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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. Everyone pays the smallest amount of taxes they can legally do, in 2010 I paid more than Biden despite making 1/4 of his total income. Lifetime public servants should not be living in multi.million dollar houses
  2. Can you give me the context that this reaction is proper? He had been asked the question several time before this moment so please don't say he was unaware it might come up.
  3. Our Dline is built to be rotated in and out, if he gives us quality plays when in there I think a second is a great deal. How much Epnesa play when fully acclimated? I still bet less than 75%.
  4. I was unaware of this quote- Graham is a moron for saying it, but your point is made.
  5. In 2017 they had three straight bad weeks and then went to KC and beat a team that was pretty good. McD seems to throw out a few true stinkers each year.
  6. I am curious what word they broke in this case? They have stated since the day RBG died they would vote for a replacement.
  7. If it is a second rounder only I would go for it. He is a great talent and contract is reasonable now- would be possibly hold out for more money is my only concern of investment
  8. I think it also shows all QBs are "system" QBs. Vrabel has done a good job of tailoring his skills to his requirements. Few QBs can run multiple offensive styles well.
  9. Bad officiating is not a bad thing for NFL as long as popular teams win. The Seahawks were gifted a first down to ice the game against the phone a few weeks back. I am just glad we are now a "good" team and might get out fair share of bad calls. In Vegas we got the benefit of a phantom block in the back, it is one of few phantom calls I remember going our way
  10. I love the fact you are so dishonest that you found one year to pretend it was indicative of the past 50 years. We have over 45 million immigrants https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/08/20/key-findings-about-u-s-immigrants/%3famp=1 and Europe has only 29 million https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/08/20/key-findings-about-u-s-immigrants/%3famp=1
  11. The only people who call the USA anything but great are ignorant of what life is like elsewhere. We are not perfect but we offer opportunity unlike anywhere else on the planet. It is such a terrible place that we have more immigrants than all of Europe combined, but please tell me how people work hard to move to bad places.
  12. Bullying is experienced by 90% of kids in one way or another. My observation is that the students who take bullying to heart are the ones who discover on their own that they are not special by birth. Many of the parents tell students that they can be successful without hard work, or even showing up everyday. Some have even gone so far as to tell me that their child should not have consequences for any behavior. I am going from the students who have attempted it since I started-usually 2 or 3 a year- and they all have been students who had parents who held them up on pedestals without making them earn anything
  13. I thought Garland was replacing Scalia when he died? Am I thinking of the wrong seat?
  14. The students I have had that attempted suicides have one thing in common, they have been forced to deal with the reason for their failures. If you are always told lies, such as the world will change to accommodate you, when it becomes apparent that those you trusted did not care enough to tell you the truth it is easy to just try to end it
  15. I read an article a few weeks ago that conservatives should hope it happens quickly since it will splinter the Dems and force Biden to go into politician mode aka save your own butt mode- and become more reasonable
  16. https://www.google.com/amp/s/newyork.cbslocal.com/2020/10/09/mayor-de-blasio-claims-city-cannot-afford-900-million-owed-to-teachers-citing-fiscal-crisis-caused-by-pandemic/amp/ I do not understand why anyone would teach in NYC- the pay is only 20% higher than much of Florida, the cost of living is 50% higher not including the higher taxes,the schools are awful, and now you are not getting money agreed upon 5 years ago. Deblasio is a horrible person.
  17. I actually want to defend the commentator for the VP debate, she seemed to at least try to be fair. In fact she was criticized by many for not assisting Kamala. Everyone brings a bias into the room but she did better than Wallace
  18. You went to a left wing group who did an analysis before it was passed and then did not do a study after it happened. But hey you actually found someone who agrees with you.
  19. Bill you might not be Canadian liberal but you are certainly one for America. I would be interested in what Canadian parties you vote for normally As for your comparison of Trump to Hitler, I work with a 65 year old who grew up in Communist Poland and still has plenty of family there, what they saw in Minneapolis and Seattle in regards to cops not stopping the rioting and looting reminds them of the Kristallnacht and it is the liberals who sound like Hitler
  20. Liberals have higher standards for conservatives then they do of their own behavior.
  21. Dictators are not anarchist- these concepts are mainly at odds with each other's. These guys who wanted to kidnap her hate Trump and all government figures by their own words, they probably would get Trump also if they thought they could
  22. There are three moments I look at as he transcended each level 1) Dolphins when Clay dropped the ball to win game. That ball was a TD to a decent reciever and a miracle play. 2) Dallas last year when he made great plays without any real mistakes. 3) this year against Dolphins because he won the game when things around him we're not as good. He went from top 20 to top 10 to top 5 for me in those games
  23. I would love to get a win this week without playing since we have KC on Thursday next week. I do not expect us to be the one seed in the AFC but the road there will shrink drastically if we lose next Thursday
  24. Let us go with the easy ones- he lowered taxes for 80%+ of the nation and he made NATO pay their portion of the tab. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tax_Cuts_and_Jobs_Act_of_2017 https://www.google.com/amp/s/mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKBN1Y01WY So why are these not true-is wikipedia a right wing site? Or maybe reuters want 4 more year of DJT? Please stop being proud of your ignorance
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