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White Linen

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Everything posted by White Linen

  1. I'll give it a whirl. She's crazy beautiful, with an A+ chest. But darn, absolutely no butt, none. And I'm telling you, in 15 years those big old boobies are going to drop very low. The dude with her when she's 39 is going to have a saggy boobed, not butt, gorgeous girl. She's always going to be beautiful, but there's going to be a day those big boobs aren't going to be as helpful as they are now.
  2. I heard him say that too. Strange how an opinion from a guy like Mayock changes how you feel about a player.
  3. I don't think he would come to Buffalo, he'll want to play for a contender.
  4. Hilarious. I actually really needed that laugh this morning.
  5. I have said it once, I'll say it again. I don't think they should extend Fred. Not that I don't like him or appreciate his talent. But I just think it's bad business to spend too much on the RB position, expecially for a team like Buffalo where the needs are many especially at more crucial positions.
  6. This is a tough call because I also think the Bills are void of high end talent. If Coples is the talent and Upshaw is solid, man it would be difficult not to go after talent and try to motivate it.
  7. Honestly I wouldn't mind signing Spikes who in this article is a possible cut casualty also.
  8. Funny, but kind of a cruel picture of those kids man.
  9. I know I'm going to get ridiculed for saying this, but I don't think we should extend Jackson. It's clear to me that the combination of Spiller and Choice did a very nice job with Fred out. I think we should let Fred play out his contract and let him walk. I'm much more concerned about extending Stevie, Chandler, Urbik, Bell, and/or Rinhart. And 2012 players in their final year Levitre, Byrd, and Moorman. For those that disagree which impending free agents would you be willing to let go to sign Fred? I'd say you would have to pick 3 out of the 8 I mentioned above.
  10. The Pro Bowl has to exist, the NFL has been measuring players using that benchmark. I'd prefer something along the lines of a skills contest.
  11. It's interesting reading these responses. Some guys are outraged by what seems to be a slight towards the city we love, and other guys are like calm down who cares masking their contempt by saying it's a fair comment in comparison to other great cities to visit. As I read the responses I switched each time I read a comment. I got pissed then It rolled off my back. The truth is it's both. It's definitely a knock on our home city (whether he calculated that or not) and that makes me angry as hell because that's where I'm from, but we sort of deserve being a whipping post from a sports perspective, and Buffalo isn't the city it used to be or should have been.
  12. You live in a box. I hardly think it's mostly. How do you know it's their husbands money and even if the inception of it was it's theirs now. Lastly, who said anything about designer shoes? Duh, really?
  13. Nope, he's a "a skinny jewish 30 yr old jewish guy!" He's saying it twice and yelling it.
  14. Not high end, "very high end". Pardon us Mr. Gucci Loafers.
  15. I mostly agree with you Maddog, but All-Pro at each is a bit of a stretch. I'll define it a different way. You have to have players at most of those positions you can build around. In other words each one of those positions can't all be a need to have a chance to compete. The Bills made a little run in the beginning of the year by some guys playing above their ability, some good game planning, and some nice chemistry. But that alone doesn't sustain itself. High end talent does. So I agree that it starts with QB, if you don't have one that gives you a chance at a playoff run there's not much else to talk about. There isn't a pass rusher alive that will elevate Fitz to playoff caliber.
  16. I don't really know what to think about the prospect of signing this type of player. But I do know that I didn't expect to get ran on the way we did even when Kyle was in the lineup. That alone makes me lean towards NT being one of our biggest needs.
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