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Everything posted by JohnnyBuffalo

  1. This is getting very concerning. I just want to best players for both teams to go at it and the best team win. To lose or win due to injury is just not good or fun.
  2. The fact there’s football on TV is just about all I can think of with this one.
  3. Hopefully the new stadium planners are paying attention to this thread and can create ample of standing only sections for all these super excitable people that can’t be interested in something while sitting. Wonder what happens when they chew gum and are required to walk some where.
  4. You buy a ticket for a seat….use it. if something exciting happens and the spirit moves you….jump up and dance around. But when the pretty girl gets out of view sit back down and be considerate of those behind/around you. Go Bills!
  5. This is what happens when hype and expectations are piled on before a single snap happens. And now with 2 convincing wins for the Bills and a ludicrous comeback, that most should consider flukey but don’t, by the dolphins and the media is hoping for a tight game that the dolphins win so there is more to talk about and more drama. Handle business and it all goes away. So I agree with you but hopefully the men who have to play are all business like they have been so far! Go Bills!
  6. Hey backup comes in and does what they can but man were those snaps all over or what?!? Hopefully his knowledge of what protection to call/acknowledge is much better than his ability to snap the ball!
  7. Aside from ALL the injuries that was pretty enjoyable to watch!
  8. Would love the stat on “starter” QBs that get yanked next to the Titans stat line. Of all the dumb stats that get rolled out….how about one Tannehill becomes the 12th known starter yanked due to poor performance since some random time selected to make it sound interesting.
  9. I will not go to bed! I will not go to bed! I should go to bed….but I will not! Let’s see Case and the running game send these clowns home! Go Bills!
  10. @TBBills do you disagree he was playing just now? Cuz he was so…
  11. Nope. Just know when the game is actually out of reach. Now you sit em. Hence why he was playing that series.
  12. What the heck was that series of nonsense. Do. Not. Let. Them. Back. In. Run the darn ball and take time off the clock!!!
  13. Their shameless promotion of it during the game makes me disagree with this statement. If I wanted to watch it I would on another channel.
  14. Would like to see them have to get one dimensional early in this half. Tannehill is not good when he does not have a run game supporting him.
  15. What’s the point of a “prime time” game if they have another one being promoted every time the play is interrupted with these god awful commercials that happen every 3 minutes it seems. Give me Sundays at 1. Good Stop D about time. Now score and end the half up. Go Bills!
  16. My high school football coach and eventually college line coach would say to the lineman “Alright boys dobber to dobber or you aren’t blocking” and one that made no sense but we all knew exactly what he was getting at- ”We are gonna find out if the bear crap in the buckwheat” Go Bills!
  17. This will not help the discussion in any way shape or form but I’m in a Friday is finally here kind of mood- This feels like the time I took philosophy in college thinking it would be an easy course because I like to think logically and….therefore this should be a nice course. WRONG I got a D I like money. Taxes mean less money for me. Topics about government spending means spending money I once had but do not anymore Therefore - I dislike government spending. I like the Bills. The Bills want government spending to help them. I dislike government spending. Therefore - I am confused. Anyone else put on their middle aged dad persona and just sigh shake your head and move on with their day? Go Bills!
  18. Ah! I stand corrected. That dude any good! Haha!
  19. Let’s go sign every shiny thing under the sun and forget the foundation that holds the most important shiny thing in place….I’m concerned. QB check Next most important spot…o line….no improvement as far as I can tell. But then again I have not read everything available as I have been working too much. GO BILLS!
  20. Another thrilling 41 yard dome field goal. Riveting stuff.
  21. Someone ask Kurt Warner how exciting that 38 yard automatic dome field goal was.
  22. Love the way he’s handling the adversity! Laugh at the pain publicly and embrace the accountability. Team needs to play 60 full minutes. Not 59:47. He knows it. He’s just not crying about it for the world to see. Owning it and using it as fuel! Leadership! GO BILLS!
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