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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. Tibs how much do want to bet that Trump wins? Why do you keep playing this stupid game when you know these numbers are absurd, 15% don't have an opinion? Please stop with this stupidity.
  2. I affirm it absolutely but to be a republic without allowing the people to choose which laws are enacted is not someplace I would want to live. The republic is not worth fighting for if only a few select all the laws we all must live under and we currently do not have true "universal" suffrage- you must be 18 and in many states not a criminal, which to me are obviously the good exceptions.
  3. In Orange County FL we could choose face to face or online and more than half chose online and within the 3 weeks I have had many parents tell me wish they had chosen face to face. I honestly want to ask what the heck they thought would happen? Kids need to be socialized and it is much easier to to teach face to face. 3 parents have said they will change them at the end of first quarter for sure but by then the year is destroyed for these kids they will be too far behind. My two kids are at school, happy and safe, and simply must follow a few extra rules, and the only complaint is the mask being required the entire time while in class.
  4. You are so funny ?, you post a Twitter post most likely from a bot and then a fiction writer who writes about conspiracy in his book about conspiracies in real life. Whoever is paying for this is getting ripped off
  5. I have said this a few times but Rubin makes it necessary to repeat- the conservatives have 80% of the military and cops and 90% of the hunters. If this goes badly the conservative base is much better prepared to win. What is wrong with this women that she feels it is ok to write this?
  6. The pride they take in being ignorant is amazing. California was a haven for runaway slaves who could get there and once slavery ended former slaves went there to be left alone. California has more blacks and minorities who can not get educated than at any time their past.
  7. This is near Orlando and a few years- maybe 18 I can't remember- one of the local sheriff's was being interviewed on why the police used 50 bullets to stop one man who was shooting at cops and the sheriffs response was basically that officers on the scene finished a clip and saw no need to use another clip.
  8. The problems is the crime bill he sponsored treated 5 time drug users similar to murderers. It was "tough on crime" but not the kind that helps out communities.
  9. I stopped being amazed in 2012 when Candy Crowley flat out lied about Benghazi during a presidential debate. Trump would have asked why Susan Rice was on Sunday shows if what Crowley said was correct. It was an intentional lie and was the day I realized that the media and CNN in particular are not even pretending to be honest.
  10. I think Twitter is definitely a detriment to helping find solutions to almost any issues. It gives a forum for the least educated on any topic the ability to pontificate to a large audience without a proper chance for those who are educated to respond. That does not mean it has no good features but on big issues it makes any deep thoughts difficult
  11. That team was so much smoke and mirrors that first 5 games it is crazy. We got 4 picks off Brady, one a pick six, and a phantom pass interference call in the end zone to allow us to win. It was a fun game. Tyrod never got me as excited as I was for the team those next few weeks
  12. I liked Fitz because he beat Tom Brady and the Pat's at full strength, along with the fact he had a "bigger" personality. Besides that I like both and hope they both do well this year unless against Buffalo.
  13. Was also Jackie Robinson in a movie that made me uncomfortable during some of those scenes.
  14. Football is by far my favorite sport to watch and the rest are just time fillers( even though I have season Tix to Magic) so boycotting them is easy. Football though is my distraction of choice- I would rather watch MACtion football than NBA basketball. I am hoping they allow the politics to drop and just let the kids play tomorrow and into the future but I would put money on they will discuss the MLB and NBA crap at least 30% of the time and make the game not enjoyable
  15. Don't respond to him- his tactic is always to be absurd. He is is the guy in the office who is always playing for the laugh but doesn't understand what is appropriate.
  16. At the point that the firing of journalist makes a list of a sport teams problems I know it is a worthless write up.
  17. How is it an illegal weapon? possession of a weapon is legal that was lawfully owned and legally given. If I give my cousin a gun to use he can legally use it.
  18. I am not sure but I think you are stating that since not all Dem run cities are on fire pointing out that all of the cities that are on fire are Dem run is inappropriate. Is that your overall point?
  19. I was in Philly in 2008 during election and I went through neighborhoods were literally every yard had an Obama sign. Obama won Philly by 400k votes because of the huge turnout against a boring opponent. I bet Joe wins by closer to 100k and Trump kicks him around the rest of the state. Boring candidates don't get many people to show My grandmother went through it and I only had to deal with it when I visited and I feel for you. I probably dealt with 1% of what you do and found it hard. Please keep being the good guy.
  20. I just read that the NBA is resuming tomorrow- what did this boycott show? They are already kneeling in protest do they think people will now go " wow that 48 hours changed my opinion"? What has changed?
  21. I think it was the MLS who wrote in a memo to fans that they are not here to distract you from the real world but to force you to deal with it. I would literally watch sports 350 days a year as my escape, but this decision tells you these guys think they are far more important than they are. I was out on the NHL when they flew in a Canadian citizen who was not playing the game to kneel for the US national anthem and stand for the Canadian National anthem.
  22. So you pick a list that only counts the top ten countries of income per capita and then say " all countries"- you seem to feel that only white majority countries count along with Japan.
  23. The man who killed Floyd is in jail and will stand trial for murder. I do not know a single person who condones chauvin or says he should not be tried. I truly believe that was a personal thing because it is hard to believe that two dudes working security don't know each other. But if I am playing the confidence game I am much more confident I am alive if I listen to cops then if I don't and comments like yours seem to exude confidence in your ignorance.
  24. Where did you get this drivel- it is wrong and not even close to true. There are 13 countries with a rate that is 4 times our.
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