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Everything posted by frostbitmic

  1. It's the kind of call that never gets made against a certain team in our division.
  2. I'm rooting for a meteor to come down and obliterate the patriots side of the field. Any Bills fan that can root for a patriots victory should have their fan card cut in half.
  3. Nah ... it has already been written by the league, Brady will win the next 4 Super Bowls before he retires.
  4. It sucks for Wentz but they weren't going to beat the patriots in the Super Bowl anyway.
  5. McCoach will be here 4 more seasons minimum.
  6. Didn't Shady get 200+ yards in the snow while with Philly ?
  7. 1. Steelers over Ravens 2. Raiders over Chiefs 3. Cardinals over Titans 4. Seahawks over Jaguars 5. Washington over Chargers 6. Bears over Bengals 7. Broncos over Jets 8. Patriots over Dolphins I just can't root for the patriots ever
  8. I think the thing I liked about Hue was that he wanted to keep the Schwartz as his DC and that Hue was an offense kinda guy. We'll never know if I was right or wrong but it sure as hell would've been better than Wrex.
  9. When I had my rear wheel drive Thunderbird I had to use snow tires or I'd go nowhere in the snow. Bridgestone Blizzaks worked great. With my front wheel drive car I get by with all seasons.
  10. Hurt What I imagine you feel after face planting a bus.
  11. After the next patriots game some player for the Bills will trade jerseys with Gronkowski.
  12. Of course he was ... The Browns knew who they wanted when they fired their GM earlier this week.
  13. 1971 Baltimore Colts @ Buffalo Bills at the old rockpile. We had goal line seats which would've been great at the other end of the field. The Bills lost 43-0 and every point scored except for one FG was at the other end. I was thrilled though because I was a Baltimore Colts fan. That ended when they moved to Indianapolis.
  14. He'll likely be the #5 WR and won't see the field. Benjamin Jones Thompson Tate Reilly
  15. Way back when I thought it would be a great idea to hire Hue as HC and keep The Schwartz as DC ... But they hired Rex I'd bet the streak of futility would've ended by now.
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