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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. Did Richard Spencer just endorse Biden because Trump did too much to empower blacks? I think he did.
  2. Thanks for the lack of answer. Your opinion has no basis in fact and your only opinion seems to be " orange man bad". You speak of Florida and Texas as if they are in the same echelon of death as NY and NJ. As for dropping the Dems issue he gave NY more support than any other state and it is not even close. So I ask you one last time and beg you to answer a direct question- what would real leadership look like? But please bring up W again because it means you are dishonest to your core, I argued with idiots like you about how he was not a Nazi or evil and now you pretend to appreciate his diplomacy? Did the white supremacists Richard Spencer just endorse Biden because Trump has failed to suppress the black man?
  3. I asked a simple question and you avoided it completely- I will ask one more time- in this pandemic what would a true leader have done differently?
  4. Lightfoot has absolutely squashed the riots, at least on her street, and Wheeler did the same for his neighborhood in Portland. I don't understand what more you want?
  5. I am curious what you think leadership would have looked like? And most importantly would it have made different policies for different regions of out country?
  6. You think the right fears her? We pray she is focal point of every DNC event. There is a reason she was only given 100 seconds during that crap storm of a convention. You also misunderstand Trump's appeal- her plans mean turning over most of my rights to the idiots in DC while Trump allows me to make my own decisions.
  7. I am assuming you are young when you say stuff like this. Dems have not spoken out about looting or inner city violence except when it is politically expedient since at least the early 90's. It is almost like you are unaware that of the 50 most violent zip codes in this country 45 of them will vote heavily for democrats. They simply hope you are unaware of what they will allow to happen.
  8. Niagara you seem to feel that it is Trump's fault NY, NJ, and CA did not handle things well. Those three states represent over 1/3 of total Covid deaths despite being less than 20% of the population. In fact the math shows that per person the only red state in top 7 is LA. The rest of the top states are as blue as they come, so it must have been all the blue states doing as Trump told them while the red states were dying. Or more likely you are ignorant of what really happened and "orange man bad" is your only response.
  9. Trump shut down the flights from China while Dems called him a racist. To people under 45 this thing is similar to flu. The Orlando Sentinel had a big headline today about how the rate of younger deaths had accelerated over the past 60 days in the four central counties. The total deaths is 24 for all people under 45 for the entire area in that time frame. As for the death rate of those under 25, the flu is much more deadly than Covid.
  10. Racism has no meaning overall to the left that is definable. It can morph to be applied to any situation if a political point needs to be made. Biden was a racist in February based on his legislative accomplishments but not one in July despite no new legislation. Liberals want equity in my school among the races but not if it means I have to hold back the minorites so my white kids can catch up, which is what I would have had to do last year if that was the policy. It is a word that is meant to simply shut up your opposition with slander.
  11. Just found out that the quarantine for out of state people does not have exception for funerals. My friend can not go see her grandma who is now in hospice or go to funeral without quarantining two weeks first. Her family is afraid of police showing up to funeral if it is too large since they are being so strict.
  12. My praise of him is that he is not a pretend intellectual, he never feigns to be more than the guy who enjoys being obnoxious. I also recognize that his absurdity can be be useful even though it is not serious.
  13. https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/elections/election_2020/19_say_a_convention_has_changed_their_vote Posted in other convention thread also- makes these conventions even more important than I thought. There is the trolling I love. I am truly glad you are back, at least I know your goal which is just be that obnoxious guy. I don't like the guys that go from troll to pretend intellectual.
  14. Right now the market for live sports appears to be tanking. So I think your point about it not being viable is not just correct now but forever unless the Sunday ticket comes with it
  15. The only issue with making a blanket policy for all 32 is that a few states will block any fans, so if the league has a policy it will not be able to be applied across the board
  16. You are amazingly short sighted and oblivious. You think it is "Conservative" people who want freedom? I have been the Disney and Universal this month and both are full of people. Normal smart people want to be able to do go out and have fun, which is not a political issue.
  17. I think you are right- when in your seat you must be 6 ft from anyone elses party. It can be done but 20k fans outdoors does not have the same impact as 70k.
  18. I truly can not understand why NYS can't figure this out- Orange County FL DMV has appointments next week and the dealers can register new cars they sell.
  19. He is older and less productive than I thought he was. He is also an outside linebacker who want to be paid. I don't want him and would be shocked if Bills pull the trigger.
  20. The fact that you think police training starts at the chief of police is adorable. The mayor has much more to do with way people are treated than the chief of police in every big city. In large cities the police get their marching orders from city hall or governor's office. If you want proof look at the police stand down during so many riots because the cops did not stand down on their own. Also " stop and frisk" was started in NYC by the mayor not the chief. My town would not accept the police acting that way but then again we had our 1st random murder in 6 years this month.
  21. You think without them kneeling at a football game people would not have realized that kneeling on a guys throat for 9 minutes when he is not a threat is wrong? I think almost everyone would have agreed in 1995 that cop was wrong and should be arrested. I would like them to be treated equally also but they refuse to elect people who enforce the laws equally, just look at Chicago's mayor.
  22. Thank you- coming from you means that you have no argument and therefore must pretend you know something I do not but not mention one thing.
  23. Sadly enough this is one of the most rationale arguments I have seen on this site in years.
  24. Tibs I will give you a quick history lesson- since the start of the cold war, probably earlier, Russia/USSR has been influencing our elections both directly and indirectly. Their best "customers" are people who don't realize they have always done it and will always do it. The other thing you are wrong about is that Trump people like it, we hate communism, your side embraces it.
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