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Everything posted by KGun12TD

  1. I knew this thread would have a few gems and boy did it ever! ???
  2. You ever head of BEANE? How about “The Process”? No? Well you need to know that Beane ‘s got it under control and you need to trust “The Process”. ?
  3. THIS!!! I know we all want to see them crumble...but THIS!!! When I see it, I will believe it!
  4. LMFAO!!! This board cracks me up...Good times! Go Bills.
  5. Thank you for this...Diggs got a bad rap cause he wanted to be a part of the offense...is that a bad thing? UGh!
  6. I think this was supposed to be in the "Sky is Falling" thread. Mods, please merge.
  7. Why are we blowing our chances at COMP Picks?
  8. We got to get used to picking in the 20s and 30s...This is the new norm.
  9. I was once asked and I said “right here, right now”. ?
  10. In all fairness to Rosen, he’s been in two really poor situation. He had a lot of talent coming into the draft...I kinda feel badly for him.
  11. The NFL needs to put a stop to guys like this...The Bungals have the 1st pick and that where he should go if they pick him...I can't imagine how I would feel if it was the Bills and this was playing out.
  12. As far as I read...he didn’t make the claim initially (after the game). It wasn’t until they fined him...but your point is alarming if true...
  13. This is exactly what I’m thinking. I think he said it and now he’s got nothing else to go by. This is sad and dangerous.
  14. I get that racism exist. I’ve experienced it first hand...but I can’t help but to think that Garrett is thinking he can get away with this. The NFL records all of this stuff...most huddle and piles are recorded for audio. None of his teammates heard it, none of Rudolph’s teammates heard it and Neither did the tech used by the NFL IMHO, Garrett is irresponsible for his claim and deserves to be judged for it!
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