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Everything posted by JohnnyBuffalo

  1. Right on. Too early and reading it on the fly…I think Jags and Bucs actually being division winners threw me a bit too.
  2. So basically matched up AFC west NFC east and then randomly 3 playoff teams… Not sure that passes the sniff test of fair and equitable but so much changes year to year I suppose example Rams and the “oh yeah AFC west is going to be super good and AFC East teams will be a few years away. “ Media can go fly a kite. Hey get it done NOW boys! Go Bills!
  3. Shouldn’t be interviewing anyone on the Jags offense…the D won that game.
  4. Empty hand pushing the ball forward is a considered a fumble I think is the way it is worded.
  5. D needed to score for Jags because the O really just didn’t want to.
  6. Dude why are you on this site? I know Kansas is flat and dull but clearly you are into the weather can’t you find some meteorologist to troll?
  7. One thing is for sure the camera guy likes the Raiders cheerleaders….especially the buxom blonde.
  8. It could have at least been close to be interesting but Noooooooo….
  9. My football take KC dominates at the line of scrimmage and have way more playmakers than the Raiders. But Raiders have not been helped anywhere near as much by penalties as the KC pos’ have. I do not subscribe to the “rigged” nfl but I do believe there are days when refs subconsciously tilt the field based on paradigms of what will most likely be the outcome of a game.
  10. I think in slow motion it looked that way but full speed not so much.
  11. Does the Raiders owner know there are different haircuts options available?
  12. Not that I care about this game that much but wtf does a PI look like if that’s not it?
  13. Hey bro….glad you are still here with us and having a positive message from your experience! Thanks for sharing! Go Bills!
  14. Kit Kat theme song Gimme a break Gimme a break Tua ‘s an effing gosh darn joke Tua ‘s a joke Tua ‘s a joke Tua ‘s an effing gosh darn joke
  15. Love how badly the D-bag Dolphins played today. The Tua narrative has to change now if there is any football sense out there at all….
  16. D minus game for Gabe “I only show up occasionally” Davis
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