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Everything posted by JoeF

  1. He uses the "f" word like i use the "f' word - every part of speech....and I thought I couldn't love him any more than I do...how wrong I was.
  2. Thoughts and prayers for additional pain and inflammation prior to and on September 8th.....😉
  3. They opened up a Beer Hall...Quite Nice....been once since we moved here. https://surlybrewing.com/destination-brewery/ In many ways MSP reminds me of WNY...great people, strong work-ethic, generational families, gritty, etc. Particularly Saint Paul. Where are you going today? I am headed to the big bedpan.....It kind of goes with Highmark
  4. This is the soccer stadium in Saint Paul (about two miles away from my house)...
  5. The view from my seats at the new stadium..... I will pay the PSL but it means I likely can't afford my meds -- fair warning to everyone. I see Robert Redford at the plate...
  6. Thanks, Tipster. God bless you and your family, particularly your son.
  7. We are headed the wrong direction. We moved from NC to Saint Paul, MN by choice two years ago. Stepson is good at hockey and wanted to play in HS, we have our own consulting business with clients around the country so just need a good airport. Its fun to give a kid an opportunity like this even if his hockey playing days end at High School. This is my second stint in the Twin Cities and I enjoy it. It's gotten me back to being cold weather tough. We are thinking about two centers for retirement...near kids and grandkids so back in NC (likely in the Sandhills area --- Pinehurst) and maybe a little place in a certain town with a football team we both enjoy...
  8. Its a Cleveland tradition dating back to 1989.... https://y.yarn.co/b2265971-9663-4fd7-a737-155a79fc87a0.mp4
  9. Speak the name every day....I know you do my brother.
  10. For anyone, like me, who has lost a child its must see TV. The part about Colby starts at the 7 minute mark. It rivals Jim Kelly's tribute to Hunter upon his induction.
  11. Face it, Joe Schoen was an anchor on this Front Office. So much better without him. This "outstanding in training camp" draft is evidence of that....
  12. Prayers and condolences to his family and his ex-girlfriend.
  13. Excellent post Alpha...and to this point...best route I have seen live. Just before the play I turned to my son and said, watch Diggs school Lattimore on this play...
  14. "Bills Running Backs receive immediate feedback regarding their performance in drills."
  15. Hey ***** Cancer, stay away from our coach you bastage.
  16. When I tell people I "grew up (until I was 11)" in Buffalo there is almost an intimidation factor. It's like I survived the worst of hell. I know its their image of the weather..constant blizzards, unbearable cold, all that crapola. This narrow and uninformed perspective consistently makes me more proud of my hometown. I don't get defensive. I acknowledge the weather is not the best in winter and joke that with climate change Buffalo will have a San Diego-like climate "soon". I also tell folks about the pride that current residents and ex-pats have for Buffalo. The weather doesn't define us but our grit, determination, willingness to help others, the Bills, Wings, our unique mix of arts and hard nosed hockey and football do. I think what Buffalo has is somewhat unique (Saint Paul where I live now, parts of Boston, Milwaukee all have it to a degree). Its a pride that only comes from folks generally thinking its a hell hole but from personal experience knowing better. Its a pride that comes from knowing that its a community that helps people out of a snow bank, that every Bills tailgate is open invitation, that every summer sunset on the lake is spectacular, that even during the dead of winter the neighborhood watering hole will be open. Dan Pompei did a great job on this story. Von Miller is a spectacular addition on paper and appears ready to deliver on the field.
  17. I know that entered into to his concept strategy for this particular rendition of the Bills logo.
  18. James Cook's new nickname should be Picasso
  19. Is football a team game, like baseball? I could see Kim playing the Al Capone role from the Untouchables when she is off the Injury list.
  20. The last time I replied in support of one of your comments, I got pistol whipped, but here I go again...I never learn. I am +1 on this.
  21. Good/great news. Keep praying. I am thinking she is ready by week 1 in LA. 😉
  22. Today, the NFL announced a new massage protocol for players and female massage therapists to follow. Termed the "unhappy ending", the new protocol is for the safety of the masseuse and the player.
  23. The Bills media team does such a great job. This is such an endearing group of players. Everyone with their individual story. Glad we get to see some of this.
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