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Everything posted by BillsFan130

  1. Am I the only one going for the chiefs tonight so they can stay ahead of Miami? Yes I hate Miami that much..
  2. Did it really flip momentum though? Even if bills punted, eagles were scoring from wherever they were on the field. their own 10, 25, or the bills 30. It didn’t matter Bills defence had absolutely no answer in the 2nd half/overtime and the only way for the bills to win was for Josh to be perfect. That’s a pretty unrealistic expectation to have
  3. 1 INT, no fumbles in 59 drop backs… in the rain on the road lol. That’s amazing ball security considering those circumstances
  4. You make good points. But I still think it’s a responsibility he should be able to handle. Reid, Shanahan, Mcvay, Taylor, McDaniel, McCarthy. Those are all coaches who calls plays who have had great success this year or in the past. (There are more as well) I believe more than 50 percent of head coaches in the NFL calls plays for Their team
  5. That’s fair to a certain degree But I remember talking to you about him during the eagles game and you were roasting him off one bad pass lol. The guy was the best player in the NFL that week. That’s why I questioned you to where you have him ranked cause even when he’s elite (like on Sunday), you were still blasting him
  6. Sorry misunderstood that. Got it. You seem to be super tough on him. Like if I didn’t know better and I were just reading your posts on him, I would think you have him as a mediocre QB
  7. Ok “when he’s on his game” doesn’t really answer the question though. So in a 17 game season averaging out the highs and lows, where do you rank him roughly?
  8. Every time I’ve seen your posts, you seem to rip on Josh. You even somewhat excused the defensive performance on Sunday saying the eagles had a lot of short fields and put a lot of blame on Josh for that one INT. (Even though he was the best player in football that week) So my question to you is: Do you not think he’s a good QB and where do you rank him in terms of QB? I just don’t get where you’re going with this constant crusade on Josh so I’m genuinely curious lol
  9. Here’s where you’re right and here’s where I believe you’re a bit off. yes they care about results primarily, that’s where you’re right. however: No one wants to be thrown under the bus. And a leader should never do that to his coaches/players. Under any circumstance example: Joe Brady saying “it’s not Josh’s fault or gabes fault, it’s mine”. That is taking ownership. When you say “it starts with me” and then basically blame everyone but yourself essentially, that’s not taking ownership. That’s deflection. Once again and I don’t say this to sound condescending in anyway. I highly recommend you read extreme ownership by Jocko and you’ll understand my issues with McDermott in his post game presses
  10. “Starts with me”. Then goes on to blame everyone else but himself basically . You don’t do that as a leader/coach “Extreme ownership “ by Jocko. if you haven’t read that, highly recommended. That’s how a leader should lead.
  11. Ok I’ll give him that as he did take some responsibility there. Thats extremely rare from him though and yes I’ve heard him speak many times after a loss. He passive aggressively throws players and coaches under the bus all the time . ”i felt like we scored too fast there” against Denver. Like that’s a disgraceful thing to say as a “leader” especially when his idiotic defensive play calling and the special teams gaf (which as the head coach he’s ultimately responsible for) cost them the game.
  12. Yep. I don’t know why people get caught up so much in the INTs. Does he have to limit them at times? For sure. But we see how ordinary he is when “Josh “ isnt allowed to be “Josh” Got to take some bad with the greatness
  13. When has McDermott ever taken ownership after a loss in the last two years? he will either say “we didn’t execute “. Or even something as ridiculous as blaming his offensive coordinator for scoring too fast at the end of the broncos game lol
  14. Joe Marino said against the eagles that the bills basically ran the same defence all game long. The eagles adjusted in the 3rd quarter, and McDermott had no counter off the eagles adjustment (again according to Joe Marino)
  15. His reasoning was basically because the rain which is ridiculous makes absolutely no sense because up to that point, the bills had like 460 Yards of offence, only one sack and one turnover in about 88 plays. The guy has absolutely no feel for the game
  16. A coach taking ownership. Not used to hearing that from our head coach I applause Joe Brady for that
  17. He passive aggressively throws his players and coaches under the bus all the time . He never says “it’s my fault “. listen to a Dan Campbell post game press after a loss compared to MCD. MCD never takes any ownership and that is a sign of a terrible leader
  18. 1. 13 seconds 2. Houston playoff game 3. This loss 4. Vikings game last year 5. Hail murray game there are so many other horrible ones as well lol
  19. Vikings went wayyy too conservative when they had the ball last possession. Ran it twice . if they got one first down, it would have been essentially over
  20. McDermott made a lot of awful decisions, but I don’t think that was one of them. Your 5 million dollar kicker simply just has to make that kick.
  21. The Vikings and bears are basically the bills with less talent. Two dumb teams
  22. Dobbs is awful tonight. Too bad as he’s an easy guy to go for
  23. To be honest I don’t think you’re wrong. I disagree on the Frazier part as I don’t think he will be back. But I got a weird feeling that MCD is going to be back. (Although he absolutely should not be)
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