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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. Lebron has defended China, which is a big deal when he has bashed our country. If he was simply silent on China and points out our flaws it is one thing but to praise them when they are literally a 100 times worse than us makes him a hypocrite. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.sfchronicle.com/warriors/amp/LeBron-James-comments-on-China-an-14535304.php
  2. I do not see why people keep pushing to get him, he had a bad attitude coming out of college, was given up for peanuts after one year by Arizona, and has shown no ability while on the field. He is garbage on the field.
  3. I had an odd conversation today with stidents that I will try to condense to main points. 1) any teacher who does not openly bash Trump is assumed to be conservative and a Trump lover. 2) several of the teachers are telling students we reopened against the advice of doctor's, which is a lie. 3) most students believe that only Trump is playing politics with Coronavirus and that shutting down the country for a year is viable. These are all 16-17 year olds in my room so it was disappointing that they think the world is such an either/or place
  4. I was mocking them- you can have a thousand anonymous sources but at this point I don't believe a word they say without named sources
  5. Hey this isn't one anonymous source this is four. I might pretend I have one or two but not four
  6. I can not remember the last time I looked at an SI or the SI website. There are too many better information sources.
  7. In presidential elections I have voted straight Republican sometimes holding my nose. I started in 1996 and was all in during 2004 only.( My father fought in Vietnam and had to deal with fallout for Kerry testimony without any names) and 2016 was completely anti Hillary. 2020 I am all in on Trump unless something crazy happens and go 3rd party. On the lower level votes I am all over the place and try to find a person who is capable of leading without dominating my life
  8. He will likely cost too much, but from a talent perspective he is talented
  9. Well then I gave you a lot of good info to ponder later.
  10. You are right except for that last line- there is no longer the line except for maybe the NFL. The regional tv networks did not go for nearly as much as expected and usually they have the other big three. I think people like me are not willing to pay to watch guys half walk through a regular season and then turn it on for the playoffs. I think that MLB and NBA are facing that issue and I don't have a solution. I am linking to sale of regional tv channels and MLB money https://blogs.fangraphs.com/lets-update-the-estimated-local-tv-revenue-for-mlb-teams/
  11. If you are serious and need help convincing her of Orlando FL I can help. My wife calls me the chambers of commerce.
  12. I am not invested yet because no preseason or anything. I will wait till game day to see how long it takes me to really care.
  13. I don't think end racism is a social justice idea. I think this is Godell riding the line between placating the SJW and pissing off conservatives.
  14. That is how so many people feel, and I was one of them in 2016 but I am much more comfortable this time
  15. The idea of the discount can come down to structure of contract. Bills give him more upfront, less per year, or more years with larger guaranteed money. We have all seen the crazy things that can happen with contracts.
  16. If he was cut by Raiders I have to question talent but if it was scheme issue in the NFL you always could use another good DB, not enough to go around
  17. Everything that is in here still does not explain how a judge signed off on a raid of her home when the guy was not there. The issue to me is that whether she was his current GF or not, or he was using her house as a crash pad at other times, he was not there and they did a no knock raid. I don't blame the individual cops but that system has to change.
  18. It all depends on what they want with the 6th reciever- if they want size he will be the guy and if they want speed he is cut. But he has no chance of being top 5 guy because Roberts is on the team for special teams alone.
  19. In college I threw several parties with more people than that at my house, and everyone was there to see me........ And a beer or two ?
  20. I would love him to be our third back but I would expect someone else to give him more money for more playing time. The only way he comes to Buffalo is if he believes he has a chance to be our one.
  21. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.express.co.uk/news/world/1329181/us-election-2020-donald-trump-joe-biden/amp Which poll will be closer? The one where Biden destroys Trump or the one where Trump wins a close election? I will take mine as closer
  22. Wow what is going on your world these days? The polls don't hurt my feelings, especially ones where 15 % of the people don't have an opinion. I hope you have a better day.
  23. I can't imagine the visit owners will have to think too long unless there is some financial incentive from the government to stay. It would be hard to believe that it would be cheaper to rebuild than go rent a space out in Eden Prairie if not out of state.
  24. This poll you quoted is stupid- if you think Biden is winning big you are nuts. I live in Orlando and in 2016 I saw a ton of HC stickers and signs, currently I have only seen a few Biden signs and many more Trump. Lastly grow up? Why not admit this poll is garbage.
  25. In liberal areas I am quite sure life is worse now than it was 4 years ago. Right now my life is better and so is my entire extended family not still in NY. NY probably it is worse.
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