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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. I think there are tiers of backups 1) can win you a game(Bridgewater) 2) it is decided by other 10 guys(Case Keenum) 3) he won't lose the game(Barkley) 4) just hand off each time(Peterman)
  2. Your parents never had this conversation with you? My parents sat me down at 13 and told me some cops sucks and to do as I was told. I have friends who are cops and they have had this conversation with their kids, obey the cops and sue after if needed. There is something wrong with you if you don't tell your kids this when they become teens.
  3. https://www.google.com/amp/s/news.sky.com/story/amp/who-was-george-floyd-the-gentle-giant-who-loved-his-hugs-11997206 Plenty of people were exalting George Floyd, which does not exonerate cops, but this was first headline I found
  4. Stating a guy with warrants for domestic abuse and sexual assault is the same as someone just running from cops is dishonest. NoSaint you and I disagree but I respect your willingness to deal with repurcussions. I disagree because the worst people will never listen to cops in that situation and the decent folks will be most inconvenienced.
  5. I am not asking this sarcastically but seriously about where the line is for a cop to shoot. It seems some on here think that unless the person is an immediate threat then they should not be shot with almost no exceptions. If this were to be the policy wouldn't the criminals know that cops can't shoot unless they have a weapon and just outrun cops? In California they know that they will not be pursued for less than $500 and petty theft jumped. I want less shootings from cops also but I don't think your policy is proper
  6. I thought we were talking people with power but these do qualify as right wingers so I concede the point. Good work.
  7. He was not going to be detained without inflicting major damage on the cops- he made that clear when they stun gunned him and walked away- unless you feel that cops job require them to accept getting hurt. Breonna Taylor is unacceptable, George Floyd is unacceptable, but this is not anywhere near those.
  8. Actually I have seen several quotes from mom who seems reasonable. She is pissed at cops but does not agree with all this other crap that surrounds her son being shot. It is possible she talking out of both sides of her mouth but the quotes I have seen paint her well.
  9. You think they should allow a guy who had warrants out for sexual assault and domestic abuse walk away simply because he is unarmed?
  10. Moulds was a "bust" until his mother told him she was disappointed in him and he understood that his work ethic was poor. Davis will have the high work ethic from day one and will be our 4th reciever, not 1 or 2. Davis probably will be better in the first two years but that comparison will not mean much in 10 years
  11. Do you admit that these riots are not about black lives but about Trump? Many times we had similar situations under Obama including rioting but it never got as widespread. Why is that liberals burn down their own places when they get mad?
  12. Actually my entire town is very safe, very little crime and we average about 20 murders a decade and we have a large minority community which is just as safe as I am. It is not minorites that make an areas dangerous but liberals that do.
  13. I As for Richard Spencer your right he is insignificant but he was a big deal to the left when he liked Trump before he was president. Secondly I am not interested in your opinion anymore because I asked 4 times a simple straight forward questions and 4 times you called me names like my 10 year old does to her brother when she loses an argument. Lastly i appreciate you wanting me to well, which I assure you my life is great, living near Disney World in a gated neighborhood where my taxes are low but my kids school is better than almost any public school in NY or Canada makes life nice.
  14. Both points you make are wrong. The cost of healthcare has only gone down if you don't include the Trillion per year added through expanded Medicaid. As for education why do you think charter schools are so popular in democratic areas but not as much in Republican? Because Dems allow terrible schools to exist. Doc you seem reasonable but where do you live that Republican areas have worst areas than Dem areas?
  15. Did Richard Spencer just endorse Biden because Trump did too much to empower blacks? I think he did.
  16. Thanks for the lack of answer. Your opinion has no basis in fact and your only opinion seems to be " orange man bad". You speak of Florida and Texas as if they are in the same echelon of death as NY and NJ. As for dropping the Dems issue he gave NY more support than any other state and it is not even close. So I ask you one last time and beg you to answer a direct question- what would real leadership look like? But please bring up W again because it means you are dishonest to your core, I argued with idiots like you about how he was not a Nazi or evil and now you pretend to appreciate his diplomacy? Did the white supremacists Richard Spencer just endorse Biden because Trump has failed to suppress the black man?
  17. I asked a simple question and you avoided it completely- I will ask one more time- in this pandemic what would a true leader have done differently?
  18. Lightfoot has absolutely squashed the riots, at least on her street, and Wheeler did the same for his neighborhood in Portland. I don't understand what more you want?
  19. I am curious what you think leadership would have looked like? And most importantly would it have made different policies for different regions of out country?
  20. You think the right fears her? We pray she is focal point of every DNC event. There is a reason she was only given 100 seconds during that crap storm of a convention. You also misunderstand Trump's appeal- her plans mean turning over most of my rights to the idiots in DC while Trump allows me to make my own decisions.
  21. I am assuming you are young when you say stuff like this. Dems have not spoken out about looting or inner city violence except when it is politically expedient since at least the early 90's. It is almost like you are unaware that of the 50 most violent zip codes in this country 45 of them will vote heavily for democrats. They simply hope you are unaware of what they will allow to happen.
  22. Niagara you seem to feel that it is Trump's fault NY, NJ, and CA did not handle things well. Those three states represent over 1/3 of total Covid deaths despite being less than 20% of the population. In fact the math shows that per person the only red state in top 7 is LA. The rest of the top states are as blue as they come, so it must have been all the blue states doing as Trump told them while the red states were dying. Or more likely you are ignorant of what really happened and "orange man bad" is your only response.
  23. Trump shut down the flights from China while Dems called him a racist. To people under 45 this thing is similar to flu. The Orlando Sentinel had a big headline today about how the rate of younger deaths had accelerated over the past 60 days in the four central counties. The total deaths is 24 for all people under 45 for the entire area in that time frame. As for the death rate of those under 25, the flu is much more deadly than Covid.
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