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Everything posted by K-9

  1. Especially if it means something.
  2. Like the old saying goes, sometimes it’s better to be lucky than good.
  3. Me too, but if JBotts had his way, TT wouldn’t be here doing what he’s doing right now.
  4. The Sabres wanted Robert Thomas or Jordan Kyrou but the Blues wouldn’t budge on that issue. Botterill definitely had to “settle” for Thompson.
  5. You’re right. I shouldn’t have insulted lying bags of excrement like that.
  6. Bugs Bunny did a Lorena Bobbitt on the United States!
  7. I’m looking for some home cooked calls for D holding against the Jets this week.
  8. Acquaint yourself with the specific CA statute and what the acceptable defenses are. In CA, in addition to the victim outright saying she was over 18, things like appearance, dress, or attendance in a bar or other adult venue may all be considered reasonable in determining why the accused thought the victim was of age.
  9. Didn’t her lawyer file a civil suit? Any idea of that status?
  10. Damn. That’s a huge blow to this defense. I hope he will be a fixture on the sidelines with his boys to offer advice.
  11. Yeah. I mean it’s one thing for satirists to joke about it, quite another for on air media personalities.
  12. Gonna resort to insults I see. It’s been a joke for a long time, given it’s geographic location and shape. Google “who said florida is america's penis.” You’re welcome.
  13. I believe Edmunds was playing hurt in that game as well. Nice to have a (mostly) healthy D this time around.
  14. Always loved the gulf coast of Florida. Not sure if it’s still the case, but it had a completely different vibe than the east coast, not to mention south Florida back in the day.
  15. Perhaps you should have included the word “Florida” in your search. 😂
  16. Given it’s geographical shape and location, it’s been a comedic theme for a long time now. If you want actual names, dates, etc. just try googling the subject.
  17. They don’t call it America’s Penis for nothing.
  18. They should worry more about the Chargers game at the moment. Seeking weather information nearly two weeks out reeks of desperation.
  19. “Look how defeated the Patriots are.” So true. When Allen does that crazy stuff that only a few guys on the planet have ever been able to do, after you’ve done everything right on a play to stop him, he just rips the competitive soul from your body. I imagine it’s often very deflating to play against him.
  20. Been waiting for a TE screen for a while now, but for whatever reason(s) we suck at executing them.
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