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Everything posted by dezertbill

  1. I believe Whaley's comments are part of a game of cat and mouse. Although it hasn't been officially reported by some of the bigger named NFL media types, rumors are floating around of RG III being on the trade market with the Bills and Jets being interested. Alot of what has gone on the past week seems to make this more of a possibility than an improbability. Gruden last year publically displayed his frustration with RG III. Called out his ability to be a leader of the franchise. He went as far to say that RG III will have to compete for the QB spot in 2015. Even the Redskin's season ticket campaign doesn't have RG III's face on it. A fact brought up by many ESPN media types. All of a sudden out of the blue, Gruden says RG III is their starting QB. A statement that has baffled everyone from NFL Network to ESPN. I believe this was a direct result of trying to increase Griffin's trade value. Any team that goes after him will now have to give up talent and/or draft picks to trade for a "starting" QB for the Redskins. Not just a backup competing for a job. I think Whaley is firing back by going public that he's not that confident that a starter can be acquired via trade. That goes against what was said a month ago when it was stated that Bills would take " a not frequently talked-about" method of obtaining a starting QB. Drafting or signing a Mark Sanchez or Jake Locker is all anyone has talked about. So the only other methods would be either a trade, or signing a CFL prospect (which I believe they would have done by now). In the end, I think the Bills will show serious interest in trading for a QB. I think RG III who needs a new home and a fresh start, will be on the tip of Whaley's tongue when that rumor starts becoming more of a reality.
  2. Whether it's a 4-3 or 3-4, the Bills will need 3 solid LB at most. With Kiko coming back and the emergence of Bradham and Brown, I don't see the Bills needing to beg Spikes to return. Esepcially with him being a liablity on 3rd down with the other guys being younger and more athletic. Based on Whaley's comments it seems he sees it the same way. I still think the Bills need to bring in some solid depth and I see Ryan doing that. Whether it's FA or draft we'll see. But Ryan seems pretty good at identifying defensive talent. If he wanted Spikes back they would be making the same effort they are making with Hughes (at a much cheaper rate).
  3. With Ryan coming in all players are starting with a clean slate. Goodwin has shown some flashes, but his brittleness has become almost laughable. The minute he gets hit it seems to be a 50/50 shot that he'll get up. I still believe he can be the player the Bills drafted him to be. He'll get that chance in 2015 to prove he can. If he goes another year without the ability to stay healthy I see the Bills parting ways with him. Thigpen came on and showed some of what they expected from Goodwin. I think those two will battle it out for the speedy small receiver/return role. It may come down to who can stay healthy
  4. It simply doesn't make sense for the Bills to take a QB on or before round 3. We'll need to get players who coaches can look to contribute this year at their position (RB, OL). I don't see a QB in the 2nd or 3rd round being any farther along than Manuel. Starting QB will come via FA or trade. From the sounds of it I do see them taking a QB at some point to give Manuel competition for a future starting job. That's a good thing.
  5. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000472318/article/jerry-hughes-buffalo-bills-contract-talks-heating-up http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/02/20/bills-working-overtime-to-keep-jerry-hughes-off-the-market/ Both articles above highlight the overall theme that the Bills are working hard to sign Hughes and not allow him to hit FA market. They also don't want to Franchise him. While there is no mention of deal getting done by Tuesday, NFL.com does expect a deal to get done prior to the deadline.
  6. Spotrac has the Bills at $30.3 million available cap space. Cutting Urbik, Williams, and Rivers would free up an additional $7.2 million. Not to mention Mario's restructuring the Bills could easily be playing with $40+ mill on the Free Agent Market.
  7. I understand the spirit of your post and would agree. But a few more than 6? The Bills in 2012 and Texans this year were/are thinking playoffs, not 8-8.
  8. Thank God we don't have to deal with Fitznightmare anymore. Don't miss these days... Some folks down south aren't as fortunate as us. When you look up average or frustrating in the dictionary, you'll see a bearded photo of our Ivy League bud. Well see where Orton takes us, but I'd take him over Fitzpatrick any day of the week, and 3 times on Sunday. What was Bill O'Brien thinking. All he had to do is call Chan Galley, who rode Fitzpatrick straight into the unemployment line. http://hou.scout.com/story/1460455-o-brien-has-to-make-a-decision-on-fitzpatrick
  9. Why is it when a player gets cut its always a topic to pick them up? We have arguably the best kicker in the league and our kickoff guy constantly puts it in the endzone. How about spend that roster spot on a position that really needs help, not a 3rd kicker. Waste of thread.
  10. Little chance. They have already come out and said as much. If the Bills are a legimate play off contenders for the first time in 14 years then the Bills may reconsider, buts its naive to put your future stud LB on the field with the chance of doing even further damage.
  11. huged missed PI at end on Woods. Ray Charles could have seen that one. Granted Manuel didn't play well, but PI is PI
  12. there was simply no pressure all game, except for a handful of plays. that killed the Bills
  13. Everyone pretty much knew if you have to put the game on the arm of EJ that the Bills would be in trouble. With Buffalo's defense unable to really contain Rivers and the running game not able to create huge plays, the Chargers did a great job of exposing him today. The greater the deficit, the harder it is for Manuel who is still young and not able to carry a team on his arm. He is simply not at the point in his career where he can come back against a great team like San Diego down double digits in the 2nd half. He left alot of throws out there and I'm sure he'll see that in the film room. For Buffalo to be successful right now they need to be able to control the ball on the ground and play stout defense and create turnovers. That allows EJ to play a steady game, and make a play here or there instead of every series or every set of downs. Hopefully EJ will build on games like this and be a better QB, but for now 300+ passing games and huge comebacks aren't things that EJ are skilled to do right now. Oh....and wear white jerseys! (LOL)
  14. Golisano was cheap and kept the Sabres from spending on being a winner. And that joker Larry Quinn Sidekick is also a penny-miser who made excuses as to why the Sabres shouldn't spend. Golisano as an owner is a horrible idea, and if he gets the team expect them to be at the bottom of the salary cap each and every year and compete with Jacksonville as the worst product on the field. I would love to have Pegula as an owner, because he'll put football people in place and he isn't afraid to spend the doe to win! I'm sure he learned from hockey, and having a guy like Tim Murray in place is something he would do on the football side. Leaving Whaley in there is probably the best thing he could do. All Whaley needs is the commitment to spend dollars from ownership, and were on the right track.
  15. The Bills do not have any true "studs" on their offense. Obtaining a player such as Watkins would change that. I feel Ebron would to, but that's a different conversation. If the Bills pull the trigger on a move up it's not going to solely include draft picks. There will be a player involved, and Stevie Johnson makes the most sense. His cap number is too high and he won't be the true number one the Bills need. He CAN however help another team that already has a number one. Buffalo giving up a 1st, 2nd, and Johnson to Cleveland for a player like Watkins makes sense. Like another poster said you have to trust your scouts. If you think Watkins is THAT good, and can make that much of a difference, then trading a capped out number 2 receiver and a 2nd round pick is not much to give up.
  16. Trading two first rounders for a 34 year old QB coming off of a serious injury who hasn't won anything and has the propensity for giving up the big turnover in the big game??? Put down the crack bud! Now....walk....away...
  17. From Cleveland's perspective, this is a phenomenal trade. They only drop down 5 spots, most likely drafting who they covet all along with their top pick. In the meantime they pick up an extra 2nd rounder (giving them 4 picks in the top 41 and 8 picks in the first four rounds) AND a true number 2 receiver with multiple 1000 yard receiving years under his belt on the right side of 30. The Browns need a lot of help. For them I rate this 10 out of 10. From Buffalo's perspective, this may turn out to be a great deal for them as well. They need to surround EJ with as many studs as they can, and getting someone like Watkins who is a high character guy and a true #1 to pair with Woods, Williams, and Goodwin would be great news for Manuel. Giving up on Stevie Johnson is a bonus due to his salary and basically moving a number 2 receiver for a true number one. The 2nd round pick is where I get a bit antsy. The Bills have a lot of questions on defense (although they won't admit it) and a gaping hole at RT that the 41st overall pick would go a long way to help solve. I rate the deal for Buffalo 8 out of 10 just based on Watkins potential and what he brings. With all of that said, if the Bills stay at 9 and draft Ebron (which WILL be their pick if they stay at 9) unlike many on this board I would be very happy. They can then go out and get a starting RT for the next 10 years or defensive stud with pick 41.
  18. By the comments of the Bills Brass at that press conference, I have no question that Ebron will be the Bills pick at 9. Reading between the lines last year you could see they were looking at Manuel. It's going to be Ebron 1, OL second round, possible WR 3rd
  19. I was thinking more along the lines of Pete Adams instead of Ray Guy... Sheeshhh!
  20. No one would pay $10 mill this year for a player who is tied to gang activities. If they had a trade partner it would have happened already. This guy is trouble. Good thing we have no need for him. We need to go big.
  21. Bills MIGHT be able to get an 8th rounder for Graham. Get'r done Whaley!
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