!+show at times, this draft. Posters who, purportedly, watch this team are surprised by the direction the draft went in🤔
  9. Not according to half this board 😜
  10. Good stuff Admittedly, I don’t know where the “ Coleman was the last WR left that Josh like” thing came from. IF it came out of the Bills org it just strikes me as not great. Can’t imagine a Saban or Hoodie worrying about what their QB wanted in a public forum. My turn to talk out both sides: I want Allen to be happy and feel that the team is going in a direction that maximizes what he has to offer. I just don’t like the appearance of public need to get the info out ( if that is what happened) . It seems weak and slightly desperate. In the end it doesn’t make any difference just how it struck me.
  11. Absolutely McD himself helped bring in this Two Deep/ keep everything in front of you era against the elite QBs. When Brady came in last year suddenly we had a good running game and Cooke was allowed to cook. Ball control, shorten the game, keep your D rested….. what one should expect from a Defensive coach. Coleman and Kincaid is like a two TE set where both can catch. IF Coleman can block, even better. If we get some outside speed next year, we are off to the races again while not getting Josh killed this year.
  12. Didn’t see a one of you calling for Coleman….not sure I like the sound of Josh being in on the decision….. But, having watched his highlights reel, the kid has very good in game vertical. He’s seems to have very good hands. He catches contested balls repeatedly with guys hanging on him. He seems to have short space fluidity and body control. I see an immediate Redzone target where space and coverage is assured to be tight. And he is tall which makes Josh’s life easier both visually and targeting-wise. We needed a safety, I assumed we were going to take a DB first or second. If the kids pans out quickly , it’s a good pick. Lord knows we have had games where our secondary is dropping like flies. And, as usual, we won’t have a great pass rush from our defensive “guru” coach so the back end will have to hold up. DT….😒….. don’t like it but it is the MO of McBeane. I think this is round one of a two year plan and assuming a middle first round pick next year along with some late trades for more ammo next year we should be hopefully looking at a second LEGIT window opening IN 25 or 26.
  13. Well, I certainly wasn’t hoping to be the close to the mark! 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️😜
  14. If there are two things Beane has demonstrated to us, they are: 1. His ability to get good interior D lineman, cheap, on short deals. 2.His inability to keep McD from influencing him into drafting D “ process” guys. Is this guy going to sack the QB regularly? Doesn’t seem like it. Is he going to demonstrably do anything to get us over the hump, in big games? Doubtful? The NFL is literally outlawing tackling by defenders….. so Madden level offensive outlooks aren’t necessarily a character flaw moving forward….. Especially when you have a Unicorn/Freak of Nature QB with a cannon for an arm🤷‍♂️
  15. This whole offseason has been Pats 101. I’ll give him the off season at least before I pull out my pitchfork.
  16. Every year, we pick someone in the first and many on here LOVE the “ Can’t miss, steal” of the draft we got. Someone should bring up the Sammy Watkins thread and everyone should read how they were absolutely CREAMING over the bold pick!!! Beane is doing a classic Patriots draft strategy here. It’s the one so many have wished for. Now , many think he’s a bum and doesn’t have a clue😒 He is apparently not as enamored with these wideouts as many are. I’ll trust him to get it right. Lastly, we have no idea what he has up his sleeve . Breathe people! In through the nose, out of the mouth, in through the nose, out of the mouth.
  17. Multiple thread on TSW say “ Yes!!!” Bills to SB, This team better than last year (?!?!) etc, blah, blah, blah…. This is 2025 is HOPEFULLY our next window opening stuff.
  18. Maybe, just maybe, the plan is to hang McD out to dry while clearing cap space. That way, they can Can his arse late/ after the season and go into next year ready to fill the coffers for a “Not Schottenheimer 2.0” He also gets to blame the mediocre season on McD and get some of his ball boys on here to see the light. Oh, a man can dream🤔
  19. Be less surprised if he moves up 3 spots to pick the same guy who would have fallen to 28😒
  20. Some of the players we all just watched get picked are going to flat out suck. Hitting high draft picks should be easy but every year it isn’t. I’d love the WR double dip but I’d be shocked if they didn’t take a DB under that scenario.
  21. In a league that literally is banning tackling, why would you? Which is why it will EXTRA suck if we do.
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