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White Linen

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Everything posted by White Linen

  1. This front office only wants white players. Soon when that's all we have you'll be right.
  2. And if he would have signed Maybin to his rookie contract on time .......
  3. I don't know that they've wasted those picks any more than most teams. My only point is drafting in the top 3 increases your percentages of getting the pick right. Our debate is using the Lions as an example.
  4. I think the point is our failure hasn't been bad enough to totally rebuild our team through the draft. For a team (Buffalo) that relies almost exclusively on the draft and third tear FA's drafting in the 8-15 range puts you in a bit of a tough spot.
  5. I don't get why you think it would happen here? I would have the exact opposite opinion. If the Bills went on a playoff run this fan base would support the team like nothing seen before.
  6. I don't think "bright spot" nearly depicts what they've done. They've been dominant.
  7. It's really not difficult to see. They found their franchise QB. Everything else comes together when that happens or at least has the opportunity to.
  8. I think the heart of any team on both sides of the ball are the lines. To me the QB should be the brains. In saying that I think our offensive line has played not just good but borderline great. We run the ball and protect the QB we are 4th in the league in rushing yards and 4th in yds/carry. And like another poster stated we are tied for first in sacks allowed. I tried to find where we stack up in QB hurries allowed but couldn't. So within those stats manifests our debate. Is it Fitz or our lack of talent at WR? The easy answer is to say it's some of both but I hope the FO knows. Because we are faced with a tough decision. Do we go after one of the very talented QB's coming out or do we draft a WR? I totally understand the argument to do neither and go after a pass rusher, which is going to make things very interesting. I'm personally undecided with a lean towards giving up on Fitz and getting a QB, but I don't know if the FO will do it. To me until you have a franchise QB that's your biggest need. Call me impatient but I'm not sure I want to wait 3 years to figure out Fitz isn't the guy.
  9. You think the one year they were together would cause him to argue against Gailey using Tight Ends?
  10. There's absolutely zero evidence supporting your theory. Nothing more than speculation. I'm not sure how your example of our GM not having anything to do with a trade supports what your claiming.
  11. I'm not sure I understand this part? Gailey's been often linked to having a history of not using tight ends.
  12. This is blatantly and patently not true.
  13. Did I say you did? Relax. Are you naive enough to not realize this debate is always lined with vitriol? All you did was "ask who was better"? Yeah ok. That's like saying all I did was ask if we should have kept Maybin. I think you need to take a bit more responsibility than that.
  14. I bet his hand was sore after signing all of those autographs and it's probably contributing to his passing woes. Has that been said?
  15. They are completely different running backs. Second Spiller doesn't have the body of work to compare to Jackson, so it's speculation not a comparison. I don't get why it has to be such an ugly debate either. The only name calling debate should be if Lynch enters this argument, but both of these guys are on our team. Why would that be an "I told you so" discussion?
  16. When I take my family to the zoo, we expect to see animals.
  17. I totally agree. I'd rather stick with Chan if the options aren't one of the top tier coaches. Of course this can be predetermined by contacting these coaches agents. My assumption will be that if Chan is here next year, it wasn't possible to land one of the big names, and I would agree with that decision. The only other scenario that seems realistic is if Ralph were to pass (which I do not believe in hoping for this), I would think the new ownership would clean house.
  18. This teams greatest need is QB. If you don't have a franchise QB it's always your biggest need. We don't need to win for moral, we need to lose to have an opportunity at one of this years QB crop.
  19. I don't think it's fair to call Johnson fat and slow. He's a Defensive Tackle playing OLB. I never understood putting him out there.
  20. Not even close. This one stat doesn't support that. I for one think Miami is in much more shambles than we are and have been, among other teams like Jax, Browns, KC, St. louis, Vikings, Washington. I wouldn't take any of these teams over ours.
  21. Why is wishing for anyone to die funny?
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