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Everything posted by JoeF

  1. The Bills media team does such a great job. This is such an endearing group of players. Everyone with their individual story. Glad we get to see some of this.
  2. Was not calling you out @Reed83HOF...forgive me if it seemed that way. I apologize.
  3. Valid observation.... and I don't feel singled out. I checked this three times today to see if there were any updates hoping for the breaking news that Kim would be getting better. I figured with good minded folks like Yolo and others that kind of news would be posted here first. My decency comment was not meant to denigrate any TSW poster. It was more of a general comment about folks putting value over being first out with news rather than being accurate. Its good feedback though and I appreciate it. I guess on this story, I will wait for Wawrow to update us.
  4. Decency has went the way of the dinosaur in the age of the Internets and newsflash by twitter. But I am just an old fart so what the hell do I know. Get well, dear Kim.
  5. Hey John Wawrow, great story. Thanks for the background information. All of us on the board have experienced someone we love being sick - and many of us have experienced it being a sudden onset of a medical condition. I pray for Kim's recovery, but also for Terry, Jessica, Kelly, Matt and Kim's stepchildren (Michael and Laura). This has to be difficult even if it's, hopefully, a temporary scare. Over the last few years, the Pegula's have become the "royal" family of Buffalo. Its like our queen is ill and it makes me sad and sick. https://apnews.com/article/buffalo-bills-nfl-sports-e90615cde16da4efa798a029f0d5c8ec
  6. Prayers to Kim, Terry and family. Get well soon.
  7. Live look-in at Browns PR Department (Note: no degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon)
  8. Barley, I had forgotten all about the Kraft issue. Kraft got no punishment....You know Rusty Hardin is playing that card with the NFL and threatening the league with action if there is evidence of an owner standard that is different from the player standard. The situations may not be similar but the Browns and Hardin will try to draw comparisons. The Kraft decision may make it hard for the Goodell and the league to hand out punishment based on what they find. They won't say it publicly but they will likely exhaust great effort trying to distinguish Watson's multiple encounters (and if they were unsolicited or forced acts) from Krafts frequenting a massage parlor for a happy ending. What a freakin' mess...exacerbated by the Browns and $230M guaranteed.
  9. Sad that folks post this kind of stuff without the sarcasm qualifier my Bills brother. She wanted it...she was giving me that look....WTF???? 😒
  10. If the Trevor Bauer suspension is a guide....Watson will hit the field again just after the End of Days.....but MLB is not the NFL. Rusty Hardin's evolvement has went from: - This is a character assassination on the part of the Texans, to - There is no truth to any of this and all these women are liars, to - Happy endings are normal and not illegal Next may be a little **zz in the face never hurt anyone....
  11. I figured the facial would be the other way around....(***** I have now gone full toilet humor)....
  12. Stay out of range........the theme in the Cleveland Browns training room...
  13. Didn't realize Brady went to William & Mary. McDermott's been watching him a long time....probably factored in a bit. I like the fact that Dorsey isn't shy about bringing in staff that have called plays. This coaching staff, from a teaching and experience perspective, might be one of the better ones in Bills history. It matches the talent on the roster. That said, I hope that they are playing through a bunch of critical game scenarios this off-season, like up by 3 with 13 seconds left.
  14. One day contract. Retiring as a Bill in your honor. (I kid, I kid)
  15. Where can I bet on Bears QB's throwing more INTs than TDs this year!!!!!
  16. I am and stop calling me Shirley. Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.
  17. The culture change and roster makeover was done at light-speed when you think about it. McDermott had a vision when he was hired. Imagine McD having to sit through questions from Russ and Doug - the pair that thought Rex Ryan could save the franchise. Looking back on this, McDermott was probably thinking - the first thing that needs to happen is that you two yahoos need to exit. Five months after hiring, McDermott is basically given the keys to shape the franchise. He influences the hiring of Beane. Beane's sole focus becomes finding a franchise QB and the Bills positioned themselves to select the QB from the 2018 draft class that best fit their city, their vision for the locker room and their view of a work ethic. A simple revealing of a 14 year olds boy's texts was maybe the only divine intervention in the process causing Josh to be there when the Bills picked. The Bills are positioned for a long run of relevance. I will take some difficult lessons for the Head Coach on in-game management in exchange for where the Bills are right now. Sundays in the fall are happy times at the F household and will be for the foreseeable future.
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