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Everything posted by K-9

  1. Wilkins grabs the package from either direction, whether he’s over the top of the pile or under the pile. So I’ll bet both the over and the under.
  2. As explained to me by an engineer who actually performs this kind of analysis for structural design all over the world, the biggest contributor to creating the swirling wind effect at the stadium is the wall of seats at the tunnel end that is perpendicular to the prevailing winds out of the west. The wind swoops down from the scoreboard end crashes into the tunnel end and can only dissipate sideways. The last time I tried to explain that here, I was shouted down and told the engineer didn’t know what he was talking about. But I trust his analysis.
  3. Fair point. I know Josh can rip it thru the wind straight at it, but that stadium tends to swirl at field level and in all my years there, I’ve never seen any QB master the cross wind. From Namath to Elway to Marino to Kelly to Josh, they’ve all succumbed to that dreaded cross wind in that stadium. If it’s gotta be windy, I’d love to see a nice steady left to right wind towards the tunnel.
  4. I guess Chicago, Cleveland, Cinnci, Pittsburg, Boston, and every other outdoor northern “weather city” (whatever the F that means) shouldn’t have teams as well. If the weather is in the heads of Phin players and coaches half as much as its in the heads of their fans and pundits, good for us.
  5. In old Nantucket Some are able to suck it Better wear ear muffs
  6. Haiku elitists With their noses in the air Need to branch out more
  7. Haven’t been accused of that in a while, so I’ll take it.
  8. 😂 Neither. Its been my tradition to add a limerick to the Miami haiku thread for as long as we’ve been doing this. Besides, I already did two haikus.
  9. That $2.77 an hour is $21.75 in today’s world. Not too shabby for an entry level job with opportunities for advancement.
  10. The Miami coach named McDaniel Will face a team he can’t handle Because the blizzard and cold Will see his team fold As the harsh winds blow out his candle
  11. If Beane and McDermott can forgive him for being the pain in the butt he was around the facility last season and talk it all out like Beasley said they did, then I can say, “Welcome back to the fold.” Cole seems genuinely contrite in wanting to right the wrongs from last season and I have a lot of respect for that. I hope he made amends with other people in various parts of the building as well. It was sometimes difficult for trainers, medical staff, and others around the team to navigate his refusal to follow certain protocols the first couple of months of last season. And it’s heartbreaking to hear that story about his son.
  12. I remember the dyslexic greeter at that Fuddruckers that got fired because he kept saying, “Welcome to RudeF**kers.”
  13. Not surprised, especially with LA, where at one time re-runs of Gilligans Island and Sunday matinee movies had higher ratings on local channels. And the local affiliates who were forced to carry their games and often came in third in the ratings as a result, were none too happy about it.
  14. As a short length, man to man CB, Ronald Darby was simply not the type McD desires at the position. McD prefers longer athletes who can play zone as well as man. Darby just didn’t fit the mold, so McD wasn’t about to waste his time developing a player he didn’t prefer.
  15. How does any of that prevent a 290 pound D lineman from falling on your ankle? Well, we will know one way or the other sometime within the next nine days.
  16. I wonder what Brown’s numbers would have looked like if he had Andrew Luck throwing to him his first seven years. Hilton sure seemed to miss him after Luck retired if the nose dive in numbers mean anything.
  17. Buffalo’s McD Kicks ass and embarrasses Miami’s McD
  18. That was definitely Sully. I recognize that whiney voice from various village establishments back in the day.
  19. Chris Simms makin’ friends in South Beach😂
  20. How many horseshoes can fit up Miami’s ass?
  21. Lemme see if I understand this correctly; if Miami wins tonight they will play with less desperation next week? Division record
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