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Everything posted by JohnnyBuffalo

  1. Love the way he’s handling the adversity! Laugh at the pain publicly and embrace the accountability. Team needs to play 60 full minutes. Not 59:47. He knows it. He’s just not crying about it for the world to see. Owning it and using it as fuel! Leadership! GO BILLS!
  2. I remember that moment and used it to prove to my wife my point! I literally yelled at the tv, like a complete moron, who gives a fire truck!
  3. Interesting to hear a person with no skin in the game talk about it being emotional. I found it very emotional and I am still not over it. On a different personal note…since this is referencing a guy who produced the game…I find myself frustrated with prime time production of nfl games. Too many shots of non football related stuff. I want to see the field and what’s going on there! Not fans. Not the coaches. Not the other teams QB when we have the ball or our QB when they have the ball. Take your collective heads out of your arses and produce a football game. Not another dumb tv drama! That is all. I go now into the off-season angry and bitter. Go Bills!
  4. We can complain about punts all we want….1st downs means no punting. Nice work D! Go Bills!
  5. He’s a difference maker. He is a RARE talent! Funny how the highlights they were showing seem to have become plays he makes every single game now. Great character guy and such a great pick! GO BILLS!
  6. Just saw his segment and like most coaches he didn’t say anything of substance but at least had a personality and a few laughs with the crew. Handled compliments well and said the right things about his guys without gushing. All in all just what you’d want from a guy coaching the Buffalo Bills with the best damn fans in the world! Class and toughness all the way. Go Bills!
  7. No thank you. Get tougher on offensive line and an average RB becomes good.
  8. I love if, when, and maybe scenarios. They are 100% accurate when the if happens and maybe does not as well as when maybe happens and if does also. But I do know that it is a lot of fun when you go online and there is a topic that maybe controversial but if all the folks can discuss it civilly they may all enjoy themselves! I am exhausted but can’t sleep….Go Bills!
  9. This was a good angry runs segment with better nominees than most weeks. I think if you put a definition on angry runs it might sound something like - a ball carrier who initiates violent contact to over power/run/destroy your opponent to gain yardage. The way yesterday unfolded the winner was chosen over the KC dude due to the fact he chose to run through the guy vs making a move. I can see why Singletary didn’t get picked as it may appear that he was alluding contact while still running hard….just my opinion. Was a hell of a run and set the tone for sure that the Bills were there to play! Go Bills!
  10. All 11 of my personalities singing the shout song.
  11. Nothing like an eleven year old clutching his chest after a play to know you raised him right!
  12. I bet if he knew that was gonna happen before the play he still would have done it! #19!
  13. Probably shouldn’t wait until the actual goal line to try and get the ball back.
  14. I’d really like to see Mac Jones get hit hard as he’s throwing the ball so that they intercept it. Anyone else? I mean it would be fun to see and might make some of their fans bummed out. Which would also be fun to see.
  15. How many touchdowns do they have to score before they start to count?
  16. I’m really hoping for a patsies turnover here. Anyone else? I mean it would be nice.
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