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Everything posted by JoeF

  1. Love this. Poyer is this generations Darryl Talley -- the leader who fires the D up and gets them to focus. Glad he is back! My wishes are good health and a Lombardi!
  2. JoeF

    Yolo update

    Great news. Glad I didn't have to resort to this...
  3. He gave the Bills his heart, soul and body. As others have pointed out - his NFL career blossomed in Buffalo. It was a mutual benefit situation. Now, its time for both to move on...the only if in this situation is "if" the price dives below $5M a year it may be worth a look. That will never happen. Rosenhaus will bundle Poyer with another client to keep the floor from going that low.
  4. ...and really beaten to hell....God bless him. Love him. When I think about Jordan now, i think about this scene from Moneyball..
  5. Through a spiritual medium the Jets have contacted the ghosts of Paul Hornung and Max McGee...signings are imminent. Will be paid in Meadcoin which can be used for purchases in the afterlife. Rodgers said to be very impressed with the Jets effort here.
  6. https://www.buckys5thquarter.com/wisconsin-badgers-football/2023/2/22/23610781/former-wisconsin-badgers-dc-jim-leonhard-not-taking-philadelphia-eagles-dc-job-jonathan-gannon Jim Leonhard.... He's called Defensive signals on the field though...set the D on almost every team he played for...and I bet he had the right to adjust/audible
  7. https://m.facebook.com/Rockin-the-Rockpile-The-Buffalo-Bills-of-the-American-Football-League-249809411719000/videos/bengals-at-bills-1969/2103158919717364/?locale=ms_MY My first game in person with my dad (God rest his soul)..at the Rockpile...a couple of cool highlights in here.
  8. Rex is still on the market....if Vance Joseph can go back to Denver..why not Rex...😉
  9. Just got over one -- took 8 weeks to begin running again. You are good @HOUSE Still hope Yolo is taking a well earned break.
  10. Yolo would consistently win the TBD Oscar for best breaking news poster. Hope yolo is sipping an umbrella drink on a beach…
  11. Great to see him and hear him. A great message of thanks and hope.
  12. Great point. There are none....this is a Coach who got fired by his mentor. He sleeps in his office a couple of nights a week during the season. His priority is winning not building Rex Ryan's fraternity house. I just don't understand how the opinion that he is a yes man or weak can be formed, but everyone is entitled to punching out some messages on the keyboard. The best offenses have caught up to and passed this Defense. Its time for changes and more than just tweaks.
  13. I need to find Charlie Steiner and follow him to freedom.....
  14. Put Ferrell Edmunds in at TE now....man is huge...
  15. Had the same experience buying secondary tickets on Ticketmaster...paid $409 each+fees and it was cancelled. Just went back in and used my season ticket code, got comparable tickets for $220 each and no service fee...at least they made up for the gaffe.
  16. Got 2 in section 120 for $409 each plus service fees....yikes...don't tell my wife....
  17. This is worse than Springsteen...damn....
  18. On the road a lot. Everywhere I go when I am wearing a Bills hat, shirt, sweatshirt or even the Firebaugh Eagles sweatshirt I get a ton of Go Bills! Like Chicken Wings, the Bills were born in Buffalo but loved around the world. 😉
  19. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1066813727101485
  20. Our training staff is amazing. They can take parts of Von and Jordan Phillips and make an All Pro Hybrid DE/DT/OLB. Look for VonJo Milphillips next week...
  21. Amazing news with this update. Thank you to the entire medical team that treated and is treating Damar. They truly saved the life of a young man who will do great things.
  22. JoeF

    Prayer Request

    Thank you. God bless.
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