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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. Deek Idaho, Dakota's, Wyoming are all as Red as Cali is Blue but they have almost no issues. The problem is too much blue.
  2. This is a terrible game against the world champs but the blueprint has been there for his whole career, you just have to execute. Very few teams have executed it as well.
  3. Someone with access to the All 22 will be able to tell if he was still holding Davis when Josh released ball. The replays all show one or the other angle but no way to say for certain.
  4. Trump people are not burning the cities, or rioting. Blaming him is like blaming Churchill for the Nazis. As for the fight in my room I was able to quell it after one punch thankfully but to blame me shows your inability to blame those who commit the bad acts.
  5. I think a defensive holding would have been more appropriate but something has to be called, as you said he held him the entire route.
  6. Thanks for posting- I was really upset by that play not being called but they apparently did get it correct
  7. Riverton is simply a well paid dishonest stooge for the NFL to make decisions that help the NFL make money. The fact that he can say Kroft did not absolutely catch it first and still have 50% control when his knee hit the ground is just a simple lie.
  8. The conclusive proof is that Kroft had it initially and never lost control completely until he hit ground. The rule is clear that if a guy has it and then it becomes a 50/50 ball to the ground the initial guy gets it, I also believe on a 50/50 the offense gets benefit of doubt.
  9. By your standard Barack Obama is responsible for the Pulse nightclub attack. Barack is responsible for a man who did the exact opposite of what Obama would have told him to do and somehow Obamais responsible? But you are the big picture guy? I beg you to answer one question- in my classroom about 5 years ago I had a fight between students started by a student who was flunking, am I responsible for her decision to attack my best student?
  10. I think the Rams win 24-21 because I doubt Edmunds and Milano are fully back. Still 12-4 for year.
  11. So the riots are not destabilizing, the lying to the courts is not destabilizing, the race based laws are not destabilizing but properly showingthe Dems are being dishonest is destabilizing. You either have an IQ of 70, are completely invested in the Dems, or dishonest.
  12. Rigged to a Liberal- laying our rules for all to see and interpreting rules as if the words have meaning. The constitution states the president must present a nominee- as Barack did- and the senate must consent and confirm for nominee to take seat. In 2016 the senate did not consent and confirm. And yes I think Merrick Garland was given a raw deal
  13. How are they going to cancel health insurance for people? They will allow people not to have it, they will not take it away from anyone. Only to someone who thinks govt is the only answer does allowing people freedom become" killing" health insurance.
  14. You don't even argue that Dems will lie and cheat in order to win elections but I should be worried about a couple dudes on a Bills fan website? If Rhino is is an agent it does not matter to anyone who is not stupid, if the Dems intentionally mislead the courts it means that anyone who disagrees with them could be destroyed. I think it would have to be "Team America" Matt Damon.
  15. Hoax this is not what he said and he would appreciate you stop intentionally taking his words and twisting them.
  16. Putin played it perfectly- send a person known to the intelligence community as a soviet agent to speak with the Democrat paid Steele, have agent say all sorts of lies to Steele, wait for Dems to do what Dems do, which is leave out any and all info that does not get them back into power
  17. It seems to happen often that teams with Fitz have an MVP of punter.
  18. I don't think you understand there are no sides just truth and the truth is whatever the emotionally unstable say it is
  19. I expect them to be 8-8 and always say the first couple weeks are hard to make determinations of who is what. I though am glad we got fish early
  20. So the plan is to make mandates that make it illegal to use cheap plentiful fuel for energy that is more expensive and being restricted in use? I can't imagine what could go wrong- this is literally a let them eat cake situation.
  21. Big Ben is a Steeler and outside the cowboys their fans bet more than the rest, therefore he has outsized odds.
  22. In the Brionna Taylor case I still don't understand why people are so upset with the cops on the scene when the issues, IMO, are all before the raid. No knock raids should never be allowed unless you are 100% certain the target is present and there is some feel for who else is present in home. The judge who signed this warrant should be held accountable if he was told this was not the scum bags residence and still allowed a no knock. The only cop that should be in trouble is the one who was shooting all crazy inside the home, the rest is in the structure of the court that allowed the warrant.
  23. I have survived a long time without a championship and have a wonderful life. When Cuse won the title in 2003 I was happy for a few weeks, a Biden presidency could ruin years.
  24. Where do you live? Do your local laws not reflect your beliefs? When I lived in NY I felt they did not therefore I moved to Florida. What national law do you see changing that effects you that you can not deal with locally?
  25. So we should throw more women in jail for better representation? We have a system of laws and as long as the laws are applied properly and openly the system is working.
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