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Everything posted by JohnnyBuffalo

  1. What bothers me is the receiver lowers HIS head before contact making the contact with his head more prominent….should not be an ejection for targeting. If it’s still a penalty…ok, maybe. Similarly to a guy in hockey turning his back at the last second and getting hit from behind into the boards. Not much you can do but the intent is vastly different and ejection is not needed. In any case….hit the friggin guy as hard as you can and make him pay for going for the ball! Go Bills!
  2. Yeah and Fitz read their list of wins of no name teams to make him feel it too!
  3. Very frustrated by a strip sack in the final minutes of the first half up by 10. That’s mind numbingly frustrating! Get your stuff together and bury these clowns. It was there and you let them hang around. Just dumb. Go Bills!
  4. I am so sick of injuries for every team. I am sure it’s just I am more sensitive to it due to the Bills but honestly I’d pay a good sum of money to just see every player finish the season and see who is the best darn team. -watching Eagles-Packers and less than 3 minutes in a guy goes down.
  5. Definitely closer than I thought it would be early in the game for sure.
  6. You’re* At least be grammatically correct if you name call. Haha
  7. Just very evident the Bills need to just help themselves and stop hurting themselves! Can’t rely on the garbage teams of the NFL to help you out down the stretch. GO BILLS!
  8. Thanks for posting and thanks to all those in Buffalo who gave a helping hand to the team and, more importantly, anyone who needed it!!! Go Bills! …oh and I got to watch this one because I am on vacation this week! Haha. Thank goodness for small miracles.
  9. Thank you for the recap as I don’t typically have time to sit and watch something due to my surroundings…would be able to watch but not listen! Appreciate the recap! Go Bills!
  10. Wow that looks like if 6 keeps going across the field instead of up it or back he’s wide open.
  11. I’m in. If you could let the Bills in on this plan that would be good.
  12. What I like…Josh is NOT happy. That’s going to be a good week of practice!
  13. Sounds like we both have been “gotten”. I’m seeing reports that this wasn’t live and just her in front of the green screen….so much for unprofessional….it was just goofy and awkward. Go Bills!
  14. The people producing this live had to have something to do with it otherwise she’d not be posting about it. She’d more likely be reprimanded and issuing an apology don’t you think?
  15. It’s an interesting question and reminds me of the scene in the movie Miracle with Herb Brooks bringing in a kid with talent but who had not been there since the jump. They tell Herbie to send the kid packing because they don’t need him and they are already the group that can get it done. Not entirely sure that wasn’t Hollywood adding drama to an already incredibly awesome story but this may be the situation with the Bills yeah? Go Bills!
  16. Well. The only thing you can say about that game was that it came down to the wire. whoa.
  17. Wouldn’t know. Have muted Nantzy for years so haven’t ever heard anyone who is the booth with that 6’5” walking girl part. Hey too each their own. But Nantzy reminds me of that guy at the club that breaks 90 once and starts giving out golf tips. Also the minute someone he perceives to be cooler or higher in society than you he bolts. But hey I am fully aware I am an acquired taste and couldn’t care less! Enjoy the game and…. Go Bills!
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