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Everything posted by billybrew1

  1. We’ll see how the Bills feel about Hodgins and Stevenson right after the draft…. My bet is take one WR rather high (first to third) and one rather low (6th -7th). So the high one makes it and Hodgins, Stevenson and the low round rookie battle for one spot. Imho, Stevenson has a big edge because by this summer he should be much better as a returner which we need direly. The draft pick will also have return skills I bet….
  2. 13. QB, 2 OL, 2 WR, RB, LB, DL, 2CB, S, P, KR, PR…..
  3. A GM has to make tough and hard choices and Jerry is nowhere near his prime, he should retire. I. Love the guy but this is business. We are in the business of winning a SB….
  4. Beane never gives up on a high draft pick that quickly and besides I think he has a long way to go and wil have a good season finally next year…. Nah, we don’t have an great players in their prime even. Like Pittsburgh has Hayward and Watt and SD has two, the raiders have two even if Chandler is past his prime. Washington has four I believe… we’re not even close but it is a lot better after today….
  5. Wait, just counting how many actual players we need…. I’m going to Beasley as long as Beane does, the same with Star…. I count two OL, you need at least one extra for camp and Doyle and Ford are iffy…. One QB. One WR to replace Sanders. Another WR for camp. One RB for better skill there. 0 TEs, 0 FBs. That’s six for the offense. Two corners (probably three for camp at least) we always seem to draft a S late so I’ll say one but I like our backup Ss even if their slow. Someone to compete at backup LB, at least one, And one more End at least for camp. I’ll say three corners…so, Six defenders. STs… A P, KR, PR… I think the Bills want one man to handle kicks but that may be difficult. But McKenzie can return Kicks… I count that we still need 16 players for camp. We have nine draft picks and it sez here we might use them all without trading up…. Although we still probably will at some point and finish it off with UDFAs…. Right now it looks to me like - CB, WR, OL, RB, OL, CB, P, LB, S…. If we don’t sign anymore FAs. But I expect at the very least another Kromer special…. I love that we have a second maybe capable TE…. We’ll see but the skill is off the chart for OJ….Maybe he’s ready! Bam! 12 offense. Just like the colts which I love… And maybe Beane finds a replacement RB? IDK?
  6. Now that we have filled our top two holes in DT and DE it looks like WR/CB or CB/WR…. Probably corner first but the WRs may be tempting…. If we waive Star all bets are off though…. We need to hit OL too a couple times….though I think Kromer gets us another OL signed….We still need 8…. We need a RB….P…PR…KR…and another CB too…. Maybe we trade down a little then go up some later…. Get four good picks by round three…. WR, CB, OL, RB….or two corners instead of the back…
  7. We just keep pushing money into the following years like all the big clubs…. Every year the Cowboys are like 37 mill over the cap and then they sign someone….
  8. Billieve it or don’t but the Sabres are in place and if the Pegulas, along with KA and the HC all get on the same page and get the Sabres what they need they will be entertaining next season for sure…. But we have to add some vet talent this offseason….imho…. The Sabres have some exciting young talent talent creeping up and a couple vets already…. I knew the Bills had to do something big for the front seven and we did it. I just hope Beane swung at the right pitch…. I think it’s a helluva gamble going with a 32 year old. Admittedly, there really wasn’t a better choice I can think of. You could say Mack but I think that is very debatable and I love that we still have our picks. Lordy, Lordy, I sure hope Beane is right and we can hoist the Lombardi next year! Go Bills!
  9. I completely disagree. The object of the game is to win a Super Bowl. It is also important that Buffalo gets that losing mentality off our mind. If Beane is smart, he is looking for a major mistake from somebody to get that front seven defender we badly need. I was thinking if Beane missed and shots at it and I don’t know. Like, paying Chandler Jones is a big gamble in my eyes. But, I think, we had a shot at Buckner when he was traded away from the niners….or did we get Diggs that year? IDK, but the point is we have to be ready to act and get that special player. Now if C Jones was three years younger…. Maybe it’s him? Plus, draft an active, strong DT …we might have something…. But I’m for winning Super Bowls and pushing monies into the following year. We could actually do this every year we have Allen and when we lose him, we decide to have a down year….But Beane has to be ready and he has to have scenarios on how to better (mostly on defense) while keeping the O very dangerous. Go Bills!
  10. I don’t know? Maybe a great GM needs to throw costs into the wind and just get that guy that gives you a much better shot at a SB? The Broncos paid that Cowboys Pass Rusher a ton to give them two and they won a SB. We’re still looking for one…. Can we say this? A great GM finds a way to win a SB….
  11. Lotsa teams got their one guy and won Super Bowls. The rams did it just last year. It is very common.
  12. Yeah, but do you think Chandler is worth 17 mill? Me? I don’t know? I was waiting to see Chandler make some plays towards the end of the season in Az. and saw nothing…
  13. That’s true, but we still are out of luck and badly in a whoever has the ball last wins scenario…. So we are given Allen 1:1 odds of winning a playoff game vs. a good opponent. We do NOT have the defense we need to be a powerhouse. If we don’t do something brilliant I expect the Bills to lose their current vegas odds title.
  14. If the cowboys or broncos or 49ers or rams or NO or Tampa had JA they would have won a SB by now. Whoever said how can NO be in on Watson is correct. You CAN continually push monies into the future.
  15. What sucks is Chandler Jones isn’t worth 17 mill. So, while I want to blame Beane, I don’t know how he could have got a great DL. Except out-bid the colts when the niners traded away Buckner….We should of bid in that one….I think anyway… how much does Buckner make? I loved that trade for the colts…. Maybe the 49ers didn’t want Allen to get Buckner though… Were there any other trades Beane could have made?
  16. I really think that Chandler Jones was a gamble at his age and maybe if a guy that was just as good but younger became available, the Bills would find the money. The cap is soft. You can push money into the following year. We have to win a Super Bowl with the great Josh Allen. We cannot blow this. We should have won one already…. I sure hope the Pegulas and McBeane understand this… And finally, you don’t win a Super Bowl standing pat. Eventually has to make the moves. Little moves are…. are far from guaranteeing a Super Bowl appearance. Beane HAS to find that missing player, imho… the one that pushes us iover the edge. On this team, it looks like a front four defender….
  17. I get the humor but the raiders did make the playoffs…and CJ makes them markedly more dangerous….They have two major pass rushers now….
  18. Freaking stealers are living up to their name…. Getting Trubisky and Wallace on dirt cheap deals….I h8 them….
  19. I thought it the second we signed Kromer. It’s a shot. A small one I think but definitely a shot. I expect another Kromer FA addition…maybe not a starter but a good backup at least. I think we’re going to draft one too… Knock on wood, with any luck we’ll have a top five OL this year! Hopefully less contact for Josh, more for our RBs and receivers… This is such an exciting time of year. The Bills roster is going to change quite a bit more this FA… Star gone maybe… So, the DT room greatly changed….Hopefully we really feel strong about the team after FA and feel like it’s going to be one or another position drafted (2). Maybe WR and CB? That is, if we get Chandler. Keep Star or sign another DT…. We do both of those things and the DL is set. Another Kromer special and a third rounder ought to finish the OL mostly. That leaves WRs and CBs at one and two, baby! Although I always thought it an easy path to go FA at WR as they’ll line up at the door for a chance at a one year deal with Josh…. So if we go FAs at WR that’s fine and perhaps go DL instead. The point is can Beane cut down the holes a lot before the draft? Lets watch…. Go Bills!
  20. LOL! Everyone’s first thought… the AFC is killing me! damn good thing we have the best one, but man! Crazy stuff!
  21. We’ve got to get someone… but perhaps the available players cannot really help us? Too old, etc… People say Jones can still play but I watched AZ at the end of the season and Jones never popped out… Miller is nowhere near his peak glory…. anybody else?
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