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Everything posted by JohnnyBuffalo

  1. Has anyone ever spoken highly of Brady’s character outside of NE? I mean the guy just seems like a miserable SOB. Oh yeah and has been caught cheating twice. Also that whole thing during the shut down when he walked into some random persons house thinking it was a coaches place….which they weren’t suppose to be doing. Yeah he’s a gem of guy. Real solid example of class…..donkey. To clarify I am calling him a donkey. Not anyone here. I know we are all sensitive souls.
  2. 1- This is two games in a row where they faced pretty serious in game adversity and responded well. 2- Josh Allen’s confidence does not seem to waiver during a game despite what we all feel in those same moments. 3- Guys like Davis, Singletary, Obada, and to an extent Brown stepping up is exactly what happened last year to make this team so dangerous and they did it yesterday. Go Bills!
  3. And this reminds me of my Statistics professor at the University of Rochester decades ago saying on the first day of class…statistics are the best because you can use them to show something to be great even when it isn’t. And vice versa. Pretty cool huh. He got my attention but I quickly realized- no. No it isn’t.
  4. OP-I would love to say I admire your optimism but there are those that would call your view overly optimistic and I think that is the camp I fall in…with all due respect. In my opinion, for what it is worth as a former player of this fine game with the Bills OC at Rochester, a team that chooses to run the ball and telegraphs their intent to run until you prove they need to do otherwise and wins…..means- YOU GOT YOUR BUTT KICKED IN. You can point to the punts and 3 and outs as success but they ran when they wanted and how they wanted …..which was the whole game. They won. No moral victories. They got smoked on both sides of the ball unfortunately. What this year has come to is that the expectation of winning is gone. That’s true for a lot of teams this year. We are back to hoping for a good showing and execution and a W. Back to an any given Sunday hope. We got less than one year of expecting to win and that is criminal….again in my humble opinion. Should we anoint the patsies….not yet clearly…however they are the most consistent AFC team so far and have done it in several different fashions….so….more of the same…again. Lastly, Go Bills! There is always a chance!
  5. You know what an interesting stat would be - sacks from missed assignments by RBs vs Oline. Or even just sacks that are blown assignments vs a guy that beats his block. Another one would be coverage sack. Something to the extent of QB held ball after x amount of time. I think it would give you an idea of whether it’s scheme, talent, both, or maybe nothing. Sort of like calling the Strahan sack on Favre a sack….when Favre flopped to give him the credit. Find out what’s a sack and what’s someone else’s bs. Not worth anything other than….I’d find it interesting anyway.
  6. The small bit of pregame coverage I could tolerate I caught what BB said after his losing season last year. I want to be strong up the middle and build from there. It worked.
  7. I think two big hogs on o line and this team is on a whole other level. You control the ball and clock and score points. Force the other team to chase you and become one dimensional. Josh still running for his life out there WAY too often. O line upgrades needed big time. D line second. I don’t see the Pats RBs as anything special…,they just had blocking for them.
  8. Shouldn’t be relying on others to take care of their business. Go handle it yourself and just win! Eff the titans and the patsies
  9. I love this question because my 11 year old son is asking the same thing and it’s hard not to just shrug your shoulders and say - it’s a lot of things. The fundamentals aren’t working for this team which then puts strain on the scheme and the game plan. You get behind and become even more one dimensional any team in the nfl can make you look bad. Start with Pittsburgh….that game felt similar to what the Bucs did to the Chiefs in the Super Bowl. Titans….a bit more even but when it comes down to it our D got chewed up. Yesterday….see Pittsburgh game combined with Titans and a horrible mishap at the absolute wrong moment before half and you get what you got. Fundamentals….#1 block. Has not been great. #2 tackle ….has seemed to be decent at times but a true run team has beaten us up. #3 protect the ball. Well this has not been great lately and see items 1 and 2 for making turnovers more prevalent. I actually think the short week turn around could help these guys. As strange as that may seem it could be just right. It will go one of two ways…they’ll either win or they will lose. Haha. Here’s to hoping for a W! Go Bills!
  10. How many hundreds of millions is this QB costing them? How about their offensive line?
  11. This whole article is the reason all week, when I think of the game, I have been shaking my head and saying to myself “just get it done”. It felt like there were way too many things that could and should of happened. If you are good be good already! It’s an odd feeling when your expectations are “we should win this game” after decades to the contrary. It makes losses even harder to comprehend. But, marathon season…I suppose but are you good good? Or you just sort of good? Long bye week to gnaw on that one. Go Bills!
  12. In the immortal words of the legendary band C + C Music Factory…..Things that make you go hmmmm
  13. That looks like it took a lot of effort to put together and it is much appreciated. It’s clear that most of the issue of “bad play calling” comes from how things feel in the moment. The best example I have is drive 4 down to the 10 yard line and down 10 - not one play even sniffs of making it to the end zone. The only pass called was short of the end zone and if I recall correctly it was behind the LOS….Way too often on those 3rd and short or 4th downs are the plays called where the throws are at or behind LOS….I hate those plays and have since I played WAY back in the day. I never wanted to hear a play called that wasn’t at least to the sticks in those moments. Basically it’s an opinion and read on the ebb and flow of the game… Some plays called just have less of a shot of capitalizing in some situations or maybe just feel that way. Hope next Monday is more fun than today. Go Bills
  14. Bro- thank you for that story. That had me laughing hard enough that my wife asked me what I was reading. Too funny and I could literally picture that scene on Christmas morning. Well done and the fact that you showed up to a game with that on is awesome.
  15. If you cheat and get caught you are not the greatest of all time....you are a cheater. There are many reasons to dislike Brady but this is by far and away the top reason. Funny how so many just forget about this little detail and act as if it didn’t happen. Lance Armstrong is the GOAT by this standard then. I don’t care that “everyone else is doing it too” you got caught and therefore you are a cheater.
  16. This team isn’t ready for a deep push with all these stupid penalties.
  17. A bright spot on a bad defense isn’t necessarily a significant source of light.... The thing that drives me nuts about Jerry Hughes is the boneheaded mistakes he makes. Offside for one is just maddening. He rarely gets to the QB so that slight extra step he is trying to get most likely won’t make a difference....watch the ball Jerry and move when it moves. Don’t give free yardage EVER! The other mistakes that I see is him getting pushed inside when he should be containing the pocket. Again he doesn’t often get to the QB and it appears that he thinks he can by going inside despite being the contain guy....big plays happen when he does this and it’s usually on third and long and keeps them on the field. It is maddening to watch and it’s as plain as day when it happens. He has talent and is tough but his mental game costs him and his team quite a bit. Is it being too demanding....I’d say there is $9 million reasons for it not to be Go Bills!
  18. Yes. Is this my wife messing with me again....asking me about something where I was pretty darn clear on what I said? Come on you can admit it if it’s really you...
  19. I’m not sure how anyone can have any confidence in a team that gets smoked 42-16 in a game that is your first true test of the season. I mean that’s almost a 4 touch down difference. Losing a close one would be rough but to get embarrassed like that is, to use my teenage daughter’s favorite description of things these days, DISGUSTING. And it’s almost happened before this season. I think most of us watched the Rams game. While that ended in a victory it was very close to being an extremely embarrassing loss. It certainly was embarrassing for the defense. If they aren’t ticked off after this loss and play well next week it will be a clear indication of what this team is all about. Sizzle with no steak. That can result in a few games of fun for those fans that have never played the game in real life. Here’s to hoping they come back with a vengeance!
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